Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Doctor Who star backs Labour party - Peterborough Today

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:57 PM PDT

Peterborough Today

Doctor Who star backs Labour party
Peterborough Today
Doctor Who star David Tennant has given his backing to Labour as he declared the election a two-horse race. The actor, who became famous for his role in the ...

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Dr Who regenerations 'modelled on LSD' - BigPond News

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:16 PM PDT

BigPond News

Dr Who regenerations 'modelled on LSD'
BigPond News
The BBC1 series recently saw the 11th actor take on the lead role when Matt Smith replaced David Tennant. Regenerations were introduced in 1966 to allow ...

and more »

Who's nicked your tie, Doc? - The Sun

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:05 PM PDT

Who's nicked your tie, Doc?
The Sun
The new Time Lord gave the peace sign as he cuddled up to Karen Gillan, his assistant Amy Pond in the revamped BBC1 series. The pair posed for fans in New ...

and more »

Doctor Who team hits New York

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 11:35 AM PDT

The Doctor Who team have arrived in New York as part of the publicity tour in the run up to the new series launch on BBC America this coming Saturday.

On Monday Matt Smith and Karen Gillan attended an industry screening of The Eleventh Hour at the Paley Center for Media where, along with executive producer Steven Moffat, they answered questions from the specially invited audience.

Smith talked about his audition and how he had to shoot 12 takes of the infamous fish custard scene in The Eleventh Hour. Moffat said his inspiration for the scene came from the Winnie-the-Pooh books, specifically the scene where Tigger claims to like everything, but then proceeds to reject all the foodstuffs offered to him.

Smith and Gillan had time for some sight seeing as well as attending a 'Meet the Cast' event at the Apple SoHo store and giving an interview to TV Guide Magazine and the New York Times.

The trio will attend a special screening of The Eleventh Hour on Wednesday at the Village East Cinema.

'Desperate Housewives' Cast Issues Joint Statement In Response To Nicollette ... - Access Hollywood

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 11:13 AM PDT

'Desperate Housewives' Cast Issues Joint Statement In Response To Nicollette ...
Access Hollywood
John Barrowman, of the BBC's "Torchwood," plays the new bad boy of Wisteria Lane, Patrick Logan, and Access catches up with him on the set of "Desperate ...

and more »

Doctor Who blog: The Beast Below - The Yorker

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:39 AM PDT

Doctor Who blog: The Beast Below
The Yorker
Karen Gillan is wonderful as Amy, playing both the feisty Scot and scared little girl elements of her personality beautifully, while her slight smugness at ...

and more »

Survivors killed off by BBC after two series - Scotsman

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:13 AM PDT

Survivors killed off by BBC after two series
The 21st century version of the 1970s cult show starred Julie Graham and Max Beesley. A BBC spokeswoman said: "The BBC is committed to making a broad range ...

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Eddie Barnes David Cameron faces a job getting public to govern - Scotsman

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:07 AM PDT

Eddie Barnes David Cameron faces a job getting public to govern
The first is what might be termed the Catherine Tate dilemma; many people just won't be bovvered. The second is that many who might be bovvered don't have ...

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Eddie Barnes: David Cameron faces a job getting public to govern - Scotsman

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:02 AM PDT

Eddie Barnes: David Cameron faces a job getting public to govern
The first is what might be termed the Catherine Tate dilemma; many people just won't be bovvered. The second is that many who might be bovvered don't have ...

and more »

Pandora: A Labour of love for film-maker Chadha - Independent

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 10:01 AM PDT

Pandora: A Labour of love for film-maker Chadha
Birt – or the "croak-voiced Dalek", as some Beeb employees christened him – has form with such behaviour. Several years ago, Pandora caught him in similarly ...

Campaign Watch, April 13th - TheDailyDust (satire) (blog)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 09:27 AM PDT

Campaign Watch, April 13th
TheDailyDust (satire) (blog)
Lorraine: Personally i think David tennant is the best doctor, i dont want to see this Matt Smith take the leading...

