Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Flesh and Stone - Press Reaction

Posted: 01 May 2010 12:01 PM PDT

Flash and StonePress reviews for Flesh and Stone are appearing with The Telegraph praising it as a rollercoaster ride of thrills and spills. The reviewer is less sure about the final scene but feels quite a few viewers might have been rather jealous of the position Matt Smith was put in.

The Guardian says it was a classic episode, perhaps even the greatest episode of Doctor Who there has ever been, with an iconic sequence every couple of seconds.

Shadowlocked feels that Flesh and Stone wasn't able to repeat the creepiness of last week's encounter. although it praises some elements of the story it feels the story exited on a desperate note, and in a positive flurry of lucky chances.

Den of Geek calls it a blockbuster episode, a thrilling and really entertaining Saturday night adventure although the reviewer feels River Song was rather under used.

Anglotopia calls the episode hot, a perfect balance of fear, excitement, sadness and triumph.

Out with the old, in with the new

Posted: 01 May 2010 12:00 PM PDT


The Daleks are back, and they’ve had some work done. How did you like Victory of the Daleks and the pepperpots’ new “paradigm”? Have a look at our TARDIS file and remember, no spoilers for episodes not yet broadcast in North America!

Torchwood This Week - May 1, 2010

Posted: 01 May 2010 07:13 AM PDT

Torchwood This Week May 1, 2010 - Volume 4, Number 12 by Benjamin F. Elliott Corrections and updates are welcome at , TWIDW on

This Week In Doctor Who - May 1, 2010 Section B

Posted: 01 May 2010 07:10 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who Section B PBS, Sarah Jane, K-9 May 1, 2010 by Benjamin F. Elliott Public TV Premiere Run: KUHT 8.1 Houston, TX

This Week In Doctor Who - May 1, 2010

Posted: 01 May 2010 07:07 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who - Section A May 1, 2010 - Vol 13, Number 15 by Benjamin F. Elliott

This Week In Doctor Who - May 1, 2010

Posted: 01 May 2010 07:05 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who - Section A
May 1, 2010 - Vol 13, Number 15
by Benjamin F. Elliott

For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media .

Additions and corrections are welcome at , , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. And now, the listings:

read more

Flesh and Stone – WOW!

Posted: 01 May 2010 05:57 AM PDT

Doctor Who - Flesh and Stone

Well, if you enjoyed The Time of Angels, you must have loved the gripping 45 minutes that was Flesh and Stone, the latest episode of Doctor Who!

If you haven't seen Flesh and Stone yet, you might care to look away now – this article may contain some mild spoilers…

Steven Moffat certainly seems to have played a blinder, giving us a cliffhanger resolution that wasn't just ingenious, it also shaped the rest of the story. Flesh and Stone is exactly the sort of Doctor Who fans were wanting when The Grand Moff took over – and he hasn't disappointed!

While the truth about River Song is a new element, we hope that it can't quite be true – but why dwell on that when there is potentially the truth about Amy Pond and the crack in the universe that is apparently following the Doctor and his companion?

As for the Weeping Angels – there is one superb moment which we're not going to go into detail about right now, but on first viewing they've been cranked up to be not just a superb one-off foe but a true modern classic!

We'll have a full review from Flesh and Stone later this weekend – in the meantime, you can catch it again on BBC iPlayer!

Vampires of Venice Trailer

Posted: 01 May 2010 05:28 AM PDT

Here's the 'next time' trailer for episode six, The Vampires of Venice.

The Vampires of Venice airs next Saturday 8th May at its earliest time yet, 6.00pm! Hey BBC, is it that difficult to have some consistency each week?

Rate Flesh and Stone

Posted: 01 May 2010 05:09 AM PDT

We've reached the conclusion of Series Five's first two-part story and the Weeping Angels have been dispatched (for now). But did part two deliver a satisfying conclusion, or was it a big disappointment? Rate in our poll and feel free to discuss further in the comments. Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Rate & Discuss: Flesh and Stone

Posted: 01 May 2010 05:01 AM PDT

There’s no way back, no way up and no way out. Trapped among an army of Weeping Angels, the Doctor and his friends must try to escape through the wreckage of a crashed space liner. Meanwhile, in the forest vault, the Doctor’s companion, Amy, finds herself facing an even more deadly attack. Our first two-parter of [...]

