Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Straight Jack?

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 05:57 AM PDT

Captain Jack Harkness actor John Barrowman has reacted passionately to rumours in the US that a Stateside production or co-production of Torchwood would make his character straight.

John Barrowman as Captain Jack HarknessBarrowman's character is famously unchoosy about the person he's going to sleep with - providing they're attractive. Let's face it, there are plenty of straight action heroes.

"I hope wherever [the franchise] goes that the show stays the same," said the actor.

"The last thing I would want would be for Jack to become this heterosexual, straight hero. He's an omnisexual guy. He likes men, women, aliens, whatever. I think we should continue going down that route."

Would Russell T Davies sacrifice this element of Jack's personality? That is the question.

As for the return of Torchwood - in whatever capacity - it seems that the intention is that wherever the show is made, Captain Jack Harkness will remain an integral part of it.

"Julie has said, as has Russell, that there will be no Torchwood without John Barrowman as Capt. Jack," he says. "If I am asked to do Torchwood again, I will do it at the drop of a hat — whether it's in America or back in Britain or if it's for a film. I absolutely love Capt. Jack."

However, as we previously reported, beyond a Russell T Davies US Torchwood pilot script commissioned by Fox, there is very little movement on any form of fourth series.

(Via Digital Spy)

The Doctor and Time

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 05:31 AM PDT

Doctor Who Executive Producer and lead writer Steven Moffat has revealed his thoughts on how the Doctor's status as a Time Lord affects his relationship with time itself.

Steven MoffatWhile The Grand Moff recognises that he has used time travel in clever ways in previous scripts (such as Blink and The Girl in the Fireplace), he is aware that it shouldn't be a dominating aspect of an episodes plot.

"However, I do think it should happen more often and reinforce the fact he has an odd relationship with time.

"For example, no one is ever dead to him. He can't say 'I knew Winston Churchill', he'd say 'I know Winston Churchill'. Everyone in the whole universe is still alive to him and he has no sense of time passing. I find that all fascinating.

This is an interesting observation - the matter of tense is important, and while in the past the Doctor might refer to famous people from history in the past tense, you always got the feeling he could nip off and see them when he felt like it.

Steven Moffat is also very aware that he is a different sort of writer to predecessor Russell T Davies - something that is likely to shape the overall series under his stewardship.

"If you look at the stories I've written so far I suppose I might be slightly more at the fairy-tale and Tim Burton end of Doctor Who, whereas Russell is probably more at the blockbuster and Superman end of the show."

Remember kids - bigger doesn't mean better…

Moff: I Missed Out

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 04:40 AM PDT

Doctor Who executive producer Steven Moffat has revealed how his love of Doctor Who lead to him working in TV - and how the series was axed as he got his first job!

Like many young fans, Moffat, was entranced by the visual effects on 1970s Doctor Who, the like of which had never been seen anywhere before.

"I suppose I could say the reason I started working in TV is because I was such a huge fan of Doctor Who," explains Steven.

"I was absolutely fascinated and thrilled by the show. I wanted to know how the TARDIS disappeared, how all the special effects worked and why the Doctor changed. As a viewer you want to know why he looks different; it's a show that compels you to look behind the scenes. In fact, over the years, I think I've bought every single issue of Doctor Who Magazine since it launched."

In the late 1980s, as the writer of Children's ITV series Press Gang (one of the most brilliant TV shows ever which was regularly genuine, funny and starred a young Julia Sawalha and Dexter Fletcher) the man we would later designate "The Grand Moff" might have thought he could be in with a chance of writing for his favourite show…

"I tumbled through the door of children's TV, became quite a cool children's TV writer for about 48 seconds in 1989 and they basically axed Doctor Who that day!" says Steven with a chuckle. "After 26 years, just when I thought I'd finally get to write for the show, I missed out by an afternoon."

How different the history of Doctor Who might have been…

Season 31 Writers & Directors

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 04:08 AM PDT

The BBC have released confirmed details of the writers and directors for the new series of Doctor Who - albeit without any further episode titles.

