Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 - The Lodger Online Streaming Video Link - Seyoh

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:29 PM PDT

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 - The Lodger Online Streaming Video Link
Doctor Who's new episode entitled "The Lodger" has Amy going forward to 7 days into the future as the Doctor left the configuration of the TARDIS, ...

and more »

'Doctor Who' - 'The Hungry Earth' Review - TV Squad (blog)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 01:03 PM PDT

'Doctor Who' - 'The Hungry Earth' Review
TV Squad (blog)
Also, there has been enough evidence of the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey nature of chronology (mostly as written by showrunner Steven Moffat himself) to ...

and more »

Hungry Hungry Hippos, er, Earth

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 12:00 PM PDT

The Doctor’s latest adventure was exciting… but not nearly as exciting as… this!


Well, maybe The Hungry Earth is a little bit more exciting than Hungry Hungry Hippos. Why not weigh in on it in the comments section (Remember: NO SPOILERS OF FUTURE EPISODES!!!) and read our latest TARDIS file!


Tom Baker - Demon Quest

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 11:07 AM PDT

Tom BakerTom Baker is once more returning to the role of the fourth Doctor in a second series of audio plays, Demon Quest, for BBC Audiobooks.

Baker appeared in the series Hornet's Nest last year alongside Richard Franklin as Captain Mike Yates, this first time he had played the part of the Doctor for many years.

Demon Quest is written by Paul Magrs, who also wrote Hornet's Quest. No details are yet available about the supporting cast in the series, which will be released over five instalments.

  • 1: Relics of Time - Released 2 September
  • 2: Demon of Paris - Released 7 October
  • 3: Shard of Ice - Released 4 November
  • 4: Starfall - Released 2 December
  • 5: Sepulchre - Released 2 December

Doctor Who - The Lodger (S05E11) - Episode review - Unreality Shout (blog)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 10:23 AM PDT

Unreality Shout (blog)

Doctor Who - The Lodger (S05E11) - Episode review
Unreality Shout (blog)
And that's where we end up with the first episode of Doctor Who to be a sitcom. Doctor In The House, anyone? Not that I'm complaining. ...

and more »

Govan and John James defend their votes

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 09:32 AM PDT

Govan and John James tell Sunshine why they guessed that she was the mole.

Cudi performs at festival after arrest

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 09:20 AM PDT

Kid Cudi reportedly manages to perform at the Bonnaroo music festival just hours after being arrested.

Whitney Port: 'I'm lucky to live in NYC'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 08:40 AM PDT

Whitney Port reveals that she feels fortunate to be able to live in New York City.

Doctor Who Book Challenge

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 08:30 AM PDT

Doctor Who books eventCalling all Young Who fans; this is your chance to take part in the Doctor Who Book Challenge – taking place in libraries across North Yorkshire from 23rd June until 3rd July.

Youngsters are being asked to read four Doctor Who novels between now and 3rd July, with those who complete the task receiving a prize.

There is also a free 'Welcome to the Tardis' event at Ripon Library for children aged 7 and upwards featuring storytelling and a Doctor Who quiz which takes place from 5 pm to 6 pm on 25th June.

The county's executive member for community services Chris Metcalfe said:

"This exciting challenge will see many children and teenagers across the county enjoying reading and listening to some wonderful time travelling adventures."

To contact Ripon Library about the event, call 01765 696959

(Via Darlington & Stockton Times)

Saldana: 'Co-star never let go of gun'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 08:20 AM PDT

Zoe Saldana claims that Oscar Jaenada never let go of his prop rifle on the set of The Losers.

Short Stories are Not Fish From Space…

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 08:00 AM PDT

… because the Saturnynians were rendered extinct in The Vampires of Venice, remember?

Doctor Who writer Neil GaimanAn interview conducted by BBC News primarily designed to promote Stories (a soon-to-be-available compilation of short stories by various authors that was co-edited by Stardust, Coraline, and Season-32-Episode-3 (?) writer Neil Gaiman) addressed the issue of whether short stories are dead by comparing them to the same species of blood-sucking coffin campers as the ones that were not to be seen in the aforementioned Doctor Who episode.

