Friday, May 28, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

The Doctor & Friends in South Shields

Posted: 27 May 2010 12:43 PM PDT

Colin BakerFans in the north east of England can meet the Sixth Doctor as a special Doctor Who Day at the Temple Park Centre in South Shields on Sunday 6th June.

Colin Baker will be appearing at the event, which runs from 10.30am - 5pm, along with Sophie Aldred who played Ace in the classic series, Terry Molloy who played Davros and Nicholas Courtney who for many years played Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart.

Entertainment includes:
  • Celebs in the hot seat
  • Operate a dalek
  • Photos with the actors
  • Sci - fi merchendise
  • Bake your own monster cake
  • Fancy dress
  • Face painting

Colin Baker will present a separate event at 7.30pm that evening, a concert of popular sci-fi themes, movie themes and TV themes, performed by the dynamic SoundPower Orchestra and supported by the shoeshop Quartet, South Tyneside Youth Choir of Aliens and the Poppleton School of Dance.

Tickets available from Temple Park Centre reception. Details on the website.

Stephen Gately partner 'to inherit £1m'

Posted: 27 May 2010 12:03 PM PDT

Stephen Gately's partner Andrew Cowles will reportedly split the late star's fortune with his parents.

James McAvoy for 'X-Men: First Class'

Posted: 27 May 2010 11:31 AM PDT

James McAvoy will play a younger version of Professor X in the upcoming X-Men prequel.

James stepmum: 'Jesse abused animals'

Posted: 27 May 2010 11:16 AM PDT

Jesse James's former stepmother alleges that he killed animals and had a keen interest in Nazism.

Anthony, Lopez to renew wedding vows

Posted: 27 May 2010 10:57 AM PDT

Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez are to mark their sixth wedding anniversary by renewing their vows.

Sky brings Premier League football to iPad

Posted: 27 May 2010 10:28 AM PDT

Sky launches Sky Mobile TV on iPad, meaning users can watch Premier League football on the device.

The Lodger - Press Details

Posted: 27 May 2010 10:21 AM PDT

The LodgerThe BBC Press Office has released details for the eleventh episode of the current series, The Lodger.

The story is written by Gareth Roberts and stars James Corden. It is scheduled for Saturday 12th June.
There's a house on Aickman road, and a staircase that people go up, but never down.

To solve the mystery of the man upstairs, the Doctor faces his greatest challenge yet – he must pass himself off as a perfectly normal human being, and share a flat with Craig Owens.

Gary Coleman 'rushed to Utah hospital'

Posted: 27 May 2010 09:16 AM PDT

Gary Coleman is said to be in critical condition after he hit his head during a fall.

Storm in a Dalek Teapot

Posted: 27 May 2010 09:11 AM PDT

We've all been there, surfing the Doctor Who page on Amazon or looking at the diorama section in Forbidden Planet. Suddenly a magnificent figurine catches the eye and we must have it. That amazing mini statue of the Fourth Doctor fighting with Davros, that Cyberman box set with four different figures displaying their varied look over the years.

A Dalek teapot on AmazonAnd then that little voice in the back of the head pops up "should I spend this much money on what is basically a toy that I may or may not keep in the packaging for many, many years?" For one eBay bidder, money is obviously no object as a Dalek teapot has sold on the auction site for a whopping £620! That's the equivalent cost (roughly) of 135 copies of Doctor Who Magazine or 50 Big Finish adventures!

The Teapot is a lovely design, all Imperial style casing from Remembrance of the Daleks, and the back of its head pops off to pour in the water. There's a handle on its back emblazoned with the species chilling death cry "Exterminate". Which strangely enough, the new paradigm from Victory of the Daleks look like they could possess.

Whoever the winner was, we'd all like to know if it's on the shelf proudly displayed and pouring tea or whether it's shrink wrapped under full protection..

Check out the seller's page to see the item in its full glory!

(With thanks to John Freeman)

Regina Spektor to perform at White House

Posted: 27 May 2010 09:10 AM PDT

Regina Spektor says that it is an "unimaginable honour" to play at the Jewish Heritage Month gig.

Celebrity financial advisor 'arrested'

Posted: 27 May 2010 09:00 AM PDT

Kenneth Starr is accused of five counts of fraud as well as running a $30m ponzi scheme.

