Monday, March 22, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Doctor Who USA?

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 04:30 PM PDT

In what is hopefully nothing more than the work of bored journalists, The Mirror is reporting that Doctor Who is heading the way of Torchwood with a US remake on the cards.

The paper claims that the team behind US drama Supernatural are developing an American version that will feature an American actor in the titular role.

A source apparently told the paper: "The countdown is on for an American Time Lord to take over the Tardis. Doctor Who is as British as tea and toast or fish and chips. So there will be a few ruffled feathers at the thought of such a British institution being given a Hollywood makeover.

"This is going to be an all-American Doctor. Think Uncle Sam with a Sonic Screwdriver."

If the article has any truth (and we're doubtful), then we suspect an American Doctor Who would join other successful US remakes such as Red Dwarf and Life on Mars. And by successes we mean utter failures.


Dr Who star John Barrowman turns up in Wysteria Lane - Monsters and

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 03:09 PM PDT

Monsters and

Dr Who star John Barrowman turns up in Wysteria Lane
Monsters and
John who plays Captain Jack in Torchwood in a spin off from 'Doctor Who', recently had a showing of a new BBC ONE series of 'Torchwood - Children of the ...

C2E2 sets early screening of new 'Doctor Who' episodes - ChicagoNow (blog)

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 03:01 PM PDT

C2E2 sets early screening of new 'Doctor Who' episodes
ChicagoNow (blog)
You'll see Smith and his co-star, Karen Gillan, as Who's companion Amy Pond. For more information on the screening, go to C2E2 Web site. ...

Starz greenlights contemporary 'Camelot' - Hollywood Reporter

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 02:07 PM PDT

Hollywood Reporter

Starz greenlights contemporary 'Camelot'
Hollywood Reporter
Described as a romantic adventure series, "Camelot" is being written by British TV scribe Chris Chibnall ("Torchwood"). King called the series a perfect ...

Interview: Steven Moffat, screenwriter - Scotsman

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 11:12 AM PDT

Interview: Steven Moffat, screenwriter
And Russell T Davies, who ended Doctor Who's 15-year deep-space sabbatical, transformed him from a geek idol into a hero for us all and, arguably, ...

and more »

Interview Steven Moffat screenwriter - Scotsman

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 11:00 AM PDT

Interview Steven Moffat screenwriter
And Russell T Davies, who ended Doctor Who's 15-year deep-space sabbatical, transformed him from a geek idol into a hero for us all and, arguably, ...

and more »

Extended BBC America trailer for Doctor Who series 5 - Den Of Geek

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 09:48 AM PDT

Extended BBC America trailer for Doctor Who series 5
Den Of Geek
Catch an even longer trailer for Doctor Who series 5, starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, right here... The Doctor Who fun never stops at the moment. ...

and more »

BBC America Series 5 Trailer Pics

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 09:44 AM PDT

66 screen captures from the Series 5 BBC America trailer.

The Barry Letts Influence

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 08:48 AM PDT

Barry Letts' input on Doctor Who remains influential and cannot be overestimated. Letts helped create such an ideal Doctor Who for its time that many of his tweaks to the formula remain part of the modern shows formula, largely unchanged. Here are four of the biggies…

Action by HAVOC

ITC – Action by HAVOC – The Doctor

Jon Pertwee was the first action-hero Doctor. Letts' immediate predecessors, Peter Bryant and Derrick Sherwin, had injected a streak of action into their serials, but the Doctor had never gotten directly involved until Letts and Pertwee took over.

In the late 60s, Doctor Who was getting regularly trounced in the ratings war by ITV with a string of action-packed ITC dramas, such as The Saint and Danger Man. Just as Russell T Davies talks of how reality show formats fed into modern day Who, Letts saw no problem having the Doctor become a little bit more of an action man. Since then? Well we've seen less than two minutes of footage of the Eleventh Doctor, and we already know he's going to punch Bill Patterson in the face.

Silent Spring – The Green Death – Gaia Hypothesis

Environmentalism, Letts style, in The Green DeathRachel Carson's Silent Spring (published 1962) held that uncontrolled pesticide use was not only damaging to wildlife, but also humans. It popularised environmentalist philosophies, prompted JFK's government to investigate further and led to the establishment of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA, recently featured in The Simpsons Movie).

Barry Letts was one of the first producers to grasp Doctor Who's mythic potential. Myth is constantly refigured to reflect contemporary concerns. This is what the Barry Letts years are most consistently praised for. The Green Death is obviously the most relevant to the environmentalist mood of the time, co-written by Letts himself. Humanity's disrespect for nature leads to nature lashing out vengefully. The moral is that we should respect the Earth, and seriously consider it in our actions.