Next Time: The Vampires of Venice

Posted: 01 May 2010 05:00 AM PDT

It might be safe to blink again, but, naturally, there’s yet more danger around the corner for the Doctor, Amy and Rory next week, as Series 5 continues with episode 6, The Vampires of Venice! As its title suggests, the adventure, which is written by Toby Whithouse, sees the trio encountering a clan of the blood-sucking beings in the city, which has been sealed [...]

Amy’s Who-ters?

Posted: 01 May 2010 03:32 AM PDT

Spoiler warning – although the content of this news item references reports in two national newspapers, it also features spoiler details for the closing stages of the next episode of Doctor Who, Flesh and Stone.

Therefore, consider before clicking, and if you have already clicked, consider before reading on…

According to both the Telegraph and the Daily Mail, Doctor Who fans are in for a shock this evening when Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) gets flirty with the Doctor (Matt Smith). While she might not strip off (although the Daily Mail preview disc viewer evidently thinks she is about to) both papers suggest there will be complaints about the following exchange, which takes place after the Doctor takes Amy home.

The flirty companion tells the show's hero that she has been thinking: 'About what I want. About who I want. You know what I mean.'

After he fails to get the hint, she then tells him 'Doctor in a word. In one very simple word even you can understand…' before she jumps on top of him on the bed.

He yells at her: 'You're getting married in the morning.'

Amy replies: 'Well, the morning is a long time away. What are you going to do about that?'

The stunned Doctor makes his escape to the other side of the room where the Tardis is parked, telling her: 'Amy listen to me I am 907 years old do you understand what that means?'

Amy: 'It's been a while.'

When he tells her the relationship could never work, she replies: 'You are sweet doctor, but I really wasn't suggesting anything quite so long term.'

Then as if he has come to some revelation he says: 'I don't know why, I have no idea, but quite possibly the single most important thing in the history of the universe is that I get you sorted out right now'

In a clear innuendo she replies: 'That's what I have been trying to tell you.'

Of course, it isn't known exactly what the result of this exchange will be, or even if Amy Pond's behaviour is the result of something else, possibly a wider storyline by genius showrunner Steven Moffat.

(Via The Telegraph | The Daily Mail)

Return of the Blinky Angels

Posted: 01 May 2010 03:19 AM PDT

This was what we were waiting for! Steven Moffat in full flow with a great little horror tale which just builds and builds.

To be honest, this episode wiped the floor with the others. The standard suddenly jumped up a notch, and everyone seemed to be well into their stride with it all. Of course, the Weeping Angels were one of the success stories of earlier years - a genuinely original monster which was creepy and scary into the bargain. I wasn't sure though about bringing River Song back into it. I liked her in the Library story, and of course she was always a cert to return, but it all seemed a little bit like 'the best of Steven Moffat' - all we were missing was a kid wandering about in a gasmask, and a clockwork robot to make it complete.

The episode was so full of good bits that it's hard to single one out. I loved the take on The Ring, with the Angel coming for Amy through the TV screen ... the idea of Amy maybe being 'infected' by the Angel was interesting, but perhaps an idea too far as this never happened in 'Blink' - are we to assume that poor Sally and her boyfriend are now 'infected' as well? The sets were amazing, and the filming in Clearwell caves superlative. I loved the way that the story kept unfolding: so it's one angel that's a threat, no, it's hundreds of them ... I even spotted the anomoly before they did on telly, wondering why all the statues had one head when their creators apparently had two.

The reviving angels were brilliantly realised. Zombielike in their visage and slow approach, they certainly gave me the willies! I'm not sure what giving the Angels a voice achieved though - other than referencing the Vashta Nerada in 'Silence in the Library', with poor skeletal Dave forever wondering who put out the lights. Why did the Angel want to talk with the Doctor anyway? To scare him? But why?