Emma Roberts joins 'Scream 4' cast

Posted: 27 May 2010 08:58 AM PDT

Wes Craven says that Emma Roberts's "talent, beauty and range" will bring much to Scream 4.

Interview: Input Media

Posted: 27 May 2010 08:55 AM PDT

DS meets broadcast operator Input Media to talk Champions League, connected-TV and the World Cup.

'Potter' stars emotional at series end

Posted: 27 May 2010 08:03 AM PDT

Daniel Radcliffe says that he will be "devastated" when the final Potter film wraps in two weeks.

Banks: 'Barack Obama was best interview'

Posted: 27 May 2010 07:53 AM PDT

Tyra Banks says that she was "so nervous" before talking to Barack Obama on her talkshow.

M.I.A. publishes writer's phone number

Posted: 27 May 2010 07:36 AM PDT

M.I.A. promises to set the record straight on a New York Times piece published last week.

Get ready for lots more Doctor Who on the air in Canada

Posted: 27 May 2010 06:53 AM PDT


Space has announced that Seasons 27 through 30 - or if you prefer, Series 1 to 4 - of Doctor Who will be shown Monday through Thursday on Space at 8pm, with a repeat at midnight - starting on Monday May 31st!  With new episodes broadcast on the weekend and older episodes shown on weeknights, this feels very much like the “good old” days of the mid-80’s - at least in Southern Ontario - when Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee episodes were shown on weekdays with the then-new Peter Davison and Colin Baker episodes shown on the weekend. Best of all, it is great that Doctor Who will be getting so much airtime, as viewers who missed these episodes the first time they were shown in Canada will get a new chance to see them. This should hopefully help increase the popularity of the show in Canada, because that’s certainly the way the original fan base in North America grew back in the 1980’s - with regular re-broadcasts of the episodes.

Sarah Ferguson to appear on 'Oprah'

Posted: 27 May 2010 06:36 AM PDT

Oprah Winfrey is to interview Sarah Ferguson on her chatshow this Friday.

Tim Blake Nelson to star in 'Flypaper'

Posted: 27 May 2010 06:30 AM PDT

Tim Blake Nelson signs to topline indie comedy Flypaper.

Adventure Game Minisite

Posted: 27 May 2010 06:14 AM PDT

The BBC has launched a mini site for the upcoming Doctor Who: The Adventure Games installment, City of the Daleks.

Looking absolutely glorious, the site contains mini interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and the creators of the game itself. Also featured is some truly mind blowing concept art with drawings of Skaro, home planet of the Daleks. The official blurb gives away a little of the plot:

"The TARDIS materialises in 1963- and London is in ruins. The Daleks have seized control of time and the only chance of saving Earth lies in a desperate quest to Skaro- the Daleks' home planet- before time catches up with Amy, the last survivor of the human race!

This is your chance to be the Doctor.

Are you ready for the challenge?"

Checkout this trailer, with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan voicing the Doctor and Amy, and Nick Briggs as the Daleks.

With two weeks until release (June 5th PC, June 15th Mac), the site will leave you dribbling for more!

'Lost' star Emerson for Science special

Posted: 27 May 2010 06:12 AM PDT

Lost star Michael Emerson signs to narrate a Science Channel special.

Gosselin recalls "hard" sextuplets' birthday

Posted: 27 May 2010 06:05 AM PDT

Kate Gosselin reportedly says that it was hard to share custody of her children on their birthday.

Steve Carell to play songwriter Lambert?

Posted: 27 May 2010 05:51 AM PDT

Waner Bros eyes Steve Carell to play songwriter Dennis Lambert in a proposed biopic.

Leonardo DiCaprio works to save tigers

Posted: 27 May 2010 05:32 AM PDT

Leonardo DiCaprio joins a campaign to save tigers from extinction.

Felicia Day: 'Whedon perfect for Avengers'

Posted: 27 May 2010 05:13 AM PDT

Felicia Day says that Joss Whedon would do an "amazing" job directing the Avengers movie.