I loved David Tennant in that episode - Courier Mail

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 09:24 AM PDT

I loved David Tennant in that episode
Courier Mail
Dr Who - David Tennant as The Doctor and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. Picture: Channel ABC Source: Supplied I DON'T know how many of you were up at your ...

Interview with Nick Briggs

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Nick Briggs, voice of the Daleks and Big Finish stalwart
As a superb tie-in to the upcoming Victory of the Daleks - and to promote the excellent new Big Finish audio Homes and the Ripper (by the legendary Brian Clemens) in which he plays the lead role of Sherlock Holmes – we've got an exclusive interview with Nick Briggs!

Best known to Doctor Who fans as the voice of the Daleks and the Cybermen, Nick is also a key figure at Big Finish, where he is an Executive Producer, he directs and writes and also appears in the productions from time to time.

He's also steeped in Doctor Who fandom – as you'll soon see…

Nick kindly began by telling us a bit about his early days as a struggling actor…

I left drama school in the early 1980s and struggled and got nowhere for years, doing odd little bits of very forgettable work. After manfully struggling on, and getting far too involved doing Doctor Who audio plays for love and not money – and I played the bloomin' Doctor! – I decided to officially give up and went to work for a publishing company. I eventually became an editor, but during that time, the 1990s, Colin Baker got me a job in seaside rep, which kick-started my theatre career. And since that time, I've worked in commercial theatre, directing, sound designing and acting.

I've been murderers, murder victims, countless inspectors, Dracula, Sherlock Holmes and King Richard in theatres throughout the land. And I'm still doing all this, in conjunction with my Doctor Who work on audio and TV. I will, for example, be at the Theatre Royal Nottingham this summer, directing and acting in thrillers.

You've been one of the hardest working fans of the show in your time, with the Reeltime Pictures and BBV productions. What do you remember of this time?

These were the jobs I did before I really started to make headway in my career, I suppose. They gave me invaluable experience and taught me so much. And, of course, the Reeltime Pictures Myth Makers interviews introduced me to a lot of the old Doctor Who actors with whom I still work now in Big Finish. BBV gave me great experience of filming under extreme pressure, with virtually no budget as an actor, writer and director. Very character-building stuff! I'm laughing while I'm writing this!

In many ways these productions were the progenitors of modern fan made Doctor Who – how does it feel to know that people are still making fan films, and have you seen many of the recent ones?

I don't think I've seen any recent fan films. Oh, I tell a lie, I did see one quite a few months ago. I can't remember much about it except that it wasn't half bad. The guy who was playing the Doctor was actually pretty good… I think he was American. And the girl was absolutely, proper, film star drop-dead gorgeous. The CGI wasn't bad either. I seem to remember the script was a bit off. But, of course, the incredible technology that's available to amateur film makers can give such a polished look now. God, I would've loved some of that technology to be available when we were doing Auton and Auton II, the straight-to-video dramas I directed.

That was quite a character you played in Children of Earth – relatively brief and subtly insidious. Did you have any particular politician in mind when you breathed life into him?

They sold the part to me as an Alastair Campbell type of spin doctor. I didn't set out to impersonate him, obviously, and there's no way Alastair Campbell would be as nasty as Rick Yates… But I did bear that bullishness in mind. It was great fun to do and I've lobbied Russell T. Davies for a return of the character – the way all actors irritate producers by asking for their characters to come back! – but there's no sign of that happening, alas.

Have you any ambition to feature on screen in Doctor Who, or is voicing an army of various monsters enough for you?

I'm happy to do whatever they ask me. But I'd be a fool to turn down a good part on screen in Doctor Who. But, you know, when they're getting really famous actors to come in and say about five lines, it kind of puts in perspective what my chances would actually be! Still, I'm ever hopeful.

Also as a writer/director, have you any plans for films or TV shows you would like to work on outside of the Who World?

I had a brush with writing for TV when I did some scripts for the now defunct Channel Five soap Family Affairs. It was lovely that I was given that opportunity and I'm eternally grateful to TV mogul Austen Atkinson who gave me the chance. But I found the work utterly soul-destroying. I think it's long enough ago for me to confess now that after writing a couple, I kept making up excuses about being too busy to avoid writing any more. I think that writing that kind of television is for people far more determined to become TV writers than I am – people who are prepared to take all the crap script editing and nonsense notes. I could write a book on the stupid things that were said to me about drama, acting and writing during that process!