"Like some kind of particularly tenacious vampire the short story refuses to die, and seems at this point in time to be a wonderful length for our generation. It's a perfect length to read on an iPad, your Kindle or your phone.

"I think the short story is a very underrated art form. We know that novels deserve respect. The short story is still like the novel's wayward younger brother, we know that it's not respectable – but I think that can also add to the glory of it."

It's funny how Gaiman's point-of-view is able to perfectly correspond with Doctor Who. Many of the longer, looked-forward-to, and more story-arc-driven tales in the Whoniverse, such as Time and the Rani, Planet of the Dead, and almost the whole of Season 28 (Series 2), are often regarded as sub-par at best, while some of the shorter, more low key installments including Blink, Midnight, Vincent and the Doctor, and The Edge of Destruction were each received as fantastic by their audiences and destined to be classics. And who can forget the Grand Moff's especially-length-lacking Time Crash?

The point? We've often overlooked the standalone gems in each season because we've been too concerned with speculating about how the Daleks might fare in 1930s New York, why the Master is suddenly so hungry around Christmas, and what is causing the existence-wiping cracks in time. All of these are wonderful concepts, but they simply won't be remembered quite as vividly as our initial outing with the Weeping Angels or the time we "Geronimoed!" out of a star whale's mouth.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but hopefully Gaiman's words are intended to subtly add to the anticipation for his first foray into Who-ology and assure us that the next great achievement in the Platinum Age is just around the corner.

If you're in the mood for some non-Doctor-Who reading, Stories is out this Tuesday, which, incidentally, also happens to be the Macintosh release date of City of the Daleks.

Mario: 'I felt so guilty for lying'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:54 AM PDT

Exposed mole Mario admits that he felt "physically sick" throughout his mission.

'Batman 3' filming date revealed?

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:46 AM PDT

Batman 3 will begin filming next March, according to a US journalist.

Sunshine sobs over mole allegations

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:46 AM PDT

Sunshine becomes upset over being named as the prime mole suspect.

'Relieved' Mario exposed as the mole

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:36 AM PDT

Mario's secret task is over after his housemates fail to out him as the mole.

Shepard 'almost never cast in When In Rome'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 07:15 AM PDT

Kristen Bell reveals that fiancé Dax Shepard was almost never hired to co-star in When In Rome.

How do you rate Doctor Who: The Lodger? (5=Fantastic)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:45 AM PDT

5 TARDIS Groans
50% (3 votes)
4 TARDIS Groans
50% (3 votes)
3 TARDIS Groans
0% (0 votes)
2 TARDIS Groans
0% (0 votes)
1 TARDIS Groan
0% (0 votes)
0 TARDIS Groans
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 6

P Diddy: 'I will never marry'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:45 AM PDT

P Diddy claims that he will never marry because most of his married friends are "miserable".

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 'The Lodger' - Daily News and Sport (blog)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:34 AM PDT

Daily News and Sport (blog)

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 'The Lodger'
Daily News and Sport (blog)
There's a new episode of Doctor Who today on BBC 1, and if you want to know how to watch Doctor Who season 5 episode 11 online or are trying to find out ...

and more »

Doctor Who reviews: The Lodger - Shadowlocked

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:31 AM PDT


Doctor Who reviews: The Lodger
Matt Smith has never been weirder or more fun throughout series 5 than in The Lodger, and those who were only half-way convinced by his casting might well ...

and more »

Rowland took dating advice from Beyoncé

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:30 AM PDT

Kelly Rowland reveals that the best dating advice that she ever received came from Beyoncé.

Cooper: 'I did A-Team for Liam Neeson'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 06:16 AM PDT

Bradley Cooper reveals that he decided to star in The A-Team because of his admiration for Liam Neeson.

'Cleopatra' author wants Pitt, Jolie together

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:54 AM PDT

Author Stacy Schiff says that she would love Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to star together in Cleopatra.

Paranoia grows over 'pineapple gate'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:47 AM PDT

Theories and accusations arise after Mario sabotages the pizzas.

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 - Daily Metro News

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:45 AM PDT

Daily Metro News

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11
Daily Metro News
There's a new episode of Doctor Who today on BBC 1. Loads of people have been looking for information about how to watch Doctor Who season 5 episode 11 ...

and more »

The Pandorica Opens Trailer (Update)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:43 AM PDT

"There was a Goblin. Or a trickster, or a warrior. Soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos!"