Then there's the whole River Song question ... who is she? Seems the Bishop knows (and what a wonderfully realised idea of having a Bishop with Clerics as the armed forces. Wonderful! So she might be the Doctor's wife? Sam thought that maybe she was actually the Doctor himself ... interesting idea and I'm not 100% certain that this is entirely disproved by whatever evidence we have been presented with so far.

Parts of the episode reminded me of the Resident Evil game and film - having to go through a maze to get to a control centre, while being attacked on all sides by a zombie-like enemy. Not a bad thing to copy if that was the idea.

But we shall see tonight how it all pans out, and I really hope and pray that it doesn't drop the ball as so many other two parters have done over the last few years. After a cracking first episode, we need a brilliant conclusion! Can't wait to see if it delivers.

Doctor Who and the Election

Posted: 01 May 2010 02:29 AM PDT

Former Doctor Who cast members Peter Kay and Catherine Tate – as well as Torchwood star John Barrowman – have signed a petition to promote the allegedly bleak prospects for the BBC under a possible Conservative government.

Already this election we have seen David Tennant voicing a Labout Party Political Broadcast (which starred Sean Pertwee, son of Third Doctor Jon Pertwee).

Doctor Who and the BBC - Election issues?With polling day approaching, it has been claimed that the current opposition party has a "cavalier attitude towards the BBC's independence," although it should be pointed out that there is no manifesto pledge to make any sort of BBC cutbacks, although they have pledged to allow access to BBC accounts from to the National Audit Office.

It is difficult to say exactly how the BBC might fare under a Conservative government – given that the corporation of 2010 is a direct descendant of the one that they created in the late 1980s and early 1990s, any considerable change would be undoing what they have already built.

The Liberal Democrat party have claimed that the plan to keep the BBC "strong, free from interference and securely funded".

Curiously, however, the Labour manifesto claims that if they retain power (unlikely as things look at the moment) the government plans to "maintain the independence of the BBC… the most admired and trusted broadcaster in the world."

The irony concerning the use of the phrase "maintain the independence of the BBC" following various high profile issues over the past 13 years, however, is considerable.

(Via Digital Spy)

Repeat Ratings

Posted: 01 May 2010 01:31 AM PDT

Friday's BBC Three repeat of The Time of Angels was watched by 0.32 million viewers according to overnight figures. Doctor Who Confidential got 0.22 million watching.

Charlie Brooker on Nortongate

Posted: 01 May 2010 01:27 AM PDT

TV critic and Doctor Who fan Charlie Brooker had a great rant on his topical TV quiz show You Have Been Watching this week – directed at the whole concept of IPPs (in programme prompts) of the type that marred the end of The Time of Angels last weekend.

Featuring Brooker, Lauren Laverne, Chris Addison and Rufus Hound, the clip lets you relive the horror of Nortongate, the moment when an animated Graham Norton skipped across Matt Smith's head as the Eleventh Doctor made his famous "trap" speech.

There's also mention of the Dalek redesign, as comic Chris Addison describes them as a cross between an old Dalek and a London bendy-bus.

Incidentally, Den of Geek have an insiders view on IPPs – fascinating stuff…

April Fan of the Month profile now online

Posted: 01 May 2010 12:30 AM PDT

Our Fan of the Month for April 2010 has now been selected, and you can check out their profile by heading over to our Fan of the Month section, here. A big thanks to all who entered, and stay tuned for our May 2010 interview! Keep ‘em peeled, Lewis!

Alex Kingston hints at River Song’s identity

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 09:44 PM PDT

As Whovians across the land try to piece together the ever-growing River Song mystery, Alex Kingston has added yet more fuel to the speculation in a recent interview with TalkTalk! While she claims showrunner Steven Moffat hasn’t yet told her who the enigmatic character really is, the actress hints that she may have worked it out for herself thanks [...]

