Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Could it be you?

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 10:01 AM PST

A brand new month is upon us, and not only does that mean that we’re now even closer to the launch of Series 5, but it also means we’re looking for a brand new Whovian to be named as our Fan of the Month for March 2010! You can check out the latest set of interview questions over at our Fan of the [...]

BBC Showcases The Grand Moff

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 07:30 AM PST

BBC Worldwide's annual international market BBC Showcase kicked off on February 21st, with the big news naturally concerning Doctor Who.

In attendance at the Out of this World event were Matt Smith and Karen Gillan from as well as Torchwood's Gareth David Lloyd (Ianto Jones), as well as Executive Producer Stephen Moffat and writer Mark Gatiss who had the dual task of promoting both a new series of Doctor Who and their own series, Sherlock which will star Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman in a modern retelling of the adventures of the fictional detective.

The event was quite a success - BBC Worldwide announced that they have signed a deal which sees 114 hours of entertainment from Doctor Who, Torchwood and co-production Primeval being beamed into homes in Central and Easter Europe.

Some other interesting details also emerged:

*Doctor Who achieved the enviable number one and two spots on iTunes USA last year.
*Primeval and Doctor Who were the top two UK imported programmes in South Korea (July 08/June09). They are also in the top 5 selling programmes for BBC Worldwide in 08/09.
*Torchwood can be seen in countries as far flung as Turkey and Taiwan, Albania and Australia, Iceland and India.
*Doctor Who has now sold to over 50 broadcasters, Torchwood to over 35

Steve Macallister is Managing Director, Sales and Distribution at BBC Worldwide:

"Our sci-fi content offers pure escapism for the viewer, perhaps more so than any other genre – this is exactly what people are looking for in troubled times. British sci-fi's on a role [sic] and there's a real hunger out there for more."

Matt Smith set to feature in Esquire this April

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 07:28 AM PST

The News of the World has today posted a preview image of a suited and booted Matt Smith, taken from a recent photoshoot to be featured inside the April edition of Esquire. Our new leading man is also interviewed inside the issue, the publish date of which will coincide nicely with the launch of his first series of Doctor Who on BBC One/HD this Easter. Of the [...]

5 Minutes with Barrowman

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 05:53 AM PST

John Barrowman took part in quick interview with the Sunday Mirror recently - and the Torchwood star revealed a liking for ex-footballer Jamie Redknapp, that he has no rider when touring, and that he fights Cybermen in his spare time…

For a quickie interview, it's a good bit of fun - but the best part of this interview is where John reveals that he once told a small boy that Cybermen were in the supermarket.

"I was in Costco recently and this lady said, 'My son is wondering what Captain Jack is doing in Costco'. I said to him, 'Don't tell anyone but I'm in disguise and there's a Cyberman loose in the store and I've been sent on a mission by the Doctor'. He followed me around the entire time I was there. He was so cute."

Now, I don't live in Cardiff or London - but isn't Costco a bit down-market for a TV and West End star?

Benny on Facebook

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 05:16 AM PST

Bernice Summerfield has her own Facebook group - Oh Goddess! - and any and all fans are welcome to come and join us.

With plans for Season 11 underway, there'll be some exclusive content added to the group as production gets underway.

Come on... befriend Benny on Facebook!

Who-ted and Booted

Posted: 28 Feb 2010 04:33 AM PST

Matt Smith in April's Esquire magaineMatt Smith stars in the April edition of Esquire (the magazine for men who mean business, apparently) - right in time to coincide with this first series as the Doctor!

Photographed in a snazzy suit not a million miles from what his predecessor was regularly seen in, Smith evidently looks good in any outfit.

Of his own look for the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith told the magazine that it's based entirely on the character as he sees him.

"He's an inter-galactic genius, a superhero-ish, mad, fumbling, bumbling, science geek."

Smith looks pretty cool here - although it's not entirely clear what he's been carrying around in the big silver case…

Video Podcast on Facebook!

Posted: 27 Feb 2010 08:17 PM PST

Just a reminder that any Big Finish fans on Facebook may wish to join our Big Finish Group.

It includes an increasing amount of video content, including a new video podcast with Nicholas Briggs, sound designer Jamie Robertson, producer David Richardson and producers' assistant Paul Spragg.

Coming soon - a video interview with Simon Guerrier on an upcoming Companion Chronicle...