Matt Smith IS the Doctor!The Eleventh Hour kicks off season 31 of Doctor Who, and sees the first of the brand new directors Adam Smith bringing to life Steven Moffat's script. Episode two, The Beast Below meanwhile sees Andrew Gunn tackling a script by the Moff, before continuing into Victory of the Daleks, by Mark Gatiss.

The Time of Angels and The Flesh of Stone sees the return of The Weeping Angels with Adam Smith again directing a Steven Moffat script, while Vampires in Venice is directed by Johnny Campbell and written by Toby Whithouse.

Episode 7 and onwards remain untitled, with Simon Nye's script directed by Catherine Morshead, Chris Chibnall providing a two part adventure to be interpreted by Ashley Way and Johnny Campell directing Richard Curtis' episode 10. Catherine Morshead directs Gareth Roberts' third Doctor Who episode (following The Shakespeare Code, The Unicorn and the Wasp and Planet of the Dead) while the series concludes with Steven Moffat's two parter directed by Toby Haynes.

So that list in full:

Steven Moffat (ep 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 13)
Mark Gatiss (ep 3)
Toby Whithouse (ep 6)
Simon Nye (ep 7)
Chris Chibnall (ep 8, 9)
Richard Curtis (ep 10)
Gareth Roberts (ep 11)

Adam Smith (ep 1, 4, 5)
Andrew Gunn (ep 2, 3)
Jonny Campbell (ep 6, 10)
Catherine Morshead (ep 7, 11) Ashley Way (ep 8, 9)
Toby Haynes (ep 12, 13)

In addition, Patrick Schweitzer is credited as co-producer on Vampires in Venice and the as yet untitled episode 6, something that is likely due to the two episodes featuring location work in Croatia

First look: Trailer for new series of Doctor Who revealed following Cardiff ... - Daily Mail

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 04:07 AM PDT

Daily Mail

First look: Trailer for new series of Doctor Who revealed following Cardiff ...
Daily Mail
Padbury, Billie Piper and Catherine Tate. Across the series viewers will see familiar adversaries as both the Daleks and the Cybermen are tipped to return. ...

and more »

The Scariest Thing Ever

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 03:30 AM PDT

Finding new material in the multitude of interviews with Matt Smith and Steven Moffat is tricky - but rest assured new facts are seeping out about the new series of Doctor Who following the press launch for The Eleventh Hour.

In an interview with the Mirror, Matt Smith revealed that the previous success of Doctor Who isn't something that scares him - he is in fact inspired by it.

The Grand Moff, multi hugo award winning Doctor Who writer Steven MoffatHowever it is The Grand Moff who grabs your attention here, referring not only to a complex relationship between the Doctor and Amy or how Matt Smith is "everything I hoped for and more", he also refers to the reaction of one of his children to one of the new episodes…

"There is an episode in this series that I showed to my 10-year-old son and he said there is one scene that is the scariest thing that has ever happened in Doctor Who. There is another episode that will make you gasp then want to press rewind so you can see it again."

Who knew that Steven Moffat was allowed to let his kids see Doctor Who before the rest of us?

Beyond March Madness, the weekend brings two biggies: - Orlando Sentinel

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 03:20 AM PDT

Orlando Sentinel

Beyond March Madness, the weekend brings two biggies:
Orlando Sentinel
***"Desperate Housewives" brings on John Barrowman as a guest star. It's a big deal for "Torchwood" fans. Barrowman comes to Wisteria Lane as Angie's former ...

and more »

Ou Est Torchwood?

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 03:00 AM PDT

John Barrowman is Captain Jack Harkness - but for how much longer?If not Wales, then where? That's the question on the lips of fans of Torchwood following the press launch of the new series of Doctor Who, after BBC Wales director Menna Richards omitted to mention the alien hunting spinoff in a list of shows produced in the principality.