I'm much happier doing my own thing in my own little world of Big Finish audios. It means I get to explore my ideas without worrying about second-guessing the views of people who are frankly mostly not concentrating very hard, because they're working on several scripts all at once. I once got pretty close to writing an episode of The Bill… but it was like staring into the pit of Hell. Having said all that, if someone asked me to write a Doctor Who, there's no way I could say no, despite the world of pain that would undoubtedly open up for me. Luckily for my sanity, it seems, no one is going to ask me. Although I can't pretend I'm not a bit sad about that sometimes.

And as for writing outside the Who World, as you put it… yeah, I'd love to write a movie. I'd love to create a TV series. I'd love to do it all! Of course! I love stories. But in order to do all that, you have to suffer years of writing terrible TV in whatever 'house style' is imposed. I know young writers who are going through that now, and smiling through the tears, pretending that it's all invigorating when really they're dying inside and just want to express the stories they want to tell. I have so much respect for writers like that.

I feel too old, ugly and set in my ways to climb that mountain now. But… and you can guess what I'm going to say next, folks… If someone gave me the chance to have a go, I'd be straight in there! Despite all that pain. My ambition in this respect, would be to work with people who could really teach me something. And I certainly always believe I have so much to learn. I don't think the learning curve ever ends.

My dream ambition is to create a science fiction franchise, though. We all have to have dreams, don't we?

Nick Briggs as Sherlock Holmes

As an actor, Doctor Who aside, are there any roles, or types of roles that you would love to play? Along with this, you have a talent for voice acting, have you any plans for cartoon work or animated films?

As for planning to do animation work… I'd love to. But it's so difficult to control your career. But my real ambition as an actor is to play as many varied roles as possible. To stretch myself. But I'm also fond of strong leading roles too. For example, I've played Sherlock Holmes a number of times on stage over the years. And now we're doing a series of Holmes audios for Big Finish, with me in the leading role. We've just released Holmes and the Ripper, by Brian Clemens, and we'll be doing more, later in the year.

How important is it to faithfully reproduce the voices of Daleks and Cybermen whether on TV or for Big Finish?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'faithfully reproduce' the voices. If you mean, make them like they were back in the original series of Doctor Who, then I'm certainly hugely indebted to the some of the original Dalek voice artists. They invented that delivery. But what I hope I've done is take it a bit further, given it a few more levels. No, don't laugh! If you think of the whole range of human expression in the voice as 100%, I think the original Daleks had 10%. I immodestly feel I've pushed it up to about 30%.

Something that's happened with the Daleks now is that, for the first time in the history of Doctor Who, they've had some consistency in the voice. I'm the longest-running voice of the Daleks and I am in control of the technical effect on the voice. So, from Chris Eccleston to Matt Smith, the Dalek voice effect has always been the same. I don't think there was an unbroken run that long in the original series, and frankly they just 'guesstimated' the setting on the voice modulator every time they set it up… so you have Daleks sounding a bit like Pinky and Perky one episode, then in the next episode they sound great!

Well, as you can tell, this voice thing is terribly important to me. I like to have pride in my work, but that doesn't mean that I won't have to see a psychiatrist about this at some point in the future, obviously!

Long-term Doctor Who Magazine readers may recall that an alternative (fake) Ninth Doctor was based on you back in the 1990s – I was actually pretty taken with that incarnation and was a little disappointed when he "shayded" away…

Well, quite. You must be that one fan of my Doctor! I did actually feature in another DWM strip called Party Animals, where I was an indeterminate future incarnation of the Doctor. And aside from playing the Doctor in those amateur audios all those years ago, I featured in a Big Finish production as 'The Previous Doctor', when we had Arabella Weir as the first female Doctor. Oh, and I also played a mad bloke who thought he was the Doctor in a BF story called Minuet in Hell. He'd had all the memories of the Doctor blasted into his head, so woke up believing he was the Doctor. Hold on… and that was years before The Next Doctor. Funny how these ideas keep turning up. Ha, ha…

But it was a great thrill to be in the comic strip. I was working as Press and PR Manager or something at the Scifi Channel when that came out, and my boss kept introducing me to people as 'Doctor Who' and put photocopies of one of the first pages of the strip on everyone's desk in the marketing department. Oh, how we laughed.