More Series 5 speculation from The Sun

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 12:14 PM PST

The Sun newspaper has today thrown some more Series 5 speculation into the mix by claiming that the Doctor’s new companion, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), will (highlight to reveal) discover that she’s pregnant halfway through the new series. Like the majority of their reports are, their latest appears to be largely based on what they’ve picked up from recent filming developments. However, their [...]

BBC America set Series 5 launch date!

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 11:28 AM PST

As fans across the globe hold their breath in anticipation for The Eleventh Hour, things are finally starting to get a move on as we now have confirmation of the start date for our new series on BBC America! Read on for the details! It has been revealed via the channel’s official website and Facebook group that US fans will be able to enjoy Series 5 from [...]

DWO WhoCast episode 170 - Tom Baker Retrospective Part 1

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 10:00 AM PST

While half the Doctor Who fans worldwide and three quarters of the Doctor Who podcasting community descend upon Gallifrey 21, Trevor is back in the WhoCast studio putting together the first of four episodes dedicated to the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker.

Trevor roped in his mates from the Fantragic podcast to talk about this amazing era of the show.

In this episode we look at Tom's beginnings with the show, and discuss at length his first few seasons of stories.

Keep an eye out over the next week or so - more episodes will be available covering the Tom Baker era as the Doctor.

All this Baker goodness will culminate in an exclusive interview with Tom Baker himself.  Please enjoy the DWO WhoCast retrospective on the fourth Doctor, Tom Baker.

BBC America Announces US Start Date

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 07:57 AM PST

BBC America has announced that their broadcasts of the new series of Doctor Who will start on April 17th. The date has been reported in the Hollywood trade paper Variety, and has been confirmed on BBC America's website and Facebook page.

The start date for UK broadcast has not yet been officially confirmed. There are reports that a trailer has aired with the date of April 3rd, but this may have been broadcast in error. The BBC's official position is that the series will debut "at Easter".

Odeon reconsider Alice in Wonderland boycott

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 04:49 AM PST

Those of you who have been following the news will no doubt be aware that earlier this week Odeon UK confirmed that they would be boycotting Alice in Wonderland following a disagreement with Disney over its imminent DVD release. Of course, this was very bad news, not only for fans of Twidledum and Tweedledee, but also for Whovians alike, because the recently [...]

Shada Announcement

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 03:41 AM PST

We're sorry to announce that, due to overwhelming demand for Shada in the Big Finish for a Fiver offer, warehouse stocks for this title have temporarily run out. We are currently repressing the discs and we are expecting delivery within three weeks, at which point orders will be dispatched immediately.

Thank you for your patience.

The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 03:19 AM PST

To the release of the Fan Created book The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who, there have been a couple of Events anounced, See Below for details.   The Events give you the Chance to pose questions.  At the British event Simon Guerrier will be in attendance as he wrote the a forward for the book.  The Preface is writen by DWNY's own Barnaby Edwards.

The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who upcoming events

I-Con 29, March 26 -28, 2010,


Thursday, May 20, 2010, 7 p.m., US/NYC Book Launch event:

The Way Station, 683 Washington Ave, Prospect Heights, BK, 11238, USA.

(btw prospect and st marks, a/c to washington or 2/3 to BK Museum or q to 7th Ave)

Contact: Andy Heidel , , 917.279.5412


Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 7 p.m.:

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Bohnams Doctor Who Auction

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 11:05 PM PST

Yesterday the collection that the BBC had sent to Auction at Bonhams went under the Hammer.

The Torchwood SUV went for 18,000 pound Sterling and Jackson Lakes Costume Brought in 3,120 Pounds.

A full list of what each individual piece Brought can be Found at the end of this Piece though a Link to the Bonhams Website.

It should be also noted that the two Planet of the Dead red Busses were removed before the Auction began, which makes me wonder what the BBC has planed for those.

Hundreds of fans gather at Bonhams Doctor Who auction

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 09:22 AM PST

The much-publicized Bonhams Doctor Who auction took place in Knightsbridge, London, today, as over 300 fans arrived to bid on their favourite props from the series! One of the biggest collections of memorabilia ever was on show at the event, with costumes and monsters from both classic and new episodes presented in the historic collection. As BBC News reports, the [...]

John Barrowman denies knowledge of Torchwood USA

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 06:39 AM PST

As fans across the land try to piece together the unfolding mystery of Torchwood Series 4, its star John Barrowman has revealed that, as far as he’s aware, there are currently no plans to take the Doctor Who spin off to America, despite what we may have read in the newspapers. “I haven’t heard anything. I have no [...]