According to Den of Geek, Richards made a small speech before the screening of The Eleventh Hour in order to talk about the new centre of drama production to be built in Cardiff, and reeled off a list of programming that it would be home to: Doctor Who, Pobol y Cwm and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

No mention, then, of Torchwood.

While recent rumours have suggested a new series of Torchwood might be a co-production with a US channel, there has been little solid news on Torchwood series 4. Fans of Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper have been left with little more than the excellent Torchwood Magazine and a series of novels to retain their interest. While scouring the TV listings for appearances by John Barrowman (who may one day warrant his own listings mag) and Eve Myles and other Torchwood cast members might just keep fans interested, the increasing lack of news from anyone involved with the series is deafening.

Now based in the USA, Torchwood creator Russell T Davies must be aware of this. Let's hope we get some solid news soon.

Age is a thing of the past -

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 02:54 AM PDT

Age is a thing of the past
In many ways my spouse is the most grown-up person I know, but still he has a buzz-cut, a rack of T-shirts, endless rock CDs, a soft spot for Torchwood, ...

This weekend: Oprah Winfrey talks up 'Life'; Bryan Cranston shines in ... - Orlando Sentinel (blog)

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 02:48 AM PDT

Orlando Sentinel (blog)

This weekend: Oprah Winfrey talks up 'Life'; Bryan Cranston shines in ...
Orlando Sentinel (blog)
***"Desperate Housewives" brings on John Barrowman as a guest star. It's a big deal for "Torchwood" fans. Barrowman comes to Wisteria Lane as Angie's former ...

and more »

Don't turn my character straight, says gay actor -

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 12:20 AM PDT

Don't turn my character straight, says gay actor
The creator of Torchwood, former Doctor Who supremo Russell T. Davies – who is working for BBC America – has written the pilot. But Barrowman has said there ...

and more »

This Week In Doctor Who - March 20, 2010

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:50 PM PDT

Alert to readers - I wrote a Torchwood section. I have sent the section to various places, and it is refusing to appear. I have not been able to debug the problem yet. So, for the second week in a row, the combined section goes out without Torchwood, in spite of my writing it. If I can get the Torchwood section to publish, it will be re-edited into this version. - 3/20/10.

read more

Look Whos coming to town Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital - Scotsman

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:35 PM PDT

Look Whos coming to town Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital
Now the Daleks and the Cybermen – along with the last of the Time Lords – are to invade the Capital next month for a special interactive ...

and more »

This Week In Doctor Who - March 20, 2010

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:29 PM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who March 20, 2010 - Vol 13, No 11 The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide since 1998. by Benjamin F. Elliott

This Week In Doctor Who PBS - March 20, 2010

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:26 PM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who PBS March 20, 2010 by Benjamin F Elliott Congratulations to Iowa Public TV Doctor Who audiences. Reports out of Iowa are that Doctor

This Week In Doctor Who Spinoffs - March 20, 2010

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:25 PM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who Spinoffs March 20, 2010 The weekly guide to Sarah Jane Adventures and K-9 broadcasts, plus any extra matters. by Benjamin F. Elliott

Look Who's coming to town: Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital - Scotsman

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:20 PM PDT

Look Who's coming to town: Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital
Now the Daleks and the Cybermen – along with the last of the Time Lords – are to invade the Capital next month for a special interactive ...

and more »

Look Who's coming to town: Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital - Edinburgh Evening News

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:14 PM PDT

Look Who's coming to town: Interactive event brings Time Lord roadshow to Capital
Edinburgh Evening News
... being held to mark the launch of the new series of Doctor Who. The latest Time Lord, Matt Smith, and his companion, played by Scots actress Karen Gillan ...

and more »

Is it April yet?

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 10:50 PM PDT

You’ll be asking that question after seeing this!