Next to David Tennant, you have lived the ultimate fan dream. Moving through the ranks of fan appreciation to officially working for the show and with classic Doctors for Big Finish. Is there ever a day that you wake up and say "No way can this be happening"?

I deliberately make myself think that from time to time, just to remind myself how lucky I am. It's so funny that the second person I texted to say, 'I'm doing the Dalek voices' was actually David Tennant. And a year later, he was Doctor bleedin' Who. Well, it's only right that they give these jobs to the experts!

Many thanks to Nick Briggs for taking the time to speak to us. Holmes and the Ripper is available from Big Finish now for £14.99.

Emma Watson Nominated for Constellation Award - The Leaky

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 08:54 AM PDT

The Leaky

Emma Watson Nominated for Constellation Award
The Leaky
Additionally, actor David Tennant (Barty Crouch Jr.) was nominated for his leading performance in "Doctor Who: The Waters Of Mars." The Constellation Awards ...

and more »

TV Preview: Doctor Who - "The Eleventh Hour" - (blog)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 08:11 AM PDT (blog)

TV Preview: Doctor Who - "The Eleventh Hour" (blog)
Now consider that the most recent Doctor, the Tenth Doctor (portrayed by David Tennant), was massively popular and that although he wasn't the first Doctor ...

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10 Million Watch Eleventh Hour

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 07:54 AM PDT

Well, the discussion about the audience figures for The Eleventh Hour and the rest of the new series of Doctor Who looks set to rumble on, but one thing is certain – television has changed.

Matt Smith and Karen Gillan star in Doctor WhoThanks to SFX, we now know that Matt Smith's UK debut as the Doctor in The Eleventh Hour was seen by 10.08 million viewers, an adjustment of around 2 million viewers. This final figure includes BBC HD viewers and includes BBC iPlayer, Virgin Media on demand and Sky+ viewings.

It's a far cry from being the lowest opening of any of the new Doctor Who series – in face it's only slightly behind Rose, and is the second highest series opener yet!

This list makes the whole situation clearer:

Most Watched New Who Episodes

(by final viewing figures, including HD figures where relevant)

1 Voyage Of The Damned – 13.31 million
2 The Next Doctor – 13.10 million
3 The End Of Time Part Two – 12.18 million
4 The End Of Time Part One – 11.91 million
5 Rose – 10.81 million
6 Journey's End – 10.57 million
7 The Waters Of Mars – 10.32 million
8 The Eleventh Hour – 10.08 million
9 The Christmas Invasion – 9.84 million
10 Planet Of The Dead – 9.74 million

If this doesn't shut The Guardian up, similar final figures for The Beast Below will certainly help…

Q&A with Doctor Who's Steven Moffat (with spoilers!) - (blog)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 07:46 AM PDT

Q&A with Doctor Who's Steven Moffat (with spoilers!) (blog)
You stepped into the very big shoes of previous showrunner Russell T. Davies. How did you go about reinventing the series while trying to keep the show's ...

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Dr. Who's "regeneration" meant to be like bad acid trip - Boing Boing (blog)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 07:01 AM PDT

Boing Boing (blog)

Dr. Who's "regeneration" meant to be like bad acid trip
Boing Boing (blog)
Internal memos recently posted to the BBC Archive reveal that Doctor Who's "regenerations," in which the Time Lord was replaced by a new actor, ...