David cast in new psychological thriller

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 03:28 AM PST

It has been revealed that David Tennant will be appearing in a new psychological thriller called Retreat. Written by Carl Tibbetts and Janice Hallett, the story follows a couple - played by Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series) and Thandie Newton (Run, Fat Boy Run & The Pursuit of Happyness) - who have their holiday ruined [...]

Doctor Who 3D Cover for SFX

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 01:00 AM PST

The new edition of SFX will feature a specially-commissioned 3D cover celebrating the return of Doctor Who to television at Easter. Produced in full co-operation with the BBC and the Doctor Who production team, the cover features the Doctor and Amy with a couple of Weeping Angels. The magazine includes an exclusive look at the new series, including interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Steven Moffat.

Issue 194 is on sale from 10th March - see the SFX website for more details.

(please note our cover illustration is an animated simulation of the 3D effect - if you didn't see it when reading this article, simply click on the image to see the larger-scale version)

Barrowman 'unsure' over 'Torchwood' future

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 12:34 AM PST

John Barrowman claims that he knows nothing about the future of Torchwood.

Gallifrey One 2010

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 11:30 PM PST

John Baker synthesiser for sale

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 11:09 PM PST

John Baker worked for the BBC Radiophonic Workshop between 1963 and 1974, during the time when many special sounds for Doctor Who were made by the department. The auction site Ebay currently an EMS VCS3 synthesiser listed which was owned by the composer, and it has been reported as being used for Doctor Who, and possibly even used for the re-arrangement of the Doctor Who theme tune in the early 1970s (though this has not been confirmed).

The item has, unsurprisingly, attracted interest, with the bid at the time of writing at £3877. Running until 4th March, you can view the item on the auction website.

You can read more about John Baker at the Trunk Records website.

Life's a Doodle

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 11:07 PM PST

March 5th isn't just any old Friday, you know. Oh no...

Aside from being the release date for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (in all cinemas except Odeon...) it's also National Doodle Day - a charity day encouraging people from all walks of life to put pen to paper, to help raise money fro sufferers of epilepsy and neurofibromatosis.

This year (the seventh such year the event has taken place) Lis Sladen herself is among the celebrities that have offered their artwork:

You can bid on the doodle, and help raise money for the charity, here.

Other celebrities involved include Catherine Tate and Bernard Cribbins.

(Thanks to reader Lizzie Wilson for bringing all this to my attention)

Radiophonic Workshop Synth For sale

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 04:00 PM PST

At the moment on the UK E-bay site, a synth from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, once belonging to John Baker is up for sale, and dates from the Pertwee Era.  The Current Price is at $5,993 or 3,877 Pounds Sterling.

Anybody who fances thier chances at purchacing this Synth or just want to see how much it brings just follow the link below.

Get Your Sonic Fix with the Sonic Newsdriver for the 23rd of February

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 10:53 AM PST

The Sonic Newsdriver 20100223
Selected Doctor Who related news delivered sonically.
For Earth-date: Tuesday, the 23rd of Feb. 2010

New publicity image and new promo trailer for Doctor Who series 31 released, Torchwood the Digital Comic, James Corden to Guest Star?, Neil Gaiman Confirms, Going Once - Going Twice, Gallifrey 21, and more.

Hosted by Louis Trapani

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Ian Scoones

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 06:20 AM PST

It has been reported that visual effects designer Ian Scoones has died.

Scoones is perhaps best remembered for his work on Doctor Who in the 1970s for Pyramids of Mars, The Invisible Enemy and City of Death, though he had worked on many other stories, including the very first story An Unearthly Child as an uncredited special effects assistant. He was also heavily involved with the first series of Blake's Seven. As well as television, he worked on a number of films, including Quatermass and the Pit, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Haunted Honeymoon.

He retired to Spain a number of years ago, but was interviewed by fellow visual effects designer Matt Irvine for the 2008 BBC DVD release The Invisible Enemy, a story he also worked on.

Creature from the Pit confirmed

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 02:01 AM PST

Creature from the PitDoctor Who DVD producer 2Entertain have officially confirmed that the Fourth Doctor story The Creature from the Pit is to be released on DVD.

The story has been expected since our report in January covered features for the story as having been cleared by the British Board of Film Classification. However, the release date for the story has yet to be revealed.