This prefigured James Lovelock's "Gaia hypothesis" by five years (although a number of journal articles had been published in the early 70s). Lovelock, a former NASA scientist, posited that a series of complex systems interact to maintain the Earth's climate conditions. The theory was named after the Greek goddess Gaia (the supreme mother of the Earth), as Lovelock understood we may only come to respect an Earth we personify in mythic terms.

Feminism – Sarah Jane Smith – Almost every companion since 1974

Sarah Jane Smith - icon of feminism?Barry Letts was not a great feminist. Born in 1925 he was very much a part of the pre-sexual revolution generation, the typical values of which are dramatised in ABC's Mad Men. The ubiquitous companion of his years in charge was Jo Grant, frequently patronised and belittled by Jon Pertwee's Doctor, never more so than in Letts' own novelisation of Doctor Who and the Dæmons. But bear in mind this was the early 70s. The libertarian Star Trek featured the supposedly logical Spock joking about a minor character enjoying being raped only a couple of years previously. And values do not change overnight.

As with environmentalism, Letts recognised the importance keeping up with the times. Sarah Jane Smith, the last regular character he created for the show, broke the mould of the companion. Where Jo Grant was the last of the old-style 'screamers,' Sarah Jane Smith was the first who frequently challenged the Doctor and won, the first to progress the plot independently and take action into her own hands. She carries most of Robot herself, which is still unusual for a 'new Doctor' story.

There was no going back after this. Leela, whilst appearing pre-feminist, perhaps even racist as a 'noble savage,' still stands up for herself, both to villains and the Doctor. I would argue this approach to character is one of the keys to Doctor Who's late decline, and resurgence in 2005. Peri, and especially Mel, were both steps back to the damsels in distress of the 60s. Rose, Martha and Donna, have all been elevated to an equal footing (in narrative terms) with the Doctor.

Buddhist philosophy – Planet of the Spiders – Regeneration

Rebirth, or regeneration?Looking back, the first two regenerations the Doctor experienced seem low-key. They weren't, of course: nothing of the sort had ever been seen on television. But dramatically, he just changes his face, and pretty much gets on with his adventures. Planet of the Spiders' regeneration has a quasi-religious undercurrent, most obviously represented by K'Anpo, apparently the Doctor's mentor.

Quasi-religious twists on SF concepts were very 70s (the Jedi of Star Wars…). After 2001: A Space Odyssey, star-child mysticism was all the rage in the genre. But Planet of the Spiders is very Barry Letts. Rather than just adding a mystical twist to the regeneration, the dying Doctor figures in the story for the first time.

This would remain the theme for the next two regenerations, the funereal Logopolis and the long-drawn high drama of The Caves of Androzani. Again, the demises of Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy seem such a pitiful backward step. Come the 21st century, we'd have Time Lords regenerating in a crucified, messianic posture and lots of very literal talk of being reborn.

Remarkable Specimen

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 08:05 AM PDT

Karen Gillan - One thing is for sure - the recent press launch for The Eleventh Hour has confirmed that the new stars of Doctor Who have a great working relationship. Either that or we're using any excuse to use images of Karen Gillan.

When Matt Smith was asked by one journalist at the event if Karen Gillan's Amy Pond was the sexiest ever Doctor Who assistant (and I promise, we weren't there) he responded with a quick "Yes!" before adding:

"Categorically, she is. Look at her. She's a remarkable specimen."

It's a superb response - one that I would love to have seen in person just to see the expression on the face of the Amy Pond actress.

"A remarkable specimen?" she said. "Do you use that as a chat-up line?"

Matt Smith might well use that as a chat-up line; he might even get away with it now that he's on the cusp of being recognized as the biggest star on British TV. That didn't stop Ms Gillan, from pointing out that perhaps the star of Doctor Who is embracing the role a little bit too much…

"You sound like an old man. You have an old man's vocabulary."

Scottish Agenda?

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 07:10 AM PDT

Amy PondIs the world going mad? I have one very good reason for asking - 5 years ago, fans and journalists were asking of Russell T Davies' Doctor Who: "is there a gay agenda?" in response to the presence of an omnisexual character and Davies' own sexuality and history of writing gay-themed dramas.

Now, in 2010, the intelligent questioning on the lips of one lifewire at the Doctor Who press launch was "is there a Scottish agenda?"

I mean - how on earth does anyone answer that? Steven Moffat himself struggled:

"I'd like to say there was one, but there wasn't at all."