Weekend TV Best Bets -

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 09:22 PM PDT

Weekend TV Best Bets
Angie's vengeful ex-boyfriend (played by John Barrowman of "Torchwood") arrives. Meanwhile, Katherine may be ready to admit that she enjoys lesbian sex. ...

and more »

Laila Rouass to join Spooks - ATV News (blog)

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 07:47 PM PDT

Laila Rouass to join Spooks
ATV News (blog)
... the well-received The Girl in the Fireplace episode of Doctor Who alongside David Tennant – the two were a couple for a while following her appearance. ...

and more »

Matt Smith says playing Doctor Who is like signing for Manchester United -

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 07:18 PM PDT

Matt Smith says playing Doctor Who is like signing for Manchester United
He was speaking in Cardiff at the preview of the new Doctor Who series, which begins on BBC1 at Easter, and praised David Tennant who he has replaced.

and more »

Karen Gillan makes a saucy debut as Scots take over new series of Doctor Who - Scottish Daily Record

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 06:53 PM PDT

Karen Gillan makes a saucy debut as Scots take over new series of Doctor Who
Scottish Daily Record
However, the new show boss - who took over from Who revivalist Russell T Davies at the end of last season - shot down any claims that there was a pro-Scots ...

and more »

Press Screening Q and A Transcript

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 06:35 PM PDT

Press Screening Q&A Transcript
News Dated: 20/3/2010

Freelance journalist and TV Writer, Ian Wylie, has added his review for the first episode of Series Five, The Eleventh Hour, as well as a transcript of the Q&A session that was held at the press screening, to his popular online blog.

  Click Here to read Ian Wylie's Blog:

[Source: Ian Wylie]

Dr Who's "lovely feeling" at landing the part - Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 06:11 PM PDT

Dr Who's "lovely feeling" at landing the part
Northamptonshire Evening Telegraph
New Dr Who star Matt Smith, from Northamptonshire, has spoken about the show ahead of its arrival on our screens over Easter. The actor from Great Billing, ...

..Matt-ch of the Day for new Doctor -

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 05:52 PM PDT

..Matt-ch of the Day for new Doctor
He was speaking in Cardiff at the preview of the new Doctor Who series, which begins on BBC1 at Easter, and praised David Tennant who he has replaced.

and more »

Series 5 Trailer 3 Pics

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 12:43 PM PDT

Here's over 40 pictures from the latest trailer!


Series 5 Trailer 3

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 12:43 PM PDT

New Doctor Who Trailer

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 10:25 AM PDT

Fans waiting for some snippets of the new series of Doctor Who - click this link!

A new Doctor Who trailer has been released, featuring new footage as well as images you might have seen already during the New Year's Day online trailer.

Key amongst the images included are a Dalek, wartime London, a battle in outer space - and a Cyberman, wearing the 2006 design.

Starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, this trailer is just a few hours old, so enjoy it.

(Check out more video content at

“Matt’s Doctor is Bonkers”

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 08:23 AM PDT

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat said at the press launch od his first series that Matt Smith's Doctor was very different from that of his predecessor.

There are always differences between Doctors, of course, but rarely to the series bosses make such stark distinctions…

"David was sort of neat and fastidious like a humming bird. Matt is gangling and shambling - he's like a terrible mess that somehow becomes elegant by magic,"

"He brings back genuine madness to the role of the Doctor - Matt's Doctor is bonkers."

That's a great way to describe the new Time Lord - he certainly tells it like it is, that Steven Moffat…

…and we'll see for ourselves on Saturday, 3rd April!

More than Sexy

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 07:30 AM PDT

Karen Gillan - Type Phwoarty, lads?Thursday's press launch of Doctor Who - featuring a screening of The Eleventh Hour - saw new Doctor Matt Smith describe co-star Karen Gillan as the "sexiest companion that ever lived".

Let's face it, she's up against some competition - and yet… we've seen the pictures of Amy Pond in a short-skirted policewoman's uniform with a short skirt. She looks great in that and in all of the recent glamour shots - but she's more than sexy, as far as Karen Gillan is concerned.

She said: "What I love about Amy is that she has this feisty, independent, strong-minded exterior but underneath it all we know that she's actually this lost soul inside because of the way she meets the Doctor."

As you can see here, though, she's certainly sexy as well…

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