An Afternoon With Tom

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 10:26 PM PST

We here at are of the opinion that Tommy Knight is made of WIN. =D Since his debut on Invasion of the Bane back in 2007, the now 17-year-old actor's managed to get almost as many signings and television appearances under his belt as SJA's leading lady! Though, despite having been quoted about his work dozens of times over the years, few interviewers have had the opportunity to talk to the man behind the character; the real Tombo.

Fortunately for you lot, I - and fellow SJA enthusiast, Kirsty Juniper [aspiring journalist and BFF extraordinaire] gave it a shot last Saturday, when we got to chat to Tommy at the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford!

Tommy and his mother, Sandy, are kind enough to escort us into a rather lavish-looking Green Room at 3.30pm. Tom's just spent the past few hours signing hundreds of autographs, posing for dozens of photos and taking part in a Q&A session with an audience that was wayyyy over capacity. Perhaps it's down to youthful energy, or maybe it's the can of Coke he's been clutching all day - but Tommy doesn't show the remotest hint of fatigue! A lesser man would've collapsed from exhaustion, especially if he'd set off from his home in Kent at 6 o'clock that very morning. Seems to be all in a days work for Tommy, however, who's no doubt used to the long hours and heavy workload from the three years he's spent working on The Sarah Jane Adventures.

We learn from Sandy that Tom's always had a knack for taking on more than what would be expected of him. Whether devouring whole novels aged just seven, or learning to play a song on the piano by simply being shown how - you'd be hard pressed not to think of him as a real-life Luke!

We sit down around a conference table in the Green Room to discuss how Tommy's on-screen persona has affected his life since he took on the role:

Kirsty: So...what does it feel like to have so many children idolising you?

Tommy: It's er, it's pretty weird actually. I've got to think about things a lot more. Like how I am in front of people. I have to mind my language and y'know, be a lot more friendly towards the little kids.

Kirsty: Because you're like a role model for them, people look up to you?

Tommy: Yeah, it's quite worrying actually(!)

Me: What's it like at school? You have the rare opportunity of going to school with the target audience, do you often have the little year sevens come up to you and ask you things?

Tommy: Yeah, I do actually. I get a lot of that the first few weeks in. Every time I walk into Science or go have a Chemistry lesson, the next door year sevens are all pointing as I'm sorting out my bag and there's like a shock of wonder and awe(!) I walk past and I hear them whisper 'Sarah Jane Adventures!' or something like that to each other. I get used to it, though.

Me: Do you have a little gaggle of fangirls following you around?

Tommy: Not really. No, I go to an all boys school...!

Me: Oh!

Tommy: So it'll be a gaggle of, er boys! No, no. No such luck. *laughs*

Kirsty: So as you're a young actor, do you have any plans to do anything more meaty in the future? Like, because you were in The Bill last month.

Me: That was so good!

Kirsty: And we heard there was a bad experience there...? [referring to an incident we'd heard about from Tom's mother].

Tommy: Oh yeah, getting stuck in the cell. [When they weren't filming!] That was creepy. Um...I think in the future, I dunno, I really can't decide on what I want to do. A part of me really wants to leave acting and go and do something else. Like, I'd love to do Medicine, I've always wanted to do that. But another part of me wants to join the RAF. I'd love to continue acting because it would be so much fun, but I'm not cool with settling down with something that's not a regular income. I don't know if I'd be alright with that throughout my whole life. I want a family one day. =D

Me: Any particular field of the RAF you want to get into?

Tommy: I want to fly aeroplanes.

Me: Ooh, apparently they can pay your tuition for university too, that's quite a good perk!

Kirsty: Are you a sci-fi fan yourself, because most people are not. I read an interview with Lis and she said 'No, I'm NOT a sci-fi fan at all(!)'

Tommy: I'm not really a sci-fi fan, no. I'm a bit of a nerd, like I play Halo 3 on the Xbox. I follow their MLG competitions for that and love it so much. That's my nerdy side, all competitive computer gaming. I'm not much of a telly person, which is a shame.

Me: Are you quite techy, then?

Tommy: Tacky?!

Me: Oh, no! Techy! With regards to computers.

Tommy: Oh, oh techy. Yeah, yeah I can work my way 'round a computer.

Me: Do you take after your dad a bit? [his father works with computers for a living]

Tommy: Oh, yeah he knows a lot more than I do. He's a lot better than I am but yeah, if something goes wrong I can sometimes fix it.

Kirsty: So if you went to a convention or something, is there anyone you would really really want to meet?