Of course, the question derives from The Grand Moff being a Scotsman in charge of a show that co-stars a Scot and also once starred a Scot using an English accent.

I was under the impression that there were more than three Scots in the world, but there you go.

Yet - questions about the significance of the use of north of the border accents followed.

"It's not important at all. It didn't matter that David didn't use a Scottish accent because the Doctor is from Gallifrey.

"Amy is Scottish because Karen was Scottish and she gave the best audition. That's it. It works perfectly. It's not that it helps to be Scottish."

Somehow, the guy asking these questions will be getting up to go to work tomorrow. He has a job, asking nonsense like that. Lovely Karen Gillan was on hand thankfully to make it easy for the dunce.

"I auditioned in two accents, English and Scottish, and I think it worked just as well in both."

Perhaps they should have just asked him to leave…?

“I will eat my hat”

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 06:35 AM PDT

Amy Pond and the Eleventh Doctor - and a fish.There's some marvellous stuff online from the Doctor Who press launch last week outside of the usual mainstream media content (which we'll come to soon) but one journalist in particular has excelled by transcribing the post The Eleventh Hour screening Q+A

Available on the blog of Ian Wylie, the transcription of the Q+A with Steven Moffat, new Doctor Matt Smith and companion Karen Gillan is an exhaustive affair, and by reading it now you'll save yourself considerable work over the next few days reading newspapers and other sources.

With such a lot of material to read through, I'll let you click on over there now, but if you're not sure, this is how the Q+A ends:

Did you have any say in what your Doctor gets to wear? Is he part-librarian, part-member of JLS?

Matt: (laughing) "JLS?"

Steven: "A popular beat combo."

Matt: "The day you see JLS in a tweed jacket, I will eat my hat. Yes I did, I have a very active role in it and we went through various stages of development with that. I'm very pleased with that. It feels like part of my identity and it has to feel like part of your body…but what I will say about the costume is, I think this particular Doctor's costume will constantly evolve. And I think it will be varied.

(Via Doctor Who Online)

BBC America Trailers

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 06:05 AM PDT

With the UK premier of Doctor Who in just a couple of weeks time on April 3rd, spare a thought for our American cousins, who have to wait until April 17th!

Then again, after watching these superb new trailers currently showing on BBC America, you might think that they've got enough to keep them busy…

That's right - not one, but two trailers for BBC America viewers! Featuring Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Alex Kingston as the Doctor, Amy Pond and River Song (in that order!)

Doctor Who kicks off on BBC America on Saturday, 17th April at 8/9C!

(With thanks to Patrick and Cameron)

Nature's secrets find 'Sanctuary' -

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 04:49 AM PDT

Nature's secrets find 'Sanctuary'
The show's eclectic group of characters and creatures is reminiscent of the diverse mystical biosphere of "Angel" and the rogue's gallery of "Torchwood. ...

Moffat Teases new Who Season - Escapist Magazine

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 04:38 AM PDT

Escapist Magazine

Moffat Teases new Who Season
Escapist Magazine
Doctor Who's head honcho Steven Moffat has let a few juicy details slip about what we can expect in the new season. Doctor Who returns to our screens this ...

and more »

Amy Pond set to get pulses racing

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 04:01 AM PDT

Matt Smith has reportedly described the Time Lord’s latest companion, Amy Pond, portrayed by Karen Gillan, as the “sexiest that’s ever lived”. The Mirror has today quoted the Eleventh Doctor actor as saying: “Look at her, she’s a remarkable specimen.” Meanwhile, the actress has revealed that one of the most challenging aspects of the iconic role has been establishing the on screen [...]

Neve McIntosh discusses Series 5 role, prosthetics

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 03:41 AM PDT

Neve McIntosh has spoken about what it was like wearing prosthetics for her role in the forthcoming series. The Bodies actress will be appearing as a set of twin Silurians, and told The Daily Record that even with the long hours in the make-up chair it was still her dream part. “The whole process was amazing and very different,” she said. ”My whole face was covered [...]

Sherlock Holmes returns to fight crime on London's mean streets in new BBC series - Daily Mail

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 03:35 AM PDT

Daily Mail

Sherlock Holmes returns to fight crime on London's mean streets in new BBC series
Daily Mail
The BBC series is the brainchild of Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat and actor and writer Mark Gatiss, star of The League of Gentleman. ...

and more »

What's on TV Tonight: March 21 - Time Out Chicago (blog)

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 03:11 AM PDT

What's on TV Tonight: March 21
Time Out Chicago (blog)
Torchwood's incredibly dashing John Barrowman (who grew up in Joliet, by the way) begins his stint on Wisteria Lane as Angie's ex-boyfriend. ...