Official site updated for Cold Blood

Posted: 27 May 2010 03:27 AM PDT

The official Doctor Who website was today updated ahead of the broadcast of Cold Blood this weekend. Included on its new episode guide are four preview clips and an introduction to the story from Meera Syal. There’s also a gallery featuring the episode stills we posted earlier this week. Airing this Saturday on BBC1/HD at 19:00, the story [...]

Official plot details for The Lodger released

Posted: 27 May 2010 03:14 AM PDT

The BBC Press Office has today issued the official plot details for Series 5 Episode 11, The Lodger, written by Gareth Roberts. The episode will air on BBC1/HD on Saturday 12th June, at the provisional time of 18:45. Read on for its synopsis: There’s a house on Aickman road, and a staircase that people go up, but never [...]

The Edge of Destruction Review

Posted: 27 May 2010 03:00 AM PDT

A Doctor Who adventure that takes place in the TARDIS? The travellers unsure what is going on? No, it's not Amy's Choice – it's The Edge of Destruction, from 1964…

Doctor Who - The Edge of Destruction

When I was a little kid, I loved the original Star Trek (I was 1 when it started). My favorite stories were ones that showed other parts of the ship, and particularly ones treat took place completely inside the ship. Modern TV calls something like that a "bottle show"; a story that saves money. But for me as a kid, I just wanted to see other bits of the Enterprise. I loved shows like that. So when I got into Doctor Who, I scanned the back catalogue of episodes, and found a distinct lack of that kind of story. One episode in Tom Baker's era was like this (Episode 6 of Invasion of Time), and just one full story, an old William Hartnell story. That was it. So that was a bit disappointing. But when Hartnell's stories started airing in the US around 1986 or so, I looked forward to The Edge of Destruction for this reason – it was an "all on the ship" show, which lends to one of this story's names, Inside the Spaceship (although I prefer the more common The Edge of Destruction).

The Doctor and Barbara in Doctor Who - The Edge of DestructionThis story was the third story overall, following directly from the wildly successful original Dalek story. It was designed to explore the characters interactions with each other. The Doctor at this point was a rather cantankerous fellow, even for the First Doctor. It starts off innocently enough with the travelers around the TARDIS console, and for some reason unknown, at the time, they're knocked unconscious and lay on the floor of the TARDIS, which was kind of an odd start to the episode. As they start to come around, they obviously wonder what happened to them to be knocked unconscious. On top of that, they don't seem to recognize their current situation, or all of each other. The Doctor is the worst off, with his head being cut in the fall and spending a decent percentage of time of the episode unconscious. Something that seems to happen a lot to Hartnell as his time in the role went on.

The early part of this episode seems to feature Barbara a lot in a mothering role to the other characters. I point this out, as it seemed well, I don't know. I start to say weird, and then it isn't, and I start to say "in character", and it isn't either. Not entirely sure how I feel about that.

As they come around, strange things start to happen. Susan goes to get a glass of water from some sort of food/drink machine, and is told the machine is empty when it was not. The doors of the TARDIS open and close on their own when people walk towards them. Another was the fault locator saying every single thing was wrong with the TARDIS simultaneously. All of these things are later on shown to be clues towards the final resolution of the story. One of the more notorious bits was Susan trying to attack Ian with a pair of scissors, which she freaks out over and stabs the bed a ton of times. If you watch the extras on the DVD for this story, Verity Lambert admits the scissor stab bits were something that were probably better left out. This goes on until the characters all suspect each other of sabotaging the ship, or being under alien control or just outright mutiny. Even up until the point where the Doctor threatens to put Ian & Barbara off the ship. At which point Barbara loses it, and yells at the Doctor, calling him a "stupid old man". Other strangeness was Ian trying to strangle the Doctor. This all carries on for awhile – pretty much through most of Episode 2 as well. The crew mistrusts, threatens, and says a bunch of rude things to each other.

William Hartnell starred in Doctor Who 1963-1966One of the better moments in this story is a dialogue by Hartnell towards the end of part two. Hartnell is known for his frequent muffing of his lines. Due to the production values of the time, a lot of these are left in. However, there's a couple minute speech by the Doctor where he pulls it off well, and is one of the better moments of the Hartnell era in terms of his own acting. Shortly after said speech, the overall plot is resolved, and everything is made well again. I won't divulge exactly what it was, but look out for some handwritten words on the TARDIS console, which were allegedly there to help Hartnell locate specific spots on the console during filming.