Tommy: I think if I was to come to one, I'd probably be like the sort of person that gets stuff for all my friends. I'd text them all like 'oh this person is here' to every single person you see, 'does anyone want this? We'll go for this person!' and things like that. I'm not much of an autograph-y person. Personally, I don't have an interest in having them, I completely get why people do want it, though. But like, I've never really wanted to run up to someone.

Me: Do you have any nerdy friends in your friendship circle, then?

Tommy: I've got a couple of nerdy friends, yeah. :P

Me: Any of them Doctor Who fans, or fellow Sarah Jane Adventures fans?

Tommy: Couple of Doctor Who fans in there, yeah. They're fully supportive though, everyone I know - they love it. Yeah, it's nice.

Me: Is it difficult making newer friends at school?

Tommy: Yeah, it is quite difficult sometimes. Fortunately I'm getting older now, so most 17-year-olds don't really watch it. But I mean, there have been quite a couple of times if I'm out with some friends, and I meet some other friends I've never really met before - and they'll be like 'Oh, are you from that show?' And you sort of feel like they judge you and expect you to be someone a lot better than you are, if you know what I mean?

We round off our chat with a foray into Tom's favourite things, something every self-confessed Tommy Knight fan's been dying to see answered but have, until now, never had the opportunity to ask! :)

Me: Favourite book, what do you enjoy reading?

Tommy: Um...I've read the book Inkheart, before it was a film.

Me: Is the book better than the movie?

Tommy: So much better. So, so much better! I really loved the book. Yeah, favourite book I think I've ever read.

Me: Band?

Tommy: Band...that's tricky. My music taste is changing. [Tom's mother nods knowingly at this point]

Me: Oh, is it quite a bit eclectic, then?

Tommy: Yeah, yeah I've always loved my heavy Deathcore or rural music, but recently it's just been Dubstep. I just can't get enough of my basey music.

Sandy: And Vampire Weekend.

Tommy: Oh yeah, and I took mum to see Vampire Weekend. Tuesday, Brixton Academy, we were there. For Vampire Weekend.

Kirsty: I have no idea what Vampire Weekend is. :P

Tommy: They're really happy music.

Lead singer remind you of anyone? xP

Me: Where abouts is Brixton Academy, is that in London?

Tommy: Yeah, yeah that's London.

Me: And favourite song, if you had to pick one song out of your whole life, the song to your life?

Tommy: Jamie T - Back In The Game.

Me: I'll have to google that one. And..favourite movie?

Tommy: Um, favourite movie...Fight Club!

Me: Oooh, brilliant. Favourite television show? Oh, well you can pick maybe three...

Tommy: Favourite television show is...I liked, I really loved Misfits.

Me: I love that! Is that coming out again?

Tommy: They're doing a second series, I'm so excited for that!

Me: Brilliant!

Tommy: I love series one and two of Skins, but I've just lost interest in it. *laughs*

Me: Same, same! Effy's the only strong point in the new series really, and maybe Cook.

Sandy: If they went for another series, presumably the kids in it now would be out...

Tommy: Yeah they're doing a series at the moment, which is out currently.

Sandy: Yeah, but if they start auditioning for it, would you be interested in doing the next one?

Me: Yeah, there's an option. It does get a bit raunchy

Tommy: Yeah! Oh, I'd love a bit of raunch!

Sandy: It's your age group.

Kirsty: Yeah, you're about the right age for it now.

Me: Yeah, you'd be perfect!

Tommy: Yeah, I'd love to do that. Definitely.

Me: Yeah, but wouldn't it intrude on his uni time...

Tommy: Yeah, that's the only thing. If it's going to effect my education, I don't know if I'm alright with that.

Kirsty: So we'll look out for you on Skins next, then!

*all of us have a giggle*

Me: Yeah well, I think that's pretty much it. :)

Kirsty: Thank you very much, that's about all we wanted really.

Tommy: Oh yeah, well I'm going to go and have a look at the robots now!

Tommy had wanted to go and see the Robot Wars section all day. What he didn't know was that his mum had secretly organised for him to have a private play with the controls so he could actually move the machines about!

A source tells us that he 'pushed, gripped and bashed a tin barrel to bits...and broke the hammer bit on the robot....'! Nice =D

Many thanks to Kirsty for accompanying me into the interview and for asking some truly insightful questions, as well as typing up the massive chat transcript! And many many thanks to the Midlands

James Corden to Guest in Doctor Who?