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Doctor Who's acid test - The Guardian

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 07:00 AM PDT

Doctor Who's acid test
The Guardian
Unless you count the unearthly music created by the BBC's Radiophonic Workshop for their new, hugely successful show, Doctor Who. ...

and more »

Keeping it in the family - acting secrets revealed - Whitehaven News

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:46 AM PDT

Whitehaven News

Keeping it in the family - acting secrets revealed
Whitehaven News
And of course the first episode of the new Doctor Who series featured his companion Amy Pond (actress Karen Gillan) who was portrayed as a young girl by her ...

BBC axes sci-fi drama Survivors after two series - Daily Mail

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:32 AM PDT

Daily Mail

BBC axes sci-fi drama Survivors after two series
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter The 21st century version of the 1970s cult show, this time starring Julie Graham and Max Beesley, has suffered from falling ratings. ...

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Doctor Who star backs Labour party - Paisley Daily Express

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:31 AM PDT

Doctor Who star backs Labour party
Paisley Daily Express
Doctor Who star David Tennant has given his backing to Labour as he declared the election a two-horse race. The actor, who became famous for his role in the ...

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Torchwood Star Pens Comic - Comic Book Resources

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:27 AM PDT

Torchwood Star Pens Comic
Comic Book Resources
by CBR News Team, Editor | More from this Author | The new issue of the official Torchwood magazine – on sale 15th April – plays host to an exclusive ...

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Rat on a sinking ship - The Guardian

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 06:00 AM PDT

Rat on a sinking ship
The Guardian
... scared of something: a tax on mobiles, citizen dentistry, the Tory plan to replace Matt Smith with Eric Pickles when it privatises Labour's Doctor Who. ...

Victory Teasers

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 05:24 AM PDT

Doctor Who - Victory of the Daleks
As part of their build up to Victory of the Daleks, Digital Spy have featured a list of teasers about the upcoming episode.

As you probably know, episode 3 of the current series of Doctor Who is by Mark Gatiss, formerly of The League of Gentlemen and responsible for 2005's The Unquiet Dead, 2006's The Idiot's Lantern and guest starred in The Lazarus Experiment in 2007.

We've picked some of the best teasers from their list…

The 'Daleks' are known as 'Ironsides' and were apparently the invention of Professor Edwin Bracewell (guest star Bill Paterson).

The Ironsides are completely harmless beings and have the ultimate aim of helping the British, under the guidance of Winston Churchill (guest star Ian McNeice), to win the war.

Hailing from the 21st Century, Amy (Karen Gillan) knows all about the Daleks, right? Right?!

Winston really wants something from The Doctor (Matt Smith).

There are not only army-coloured Daleks, but multi-coloured Daleks too.

Amy: "Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't?"

I think that's quite enough of that! You can read the full set of teasers at Digital Spy. In the meantime if you haven't already, checkout the interview with Mark Gatiss, and remember – Victory of the Daleks is scheduled for 6.30pm this Saturday, 17th April and will be simulcast on BBC One and the BBC HD channel.

Oh – don't forget to checkout our Victory of the Daleks trailer and galleries.

'Survivors' axe confirmed by BBC - Digital Spy

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 04:45 AM PDT

'Survivors' axe confirmed by BBC
Digital Spy
The sci-fi show, a remake of the 1970s cult programme of the same name, starred Julie Graham and Max Beesley. "The BBC is committed to making ...

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Survivors falls under BBC axe - The Guardian

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 04:22 AM PDT

The Guardian

Survivors falls under BBC axe
The Guardian
The 1970s series by Terry Nation was revived in 2008 and followed a group of survivors in the aftermath of the outbreak of a deadly virus that wipes out ...

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Get Two More Sneak Peeks At Saturday's Premiere of 'Doctor Who' - The Flickcast (blog)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 04:14 AM PDT

The Flickcast (blog)

Get Two More Sneak Peeks At Saturday's Premiere of 'Doctor Who'
The Flickcast (blog)
Plus, what I've seen of his feisty sidekick Amy Pond (played by Karen Gilllan), she seems very capable, cute and, well, feisty — which doesn't hurt one bit. ...

and more »

'Torchwood' star to pen comic strip - Digital Spy

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 04:02 AM PDT

'Torchwood' star to pen comic strip
Digital Spy
Torchwood's Gareth David-Lloyd is to write a comic strip for the show's official companion magazine. ...