Parts of this story have been used in other stories further down the line – way down the line in the series. The biggest one of which is that the TARDIS itself is seemingly alive – or at least can think for itself. It is eventually revealed that the ship itself was the cause of all the strange happenings to try and hint the crew as to the real reason behind all the strange happenings. This was used later on many times in the show's future. A specific TARDIS "feature" from this story was that the power of the TARDIS is under the console, something that was used later on in Eccleston's run a few times. One of these times was in Boom Town where the TARDIS itself manipulates time to turn Margaret into a Slitheen egg. You could also extrapolate this into perhaps the TARDIS turning back time and reviving Grace & Chang Lee from death in the Eighth Doctor movie. There's also the time in Eccleston's final episode where Rose looks into the TARDIS console and get the power of time and space inside her, too. The Confidential episode for that story references "The Edge of Destruction" and this concept too as inspirations for these specific plot points.

Doctor Who - The Parting of the Ways

There's also some strange contradictions to other established bits of Who lore in this story, however, since it's just the third overall, and the 12th & 13th overall episodes, that can be forgiven, I suppose. Ian mentions "his heart", implying that he has just one. I forget where exactly it was established for sure that the Doctor had two hearts – I think it was Pertwee's first story. Susan also says "the ship can't crash, it's impossible". This has been shown to be false, as it has crashed a few times over the years, most recently in Matt Smith's debut The Eleventh Hour. This story is also one of only two times that I'm aware of we see a bed in the TARDIS console room. The other time was when Pertwee was knocked unconscious at the end of Frontier in Space going into Planet of the Daleks. Oddly enough, both beds come out of walls – "oooh, so modern looking!" :)

Doctor Who - The Edge of Destruction and Frontier in Space

As I said earlier, this story served to galvanize the TARDIS crew as friends. They were more companions by situation up until this point. After the problems were resolved, there's a rather nice scene or two at the end where the Doctor makes up with Barbara, and there's some fun with throwing snowballs and whatnot, which is a direct lead-in to the next story, Marco Polo.

In all, this story is a somewhat overlooked story from what I can gather, but it was important in establishing character relationships, and somewhat unintentionally (I gather) responsible for putting forth a few show concepts that are still in use now in 2010. When I reach for an early series DVD or whatnot, this isn't the first one chosen, but there are some great points here to see. Give The Edge of Destruction (or Inside the Spaceship, or whatever you want to call it) a shot. You might enjoy this long ago small scale bottle story as much as I did.

William Hartnell and Jacqueline Hill in Doctor Who - The Edge of Destruction

Overall Story Information:

Story Title: The Edge of Destruction (aka Inside the Spaceship & Beyond the Sun)
Production Code: C
Writer: David Whitaker
Script Editor: David Whitaker
Length: 2 episodes

William Hartnell – The Doctor
Carole Ann Ford – Susan Foreman
Jacqueline Hill – Barbara Wright
William Russell – Ian Chesterton

Specific Episode Information:

Episode 1: "The Edge of Destruction"

Broadcast Date: Feb 8, 1964
Director: Richard Martin

Episode 2: "The Edge of Destruction"

Broadcast Date: Feb 15, 1964
Director: Frank Cox

External Links of Note for the Edge of Destruction:

Ordering this Story:

The Edge of Destruction was released as part of a box set entitled "The Beginning", which also includes An Unearthly Child, The Daleks, and a reconstruction of Marco Polo. You can buy this box set online at the following links:


NOTE: The BBC has legally allowed the two episodes of this story to be placed on Youtube for full and free viewing. The links to the two episodes are below:

Cold Blood Clips

Posted: 27 May 2010 01:47 AM PDT

Watch four exciting new clips for Saturdays episode, Cold Blood!

The Lodger (Update)

Posted: 27 May 2010 01:13 AM PDT

The Doctor must pass himself off as a perfectly normal human being, Saturday 12th June on BBC1.

Doctor Who 2010 Wave 1 Action Figures

Posted: 27 May 2010 01:00 AM PDT

Doctor Who 2010 Wave 1 Action Figures
News Dated: 27/5/2010

Character Options have sent DWO the images for the forthcoming Doctor Who 2010 Wave 1 Action Figures.