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 08:58 AM PST

James CordenJames Corden of Gavin and Stacey is set to appear in a guest role in Doctor Who, so says The Sun. According to an article they published, the comic was seen learning his lines on a Cardiff bound train heading to the Doctor Who set.

The article states that Corden is a huge Doctor Who fan and jumped at the chance to appear in the series.

No details where given on what character or what type of character he might be playing.

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USA Convention Update

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 03:47 AM PST

In the next few weeks, American fans will have several opportunities to meet Doctor Who celebrities and celebrate the show. Coming up this weekend (February 26–28) in Los Angeles is Gallifrey One, the largest Doctor Who convention in North America. This year's guests include classic series companions Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Deborah Watling (Victoria Waterfield), Anneke Wills (Polly), Frazer Hines (Jamie), and John Levene (Sgt. Benton). From modern Doctor Who and its spin-offs, actors Tommy Knight (Luke Smith), Georgia Moffett (Jenny), and Andrew Hayden-Smith (Jake) will be in attendance. On the production side, guests include costume designer Louise Page, directors Graeme Harper, Colin Teague and Alice Troughton, polymath Nicholas Briggs (voice of the Daleks, actor in Torchwood: Children of Earth, writer and producer for Big Finish Productions), script editor Gary Russell and writers Bob Baker (co-creator of K9 and the new K9 TV series), Phil Ford (head writer for The Sarah Jane Adventures, and writer for Doctor Who and Torchwood), John Fay (Torchwood: Children of Earth), Rob Shearman ("Dalek" and the short story collection Love Songs for the Shy and Cynical) and Paul Cornell ("Human Nature" and Marvel Comics). Pre-registration for Gallifrey One is closed, but on-site registration will be available from Friday morning. Gallifrey One is held at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel.

There are also events coming up for Doctor Who fans on the East Coast. On March 7, Who York will host "A Who York Evening with Russell Tovey" at Cafe 50, 50 W 22nd St, New York. Tovey played Midshipman Frame in the Doctor Who specials "Voyage of the Damned" and "The End of Time", and also stars as the werewolf George in the BBC series Being Human. The Who York event will include a Q&&A and an autograph session.

If you want to see Tovey, but New York isn't convenient, you can catch him and Doctor Who legend Nicholas Courtney at a special Pub Night being hosted by Hurricane Who. Courtney, of course, has played Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart for over 40 years. "Hurricane Who: Greyhound One" will be held on March 11 at the Cricketers Arms pub in Orlando, Florida, and will include a Q&A, meet-and-greet, and episode viewings with both Courtney and Tovey.

Casting Update: James Corden

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 01:00 AM PST

The Sun's latest casting news reports that Gavin and Stacey writer/star James Corden will appear in the new series of Doctor Who later this year. The actor was said to have been seen learning his lines on train to Cardiff, and confirmed the news when approached by a fan.

The "show insider" said:
We normally keep our guest stars under wraps but you can't hide a bloke like James. He loves coming to Wales, and it gives him a chance to meet up with Ruth Jones, who co-wrote Gavin and Stacey with him and starred as Nessa. We're just delighted to have James on board. He is a great actor and he'll be a perfect fit for the new Doctor Who.
The actor's role in the series has yet to be revealed.

"Out of this World"

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 12:30 AM PST

Out of this WorldThe Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra will be presenting an evening of sci-fi music, which will feature music from Doctor Who, amongst other sci-fi favourites:
A fantastic adventure through Time And Relative Dimensions In Space as our very own Time Lord has close encounters with out of this world favourites from large and small screens.

The programme includes music from Dr Who, a musical tribute to Star Trek, as well as music from Star Wars. Mankind's giant leap is remembered and we pay a visit to our nearest planetary neighbour with a movement from Holst's Planets Suite. Come in your best outer space gear for a truly intergalactic experience!

Best of all - come to the Phil from 1.30 pm to meet all your favourite Dr Who and Star Wars characters!
The concert will be presented by Alasdair Malloy, a musician who's dedicated much of his life to promoting music to children; talking to the Liverpool Echo about the forthcoming concert:
It's extraordinary. There's no doubt the RLPO plays to more children than any other orchestra in the UK, if not Europe. For me I think a successful family concert should have all the same things as a successful family day out. Like a theme park for example – the moment you wake up the children are excited. Then the event itself should have all these elements of excitement and surprise and discovery. Then afterwards you have the shared experience as a family and with any luck you're going to talk about it.

The concert is on the 7th March at 2:30pm at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall - see their website for further information and to book tickets.

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