Doctor Who review: The Lodger -

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:41 AM PDT

Doctor Who review: The Lodger
The script also gave full rein to the Doctor's alienness, and Matt Smith ran with this to give a performance that really did remind you that the Doctor is ...

and more »

Critic's Notebook: 'Doctor Who' midterm checkup - Los Angeles Times (blog)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:40 AM PDT

Critic's Notebook: 'Doctor Who' midterm checkup
Los Angeles Times (blog)
New show-runner Steven Moffat (taking over from Russell T. Davies, who revived the brand in 2005 after a long hiatus) was a known quantity and a fan ...

Doctor Who series 5 episode 11 review: The Lodger - Den Of Geek

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:31 AM PDT

Doctor Who series 5 episode 11 review: The Lodger
Den Of Geek
A lighter episode of Doctor Who, as Matt Smith goes flat-sharing with James Corden in The Lodger. Here's our spoiler-filled review. ...

and more »

Doctor Who: The Lodger – Series 31, episode 11 - The Guardian (blog)

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:31 AM PDT

The Guardian (blog)

Doctor Who: The Lodger – Series 31, episode 11
The Guardian (blog)
... scattered all the way so expect some big answers. All Karen Gillan would tell us about the finale was "horses". All Piers Wenger would add was "helmets".

and more »

Ben: "I need chemistry, male or female"

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:31 AM PDT

Ben talks to Josie about his friendships outside of the house.

Rate The Lodger

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:30 AM PDT

What did you think of The Lodger?

Rate & Discuss: The Lodger

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:24 AM PDT

There’s a house on Aickman road, and a staircase that people go up, but never down. To solve the mystery of the man upstairs, the Doctor faces his greatest challenge yet - he must pass himself off as a perfectly normal human being, and share a flat with Craig Owens. It’s common knowledge that the Doctor has [...]

Next Time: The Pandorica Opens

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:23 AM PDT

We’ve had Smilers, Daleks, Angels and Dream Lords, but next week things really hot up for the Doctor and Amy Pond, as the various strands that have been embedded throughout the series begin to draw together for a conclusion of epic proportions… In part one of the long-awaited series finale, written by showrunner Steven Moffat himself, the Doctor’s [...]

Mario sabotages John James's pizza task

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:22 AM PDT

The Tree of Temptation tells Mario to sabotage food cooked by John James.

Katie Price to perform at wedding?

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:10 AM PDT

Katie Price is reportedly planning to sing at her upcoming wedding to Alex Reid.

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 'The Lodger' - Breaking Entertainment News

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 05:02 AM PDT

Breaking Entertainment News

Watch Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 11 'The Lodger'
Breaking Entertainment News
A new episode of Doctor Who awaits us today on BBC 1. If you're interested to know how to watch Doctor Who season 5 episode 11 online or looking to get a ...

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Biel 'similar to A-Team character'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 04:57 AM PDT

Jessica Biel reveals that she and her character in The A-Team share many traits in common.

Rock: 'Growing older made me less angry'

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 04:40 AM PDT

Chris Rock claims that he is less "angry" today than he was 20 years ago.

BBC's Torchwood is back, some thoughts on the new global take - Monsters and

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 04:38 AM PDT

Monsters and

BBC's Torchwood is back, some thoughts on the new global take
Monsters and
Because if so, they may have issues running it on the BBC here in the UK at a pre watershed time, or will the producer Russell T. Davies who created the ...

Return to House on Haunted Hill

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 04:27 AM PDT

It's always a surprise when a sequel turns out to be good fun in its own right, and this one, a sequel to 1999's House on Haunted Hill, which was in turn a remake of the 1959 original, is not at all bad.

First off, however, it really has little to do with the original film, aside from featuring the same house, and a similar collection of ghostly inhabitants. This time, there's an idol hidden somewhere in the house which is trapping all the spirits there. The idol is the focus for a disparate group of people to assemble at the clifftop mansion, and go in search of the object.