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'Torchwood' star to pen comic strip

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 03:55 AM PDT

Torchwood's Gareth David-Lloyd is to pen a comic strip in the show's companion magazine.

BBC release archive of Classic Series documents

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 03:49 AM PDT

The BBC have released an archive detailing the changing faces of the Doctor over the years, from the inital character outlines to how viewers reacted to new incarnations. The extensive collection is made up of image galleries, audience letters, memos, magazine articles and reviews. One point of particular interest – and one that has been picked up by various news [...]

Survivors axed by BBC -

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 03:41 AM PDT

Survivors axed by BBC
Survivors, the sci-fi television remake, has been axed by the BBC after just two series. The 21st century version of the 1970s cult show, this time starring ...

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Survivors is dead; BBC axes sci-fi series - What's On TV

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 03:26 AM PDT

What's On TV

Survivors is dead; BBC axes sci-fi series
What's On TV
The 21st century version of the 1970s cult sci-fi show, this time starring Julie Graham and Max Beesley, has suffered from falling ratings. ...

and more »

Matt Smith, Karen Gillan And Steven Moffat Take Us Inside Doctor Who Season Five - io9

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 02:11 AM PDT

Matt Smith, Karen Gillan And Steven Moffat Take Us Inside Doctor Who Season Five
After the screening of the season opener, Smith, Moffat and Gillan answered questions from the audience. Smith revealed that he drew from Albert Einstein ...

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Doctor Who regenerations based on LSD trips - NewsLite

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 01:17 AM PDT

Doctor Who regenerations based on LSD trips
Previously unseen BBC memos have revealed the regeneration between actors in Doctor Who were based on bad LSD trips. An internal memo from 1966 - revealed ...

and more »

Got a question for the 'Doctor Who' gang? - USA Today

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 01:13 AM PDT

Got a question for the 'Doctor Who' gang?
USA Today
I'll be chatting with Matt Smith (the 11th Doctor), Karen Gillan (his new companion, Amy Pond) and executive producer Steven Moffat. ...

and more »

Karen Gillan travels the universe with Doctor Who - Montreal Gazette

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 01:10 AM PDT

Karen Gillan travels the universe with Doctor Who
Montreal Gazette
As Amy Pond, the latest companion on Doctor Who, Scottish actress Karen Gillan argues she's just as important as the ...

and more »

'Doctor Who' Stars Storm Paley Center - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 01:05 AM PDT

'Doctor Who' Stars Storm Paley Center
Wall Street Journal (blog)
To help drum up interest in the show on this side of the pond, new lead actors Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, as the time-traveling Doctor and his Scottish ...

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David Who? - University Observer Online

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:10 AM PDT

University Observer Online

David Who?
University Observer Online
... but still slightly odd-looking actor as the titular hero, but in handing the head writing duties to the brilliant Steven Moffat. ...

Shelf Life at the Old Library, Swansea, review -

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 11:23 PM PDT

Shelf Life at the Old Library, Swansea, review
Rating: * * * By Dominic Cavendish Ardent Dr Who fans may well be tempted to rush post-haste to Shelf Life, the second offering in National Theatre Wales's ...

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The fascinating history of a Chelsea property designed by the same man who ... - Country Life (blog)

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 11:12 PM PDT

The fascinating history of a Chelsea property designed by the same man who ...
Country Life (blog)
... of police buildings, but Trench was also the man responsible for the design of the iconic Police call box made famous as the 'Tardis' in Doctor Who. ...

Gareth David Lloyd pens Torchwood comic

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 11:01 PM PDT

ComicActor Gareth David Lloyd - Ianto Jones from Torchwood - has penned a new comic strip to appear in Issue #21 of Torchwood Magazine.

ComicDavid-Lloyd''s character, Ianto Jones, who died in Captain Jack's arms in the recent Torchwood five-part series Children of Earth,' gets a new lease of life and takes centre stage once again in this exclusive comic strip - a move that will delight all fans of the critically acclaimed Doctor Who spin-off.