Doctor Who: series five trailer - Shadowlocked

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 02:56 AM PDT


Doctor Who: series five trailer
Smith & Moffat bring us the best New Who yet...? Here's the latest trailer for The Eleventh Hour. Damned if new series producer Steven Moffat hasn't put ...

and more »

Modern Sherlock Holmes series set to air -

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 02:12 AM PDT

Modern Sherlock Holmes series set to air
Now he's teamed up with Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat to bring the detective and his sidekick, Dr. Watson, about 100 years into the future. ...

and more »

Brand new BBC America preview of Series 5

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 02:02 AM PDT

Fans across the pond were given a real treat last night in the form of a brand new 60-second preview of the forthcoming series! The epic trailer will be airing on BBC America to promote the US launch of the series. It features a host of previously unseen footage from the new series, and you can check it out, but watch out for spoilers! In addition, the [...]

Scarier Monsters And Super-Creepy Doctor/Companion Relationships In New Who? - io9

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 01:09 AM PDT

Scarier Monsters And Super-Creepy Doctor/Companion Relationships In New Who?
The new Doctor Who will see familiar monsters be scarier than even before, according to new showrunner Steven Moffat, and that's not even describing the new ...

'Desperate Housewives': Preview of 'My Two Young Men' - BuddyTV

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 12:15 AM PDT


'Desperate Housewives': Preview of 'My Two Young Men'
The good news is, Angie's (Drea de Matteo) ex Patrick Logan, played by Torchwood star John Barrowman, is finally in Wisteria Lane, and he's not a happy ...

and more »

New Series Trailers

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 12:03 AM PDT

A new trailer has been broadcast by the BBC for the forthcoming series; like the first one broadcast on New Year's Day, this one features a variety of clips of scenes and monsters that we can look forward to in the series, though the broadcast date has still yet to be formally revealed, again simply cited as "Easter 2010".
There is one key difference between the official broadcast trailer and the one that has recently appeared unofficially on sites such as Digital Spy - the end shot of the Doctor has been changed from him brandishing a gun to him simply looking to camera!

BBC America have also released a trailer for the series, which starts in the USA and Canada on the 17th April. This version is a variation of the UK one, presenting a number of alternative clips to the former.

Both the UK and US versions will appear on official sites soon.

Series 6(2 Doctor 11,31,Fnarg2) and Press Pack

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 11:46 PM PDT

I got another Birthday Treat as Series 6 has been confirmed for next year, Speaking at Thursday's Press Launch, New Series Producer, Piers Wenger, has confirmed that Series Six of Doctor Who has been commissioned and that Matt Smith will return as The Doctor, as well as starring in a Christmas Special later in the year.  There is currently no confirmation whether the new companion, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), will return or not.

Series Five Press Pack

This is part of the Information released to the press as part of the usual Programme launch press pack.  It includes two interviews one with Matt Smith and one with Karen Gillan.

read more

Cannes-winning Philippine director turns from crime thriller to emotions in ... - Gaea Times (blog)

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 11:14 PM PDT

Cannes-winning Philippine director turns from crime thriller to emotions in ...
Gaea Times (blog)
50 Cent: 'I still have passion for music'. ... glbtworldnews Arts and Entertainment Blog Archive 'Torchwood' US: De-gay Jack? ...

and more »

Doctor Who: Eleventh Hour trailer - Shadowlocked

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 10:40 PM PDT


Doctor Who: Eleventh Hour trailer
Series 5 looms on us like a Dalek horde - will Messrs. Smith & Moffat bring us the best New Who yet...? Here's the latest trailer for The Eleventh Hour. ...

BBC America Promo for Doctor Who Series 31

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:43 PM PDT

BBC America starts airing the new series a couple weeks after BBC One starting on April 17th. Here is the promo trailer for it.

Torchwood star Kai inspired by cousin to help sick kids - WalesOnline

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:36 PM PDT

Torchwood star Kai inspired by cousin to help sick kids
But Torchwood actor Kai Owen's latest quest will see him run the London Marathon to help his sick cousin. Kai, who plays Rhys Williams – the on-screen ...

Scots star Neve McIntosh gets horror makeover for Doctor Who role - Scottish Daily Record

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:02 PM PDT

Scots star Neve McIntosh gets horror makeover for Doctor Who role
Scottish Daily Record
... is filming TV crime series Inspector George Gently with Martin Shaw and will come home to Scotland to star in a four-part TV drama with David Tennant. ...

and more »

BBC America New Series Trailer

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 08:43 PM PDT

BBC America New Series Trailer
News Dated: 21/3/2010

BBC America have aired a trailer promoting Series Five of Doctor Who, which airs on the channel from 17th April. The trailer includes clips that didn't make it into any of the UK trailers.