The film is somewhat confused in terms of all the different characters, and I couldn't hope to try and explain it without help ... so here's what Wikipedia says about the basic set up:

Ariel Wolfe is the sister of Sara Wolfe, a survivor of an massacre some years ago in the sanatorium known as the "Vannacutt Psychiatric Institute for the Criminally Insane", which was overseen long ago by the sadistic psychiatrist Dr. Vannacutt. Sara claims that ghosts had killed all those who entered the building, but no one believes her. When Sara commits suicide, Ariel tries to find out why.

A diary of Dr. Vannacutt leads Ariel to the cruel past of the Institute. She and her friend Paul are then kidnapped by an unscrupulous dealer, Desmond, who knows a lot about Sara and Vannacutt's Institute. While meeting Desmond and his crew, Ariel realises Sara didn't kill herself, Desmond killed her. Ariel is required to help Desmond to find a precious artifact, a figurine of the demon Baphomet. The artifact in question being said to be hidden somewhere inside of the Institute. While Ariel, Desmond and four of Desmond's accomplices walk into the building, Paul and one accomplice are told to wait outside. Inside, Ariel and her kidnappers meet Dr. Richard Hammer (a university professor) and his assistants, Kyle and Michelle. Desmond used to be a student of Richard's and they begin arguing about the idol. While bickering, it comes out that Michelle is Desmond's new lover, who seduced Richard only to gain information about the sanatorium and the Baphomet idol.

The film is enjoyable as something you can watch and appreciate the GCI effects, inventive deaths, and general ghostly mayhem as it all careers to the ending. The characters are also quite interesting: the two girls are pretty good to look at, Amanda Righetti (Ariel) seems to get wet quite a lot and Cerina Vincent (Michelle) has an amazing chest. There's even Andrew Lee Potts off of Primeval in there - with an American accent - and lots of guns.

Another thing I liked was that on the Blu-Ray version, there are nine places in the narrative where you can choose what the characters do, leading to different scenes, characters dying at different points, all leading to - it seems - one of four different endings for the film. The disk also includes the Director's cut - which I assume is the one which Wikipedia's synopsis details (here). I didn't watch that, but chose to experiment with the interactive film, leading to some degree of fun, as the film really does play out differently if you choose different options. I liked the way in particular that, at one point, if Ariel goes for the map, all the cast are killed in gunfire immediately afterwards and the film ends about half an hour early! Some would be cruel and suggest you take that option to shorten the misery, but I did genuinely enjoy the film, and will watch the Director's cut at some point to see what was actually in that version.

As I say, as sequels go, it's a good way to spend an evening and quite diverting. There's even some lesbian zombies, and a nurse ghoul who seems to be straight out of Silent Hill (though nowhere near as creepy as those rubber-clad ghoulies). Sometimes a horror film doesn't have to pretend to be high art, and is just there to be drawn along with, laughed at, and in this case, interactively adjusted.

Bam Margera hospitalised after attack

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 04:24 AM PDT

Jackass star Bam Margera is in hospital following a baseball bat attack.

Corden: The Lodger is “Different”

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:38 AM PDT

Doctor Who - The LodgerDigital Spy recently caught up with James Corden to chat about this Saturday's The Lodger which sees the Gavin and Stacey star/writer appear as Craig Owens, the ordinary man sharing a flat with the Doctor which happens to contain the worlds most malevolent staircase.

Speaking at Soccer Aid training for last Sunday's UNICEF UK game – which saw an England side of celebrities and former players managed by James Corden and Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp lose on penalties to The Rest of the World, with the winner scored by Zombieland actor Woody Harrelson – Corden heaped praise on the show and his co-star flatmate Matt Smith.

"Matts as good an actor as I have worked with to be honest and the whole thing was a joy from start to finish and I feel like it's a different sort of episode for Doctor Who.

"It isn't what you'd call like a typical episode of Doctor Who if anything its Doctor Who adjusting to living in our world and that's what I liked about it."

Head over to Digital Spy to catch the whole interview. If you are a football fan and you feel in a generous mood after tonight's game you can still donate to UNICEF UK by clicking here.