Talking exclusively to the official Torchwood magazine, David-Lloyd said, "I feel I know this character implicitly. The narrative of this comic focuses predominantly on Ianto, and integrates a number of characters who have been missed by Torchwood''s ardent followers."

The story, titled Shrouded, is made up of two parts and is as diverse as it is thrilling. Ianto, who struggles with his tumultuous feelings for Captain Jack from the offset, has his world turned upside-down by the visit of a familiar face from the future. Additionally, he is set a mission that could alter the course of life, as he knows it, forever...

Shrouded is illustrated by Pia Guerra, the critically acclaimed artist of Vertigo Comics' ground-breaking series, Y: The Last Man and more recently, Doctor Who: The Forgotten. Pia won 'Outstanding comic book artist for 2006' at the Joe Schuster Awards.

This is not the first time an actor has penned a story; back in 2009 Captain Jack himself John Barrowman co-wrote Captain Jack and the Selkie with sister Carole for Issue #14.

Torchwood Magazine #21 is released in the United Kingdom on 15th April, and in the United States from 11th May.

The Changing Face of Doctor Who

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:55 PM PDT


Just in time for a new Doctor and a new season, the BBC Archives have put up a fantastic display on the Changing Face of Doctor Who, which includes a treasure trove of audience reaction reports on each of the new Doctors along with Radio Times articles and photos. The main highlight is the character outline for the “New Dr. Who” after his ‘rejuvenation’ into Patrick Troughton. Naturally the LSD angle is what everyone seems to have picked up on…

What’s most fascinating though are the audience appreciation reports, which seems to greet each new Doctor with suspicion, cool detachment and in the case of Tom Baker, outright disappointment (ironic given how popular Tom Baker became). The only one to really escape that trend is Peter Davison. The photos are worth a look as they include rare stills and a gallery of ‘might have been’ Doctors to boot. Well worth a look.

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 191

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:49 PM PDT

"What I always do: stay out of trouble… badly."

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 191
Running Time: 1:25:23

Doctor Who: The Beast Below reviewed live over the net with live feedback. (If you haven't seen The Beast Below, wait until you have before listening).

Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, and Dave Cooper.

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BBC axes Survivors' third season - Metro

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:43 PM PDT


BBC axes Survivors' third season
"Shows like Torchwood and Being Human benefitted from growing their audiences on the digital channels where it's easier for this kind of genre show to grow ...

Gordon Brown attacks Murdoch paywalls for online content - U.TV

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:33 PM PDT

Gordon Brown attacks Murdoch paywalls for online content
... which has three different Dalek covers in red, blue and yellow to match the main political parties – Labour, Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. ...

and more »

The current doctor Matt Smith with his assistant Amy Pond played by Karen Gillan - Sky News

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:20 PM PDT

Sky News

The current doctor Matt Smith with his assistant Amy Pond played by Karen Gillan
Sky News
The BBC1 series recently saw the 11th actor take on the lead role when Matt Smith replaced David Tennant. It is as if he has had the LSD drug and instead of ...

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Karen Gillan opts for a trendy jumpsuit as Doctor Who hits New York - Daily Mail

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:18 PM PDT

Daily Mail

Karen Gillan opts for a trendy jumpsuit as Doctor Who hits New York
Daily Mail
More than eight million people tuned in to watch Smith's debut as Doctor Who in Britain over Easter Weekend as he took over the role from David Tennant. ...

and more »

Doctor Regenerations 'Modelled On LSD' - Mix 96

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:12 PM PDT

Doctor Regenerations 'Modelled On LSD'
Mix 96
The BBC1 series recently saw the 11th actor take on the lead role when Matt Smith replaced David Tennant. Regenerations were introduced in 1966 to allow ...

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'Hell' of an LSD trip the inspiration for Doctor Who regeneration -

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 10:08 PM PDT

'Hell' of an LSD trip the inspiration for Doctor Who regeneration
... while fourth Doctor Tom Baker was also criticised, with one viewer quoted as saying: "General opinion was that the new Doctor Who is a loony - he is an ...

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