**To view images - check out the DWO News page**

  Doctor Who 2010 Wave 1 is released in Late June 2010, priced £8.99 each.
  Compare Prices for these Toys on

[Source: Character Options]

Watch Pulse Online Now!

Posted: 27 May 2010 12:50 AM PDT

Okay, here we go! Those living in the UK (I assume, if you're outside the UK give it a try and let me know) can now see the entire Pulse pilot episode online at the BBC3 website here.

If you check it out, do make sure to leave a comment and let them know you enjoyed it. That's one of the steps towards us getting a series. Hope you enjoy it. Cheerio!

SFX Gets Cold-Blooded

Posted: 27 May 2010 12:45 AM PDT

Cold Blood fever is spreading contagiously as the buildup for the next episode begins to swallow the 'net like the crack in Amy's wall! SFX, for example, has apparently seen the episode, and is now speaking in riddles with an eleven-point preview (spoiler-free?) published on the site yesterday.

Doctor Who - Cold BloodSome of the most interesting features of the episode may include, according to SFX, the fulfillment of a prophecy, the repitition of history through an event that was apparently initially quite memorable, and references to Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide and a former Doctor's vegetable.

A few pictures from the episode are included with the preview: one of two male Silurians; one of the Doctor, Amy, and Mo Northover the nightwatchman held at gunpoint by the reptiles while Neve McIntosh's character faces what looks like the Slytherin dining table; and one of Rory possibly serving a meal to Alaya (incidentally, would a Silurian eat corn-on-the-cob?).

The article also offers…

"Some advice: don't go out in the sun and tape this one to watch later. Stay in and watch it live."

Apparently Chris Chibnall and the Grand Moff have big plans for this episode. SFX goes on to suggest that Cold Blood

"[is] much, much better than the first part. Though that's largely due to stunning developments in the arc plot, not the Silurian storyline."

Blogtor Who, which also seems to have seen the episode, posted a tweet earlier today that boldly states:

"Last 7 mins of COLD BLOOD might be this series' equivalent of the climax of UTOPIA"

In the same tweet, Blogtor Who links a review of the episode at Total Sci-Fi Online that this news contributor has not read, for fear of spoiling himself prior to experiencing what will apparently be an important, series-arc-heavy story.

With more Silurians than this show has ever seen before (although that's not saying much), a reportedly not-to-be-missed conclusion, and that tray of food Rory's holding making me hungrier by the second, it looks like we've got a fantastic three-quarters of an hour to look forward to when Cold Blood airs this Saturday at 7PM on BBC One!

You can also take a look at a preview of the episode from Kasterborous's own James Whittington by going this way.


Posted: 26 May 2010 11:04 PM PDT

Production designer Edward Thomas lets us in on the secrets of the brand-new TARDIS in this clip from BBC America.

Thomas has been production designer on Doctor Who since production of the 2005 series and has been behind two TARDIS interior redesigns…

You can also see this clip at BBC America as part of their superb Doctor Who minisite.

(Thanks to Nicole)

First look at Wave 1 of Series 5 figures

Posted: 26 May 2010 09:10 PM PDT

A new image has appeared online which previews the figures that will be released this summer as part of the first wave of Series 5 action figures! The wave is made up of the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Edwin Bracewell, Hawthorne, an Ironside Dalek, Red Dalek, a Weeping Angel, and a Winder/Smiler set. You can pre-order them individually [...]

Cold Blood Preview

Posted: 26 May 2010 08:10 PM PDT

Warning – This preview contains spoilers. If in doubt do not read.

"This ends here!"

Doctor Who - The Hungry EarthAfter last weeks entertaining instalment we reach part two of Chris Chibnall's resurrection of the Silurian race. Retaining the momentum of the first part it starts as most second chapters do, with a quick resume and then it's straight into the action.