(Via Digital Spy)

Torchwood This Week - June 12, 2010

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:11 AM PDT

Torchwood This Week June 12, 2010 - Volume 4, Number 18 by Benjamin F. Elliott Torchwood is coming back for a 4th series - a year from now! US Premium Cable

This Week In Doctor Who - June 12, 2010

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:08 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who - Section A
June 12, 2010 - Vol 13, Number 21
by Benjamin F. Elliott

All the known broadcasts of Doctor Who covered weekly since 1998. With the spinoffs too.

UK - the world premiere of "The Lodger" is today, 12 June at 6:45PM BST on BBC One and BBC HD in a 45 minute slot. "The Pandorica Opens" is due to premiere on 19 June at 6:40PM BST in a 50 minute slot. Series finale "The Big Bang" is due to premiere on 26 June - the time will be set based on which World Cup games BBC One gets. The BBC has not announced the length, but tentative early listings have The Big Bang in a 55 minute slot.

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This Week In Doctor Who - June 12, 2010 Section B

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 03:03 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who Section B PBS, Sarah Jane, K-9 June 12, 2010 by Benjamin F. Elliott Public TV Premiere Run: KUHT 8.1 Houston, TX

Doctor Who and Lady GaGa. How a rumour swept the world -

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 02:57 AM PDT

Doctor Who and Lady GaGa. How a rumour swept the world
... David Tennant as the tenth Doctor and Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones – The Unicorn and the Wasp (2008) – again starring Tennant and Catherine Tate as ...

and more »

This Week In Doctor Who - June 12, 2010 Section A

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 02:51 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who - Section A June 12, 2010 - Vol 13, Number 21 by Benjamin F. Elliott

Get the Picture?

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 01:10 AM PDT

BBC HD Doctor WhoSeveral months ago, the BBC was forced to deal with a mob of furious HD channel viewers from all (British) corners of the internet. The reason? A significant reduction in bit rate for the broadcaster's high-definition stream which preceded an avalanche of complaints concerningpicture quality that the BBC attempted to make up for by using a more efficient encoder.

Understand any of that? Neither do I; nor do I believe it particularly matters, which is just as well as CNET UK and Paul Eaton, a guest writer for the BBC Internet Blog discussing the issue on the Beeb's behalf, agree.

The subject of picture quality is a fork in the road. Half of television's audience will adorn its battle armour and fight to the death for an ever-so-slightly crisper image, and the other half doesn't really care, as long as it can make out what's happening on screen without having to squint.

CNET, Eaton, and this Kasterborous contributor seem to fall somewhere in the middle. While we recognise that image quality is an important factor in modern, over-the-air, visual entertainment, especially for those who pay extra to receive such a service, sometimes concerning oneself with trivial subjects as bit rates and encoding processes is slightly overcooking it, especially when the bigger picture of a programme's recording process is considered. CNET puts it best:

"It's worth noting that we've recently seen several programmes on BBC HD whose quality has surpassed that of any HD material we've seen broadcast on any other channel, including US imports. Recent episodes of Doctor Who and cop drama Luther have looked like high-budget movies, rather than BBC TV shows.

"This is largely due to the type of camera and lenses used in their production — Doctor Who is shot on a Sony F35 CineAlta, which is aimed at digital cinema — but also to the BBC's much improved guidelines for producers."

Yes, the bit rate matters if it's dropped by one billion percent, but a slight dip for budget-conserving reasons is perfectly acceptable so long as the image quality is made up for with top-notch cameras and cinematographers who know what they're doing when it comes to focus, brightness, and other basic necessities for our eyes that have been rendered especially important because of high definition. All this "encoding" bickering really ought to stop.

Whatever happened to enjoying a programme for what it contained, and not for how sharp it looked?

Toby Hadoke's new Routine - Now I Know My BBC

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 01:01 AM PDT

Toby Hadoke is back, well if you have the Cd or Digital Copy "Moths Ate my doctor Who scarf!" He's never really away.  But after touring for over three years with "Moths" Doctor Who Fan and fan Favourite Toby, has a new routine quote from his web site.

"An affectionate and stroppy love letter to his favourite Auntie from the passionately squared eyed comedian whose previous show "Moths Ate Mt Doctor Who Scarf" received 100% 5 star reviews (Ed Fringe 2007), toured the UK and internationally, had a West End run, and spawned a Sony nominated radio series."

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