Doctor Who increases bow tie sales

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 09:43 PM PDT

The current series of Doctor Who has led to a surge in the popularity of bow ties, according to The Telegraph. There has reportedly been a 94% increase in their sales at Topman since one was introduced as part of the new Doctor’s costume in episode one, The Eleventh Hour. A spokesman for the store told the newspaper: “It appears that [...]

Flesh and Stone Clips

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 09:23 PM PDT

Whoah there! Don't go rushing into watching these Doctor Who clips unless you're absolutely certain you want to watch 3 minutes of Flesh and Stone!

Featuring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Alex Kingston as River Song and Iain Glen as Father Octavian, these 3 clips cover several distinct scenes throughout the episode – and you might not want to see what transpires before broadcast tonight.

The conclusion to the story begun in The Time of Angels, you can catch Flesh and Stone tonight, Saturday, 1st May at 6.25 on BBC One.

(Via BlogtorWho)

On The Examination Table About Doctor Who, GE, and Doctor Who: Podshock

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 08:39 PM PDT

The following is a reposted entry from my blog on the Art Trap Productions website.

On The Examination Table -

A couple months ago, the Examiner posted a video interview of Doctor Who: Podshock consisting of Ken Deep, James Naughton, and myself conducted by Chris McKeon. This time, I am on the examination table so to speak in this latest interview with once again by Chris McKeon. In it, I speak about Doctor Who, Doctor Who: Podshock, the Gallifreyan Embassy, and some of our other shows. This interview was conducted about two weeks prior (mid-March) of the BBC premiering the first Matt Smith as The Doctor story of new series of Doctor Who, The Eleventh Hour.

You can find the interview here on Louis Trapani of Doctor Who Podshock visits the Examiner again

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'Witchville' Premieres May 22nd - See a Sneak Preview Now (video)

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 05:39 PM PDT

If you listened to Doctor Who: Podshock 189 when we interviewed Sarah Douglas, you will know of our very own DWP Correspondent Amy Krell's project 'Witchville' coming to the Syfy channel which stars Sarah. We can now present you with a sneak preview of the movie making its debut on Saturday, the 22nd of May 2010 (9/8c).

Be sure to catch it next month (May 22, 2010 9/8c). 

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Just a stone’s throw away!

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 10:00 AM PDT

It’s been an agonising wait since last week’s cliffhanger, but its resolution is now just a stone’s throw away, as Flesh and Stone airs tonight on BBC One/HD at 6:25PM! The last time we saw them, the Doctor and his friends (and, for some BBC One viewers, Graham Norton!) were trapped below the wreckage of the Byzantium, with [...]

Flesh and Stone Episode Preview

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 08:12 AM PDT

Waiting to see what happens in the next episode of Doctor Who? James Whittington brings you an exclusive spoiler-free preview of Flesh and Stone!

"Look everywhere else, but not their eyes"

After last week's episode I'm sure you'll all agree that the new cast and crew had all gelled and that Doctor Who was once again the must see TV it always strived to be. Surely Steven Moffat couldn't pull off a spectacular double and present the finest two-part adventure since his own The Silent Child/The Doctor Dances, could he?

We left the Doctor, Amy, River Song and various members of a depleted army surrounded by an army of Weeping Angels. The Doctor must escape through this forest of stone and help everyone to safety.

OK, lets not try and spoil things too much but they do sort of escape only to be stuck once more. Here Matt once again turns into "chatty Doctor" with some nice Pertwee-esque chin rubbing going on. The Weeping Angels are more aggressive and more threatening than before. Remember these are living things, "They need to breath" notes River, making them even more anxious and angry. And angry they are, no more are they silent assassins, they are manipulative (remember "Angel" Bob?) and Amy seems to be at the core of their plan.

Weeping Angels in Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone

With so much to take in within the first 12 minutes or so, the story pounds along and builds with an ever increasing sense of claustrophobia. The Doctor and Amy's relationship grows and matures with a wonderful and emotional scene between the two nearly half way through. Instead of slowing the narrative it adds to it, defining each character with so much emotion it makes you ache for them and their situation.