**To view the Trailer, check out the DWO News page**

Series Five of Doctor Who, begins 3rd April, at 6:25pm on BBC One, in the UK.
Series Five of Doctor Who, begins 17th April, at 9/8c on BBC America, in the USA.
Series Five of Doctor Who, begins 17th April, at 9:00pm on Space, in Canada.
Series Five of Doctor Who, begins 18th April, at 7:30pm on ABC, in Australia.

[Source: Tom Garrett (via Twitter)]

Dr Who: Smitten by the Doc in the Bay - WalesOnline

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 08:10 PM PDT

Dr Who: Smitten by the Doc in the Bay
Certainly, if there were nagging doubts present at the premiere of the The Eleventh Hour – penned by Scots-born Steven Moffat, Russell T Davies' successor ...

Who Goes There? ; Star Neve's Horror Makeover to Play Aliens - California Chronicle

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 06:59 PM PDT

Who Goes There? ; Star Neve's Horror Makeover to Play Aliens
California Chronicle
... is filming TV crime series Inspector George Gently with Martin Shaw and will come home to Scotland to star in a four-part TV drama with David Tennant. ...

and more »

I'm the sexiest sidekick Dr Who's ever had -

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 05:37 PM PDT

I'm the sexiest sidekick Dr Who's ever had
Now, her life will be transformed as she fills a role played in the past by stars such as Billie Piper and Catherine Tate. Doctor Who insiders say Karen, ...

and more »

The End of Cult Spy - Digital Spy

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 05:03 PM PDT

The End of Cult Spy
Digital Spy
The Dalek Caan-type tentacles managed to surreptitiously slither off in other directions, too. Arguably, the crowning glory in the last three years was the ...

and more »

BBC America Series 5 Trailer (Update)

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 02:56 PM PDT

Can you have too much Doctor Who? No? Well we've got another trailer for Series 5. This one is a minute long, features even more new clips and is now showing on BBC America. Unfortunately the quality isn't great, but we'll have a better one up asap.

Update: Better quality added

Thanks to WhosEleven and hiddenrio.


Third 'Doctor Who' Series 5 Trailer - Pop Culture Zoo

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 02:55 PM PDT

Third 'Doctor Who' Series 5 Trailer
Pop Culture Zoo
It's now less than two weeks before the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who and Matt Smith's debut as the eleventh Doctor. ...

and more »


Posted: 20 Mar 2010 12:14 PM PDT

UK Express
The Sunday Express was also given an exclusive glimpse of the new "Second World War" Dalek, which appears in episode three, Victory of the Daleks, ...

and more »

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in the 21st century: it's elementary - The Guardian

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 11:06 AM PDT

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in the 21st century: it's elementary
The Guardian
Moffat and Gatiss had discussed the idea of the project on long train rides to Cardiff on the way to work as writers on Doctor Who. ...

and more »


Posted: 20 Mar 2010 11:03 AM PDT

Daily Star
At 5ft 10in, the new Time Lord is three inches shorter than his predecessor David Tennant. But TV chiefs always like the Daleks' infamous eye stalks to meet ...

and more »

DWO WhoCast episode 175

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 11:00 AM PDT

James joins us for another episode sharing his experiences of the Gallifrey 21 convention.

In this episode we look at more of what went on at the con, as well as hearing the fan reaction.  We have an interview with costume designer Louise Page who attended the convention.

Get your feedback in to

Doctor Who series 5: the brand new trailer - Den Of Geek

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:56 AM PDT

Doctor Who series 5: the brand new trailer
Den Of Geek
The brand new trailer for the upcoming fifth series of Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, is right here... At the end of the press screening ...

and more »

Karen Gillan is 'sexiest sidekick Doctor Who's ever had' -

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:14 AM PDT

Karen Gillan is 'sexiest sidekick Doctor Who's ever had'
Now, her life will be transformed as she fills a role played in the past by stars such as Billie Piper and Catherine Tate. Doctor Who insiders say Karen, ...

and more »

World War Who - News of the World

Posted: 20 Mar 2010 09:11 AM PDT

News of the World

World War Who
News of the World
And Doctor Matt Smith has to give them his atten-shun in the third episode of the new series - which starts at Easter. But in real life, it looks like Matt, ...

and more »

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