It is the most important day in the history of Earth: the dawn of a new age of harmony or the start of its final war. The Doctor must face his most difficult challenge yet. It is a battle in which he cannot take sides and a day when nobody must die…

Heartfelt, exciting and at times very dark, Cold Blood is a study of broken relationships and the futility of war. Chibnal peppers the whole story with top drawer dialogue that captivates and by twenty minutes in it really is (cliché withstanding) edge of your seat stuff. The cast once more act their collective socks off. Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill are as reliable as ever and with the guest artists challenging them to up their acting game. Meera Syal, Nia Roberts and Stephen Moore add weight to the story which gallops along without stopping for breath. There is no room for time wasters, every minute of the duration adds to the episode, not a word or gesture is wasted. A thread of humour is less evident here but it does shine through ever now an again. Then Chibnal plays his trump card. Right at the end the story takes a turn, do not miss this episode.

Hardcore fans will look at this as a nostalgic romp which could easily have come from the Pertwee era, new fans will enjoy it because it's a fully rounded, well executed piece of television drama.

Effects wise Cold Blood is the strongest episode so far with wonderfully realised alien style landscapes and subtle use of prosthetics. Yes, I know they're wearing full face pieces, but these masks allow emotion to shine through, something I wager that is difficult to achieve. Murray Gold's score is as bombastic as the threat from the Silurians. Never one to shy away from over-the-top brass stings, he gives each scene his dramatic all.

With only four episodes to go this is shaping up to be a vintage season of Doctor Who.

Ultimate Regeneration

Posted: 26 May 2010 06:39 PM PDT

Ultimate Regeneration is the title of the first book from Kasterborous. Written and edited by Christian Cawley, ably assisted by Brian Terranova and with contributions from Anthony Dry, Simon Mills, Thomas Willam Spychalski, Gareth Kavanagh and many more, the book tells the real-time critical story of the Russell T Davies era of Doctor Who.

Featuring essays, articles, reviews and interviews, the full story is put into context with a running commentary on the main events in Doctor Who news and fandom.

With 60 Doctor Who reviews from Rose to The End of Time, Part Two, over 30 articles including character, actor and writer profiles and bursting with typical Kasterborous verve, Ultimate Regeneration tells the full story of the 2005-2010 era of Doctor Who, covering 2 Doctors, 5 companions and one visionary showrunner.

The release date is still TBC – however, Ultimate Regeneration will be available directly from

“Live” Tickets On Sale…

Posted: 26 May 2010 05:57 PM PDT

Doctor Who Live

…But Don't Buy Them… Yet.

"Doctor Who Tickets at Cheap Price," reads the headline from this press release posted last Tuesday on SBWire. After providing a lengthy description about Doctor Who's most basic essentials that anyone even remotely interested in attending the event would no doubt already know…

"The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious, humanoid alien known as the Doctor who travels through time and space in his spacecraft."

… the release makes an attempt to entice the reader into purchasing their tickets from, which contains a list of each of the planned twenty-five shows and slaps a price range next to each individual performance and two other buttons giving the site's visitors the option of either buying or selling their tickets.

You may be tempted to jump the train immediately and get your tickets while they're hot, but beware; are these tickets truly "cheap" as the press release suggests?

It's difficult to say, but here's what we know for sure. Ticketmaster, easily the more mainstream source when it comes to acquiring tickets to just about anything, has a page where you can compare its prices to SoldOutTicketMarket's. You should check it out; you may find it void of all life. And if you were to search for "Doctor Who Live Tickets" on the BBC Website at the time of this writing, we could personally guarantee that you would not find any information about paying your way into one of the shows.

Based on this information, or lack thereof, your potential decision to reserve your spot with SoldOutTicketMarket may require second thoughts. If you're desperate to have your tickets now and can't wait another second to show them off to all your friends, feel free to hand over your credit card number here. After all, who are we to tell you how to spend your money? But if you really want the best deal, the greatest value, or even the cheapest price, you may have better luck when the BBC actually lets us know that the tickets are out there, ready to be sold.

On a speculative note, for when we actually do get the okay from the Beeb, we may be able to tell from SoldOutTicketMarket where the best prices can be found, if not what those prices are. The site seems to indicate that fans from Cardiff will get some of the cheapest seats of all the locations, with their most expensive tickets, at £145, being £100 less costly than the highest-priced seats of the whole tour, which cost £245 for "fortunate" Manchester residents. This is assuming, of course, that SoldOutTicketMarket is to be trusted at all…

Cold Blood Spoilers

Posted: 25 May 2010 03:09 PM PDT

Scaly new spoilers for Cold Blood. Do not read on if you want to be surprised.

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