Flesh and Stone answers many questions such as the relationship between River and Father Octavian, the crack seen across time and why Amy didn't recognise the Daleks. This plotline of Amy's lack of alien invasion recall is a real turning point which is combined with one of the most tense and thought provoking moments of the series so far.

The last 15 minutes of the episode will have you at the edge of your seat, close to the TV set shouting and urging our heroes on. Memorable moments that are injected with small but wonderful levels of humour and heart. Look out for specific clues to the future of the Eleventh Doctor, some subtle hints which are far more interesting than the Bad Wolf arc from 2005.

The payoff is not what you'd be expecting and the closing moments are Doctor Who at its most mature, it's most accessible and possibly at its finest. I cannot emphasise how important this episode is.

Don't miss this episode. Don't miss a moment. Don't even blink…

Doctor Who - less interesting than politics?

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:52 AM PDT

A report released by the polling organisation YouGov on their website claims that their survey group has found the recent leaders' television debates in the UK general election campaign to have been the most interesting things broadcast on television over the past two weeks - and specifically highlights that they are regarded as having been "more interesting" than Doctor Who!

The debates, between the leaders of the UK's three main political parties, have been shown on ITV1 and Sky News, with a final debate to be shown on BBC One later this evening. They are the first of their kind ever to have been held during a UK general election campaign. 29% of those asked by YouGov declared that they found the confrontations between Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown and David Cameron (pictured left to right) to have been the most interesting programmes of the past fortnight. That compares to 17% saying Doctor Who was the most interesting, but this still places the Time Lord comfortably ahead of ITV1's ratings heavyweight Britain's Got Talent, which only 10% regarded as the most interesting programme.

Green Party Uses Daleks in Election Ad (UPDATED)

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:00 AM PDT

A few weeks ago, the Radio Times published a new version of its 2005 "Vote Dalek" cover, this time using the new coloured Daleks to riff on the three main parties in the upcoming UK general election (red for Labour, blue for the Conservatives, and yellow for the Liberal Democrats). Now the Green Party has presented their own Dalek-themed comment on their official YouTube page.

It is unknown whether the Greens have the permission of Terry Nation's estate for this use of the Daleks; however, given the estate's past objections to humorous uses of the Daleks, it is unlikely. The BBC, who share the copyright for the Dalek image, do not allow the use of their copyrights for party political purposes.

UPDATE: The video has been removed from YouTube. For the benefit of those who did not see it while it was up, it depicted a screen divided into four quadrants; three quadrants contained a coloured Dalek (red, blue, or yellow), and the fourth contained a green rabbit. The tune of the Sesame Street song "One of These Things Is Not Like The Others" played in the background. After the tune had finished, the rabbit shot and destroyed the Daleks with red laser beams from its eyes.

It is likely that the video was removed due to copyright complaints.

Amy's Choice - Press Details

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 04:26 AM PDT

The BBC Press Office has released details for the seventh episode of the new series, Amy's Choice.

The Simon Nye story is scheduled for Saturday 15th May. It stars Audrey Ardington as Mrs Poggit, Toby Jones as the Dream Lord and Joan Linder as Mrs Hammill.
It's been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Doctor, and when he lands in her garden again, on the eve of the birth of her first child, she finds herself facing a heartbreaking choice – one that will change her life for ever.

Doctor Who Adventures - 164

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 04:08 AM PDT

Doctor Who AdventuresThis week's Doctor Who Adventures looks back at The Time of Angels and the chilling return of the Weeping Angels to Doctor Who.

There's a chance to test your knowledge of the Doctor's oldest and deadliest enemies in this week's Dalek quiz and the magazine also goes behind the scenes to find out how the Who team made River Song fall through space.

All this, plus:
• Weeping Angel mask!
• Win the chance to be editor of Doctor Who Adventures for a day
• A sneak peak at episode five, Flesh and Stone
• Subscription offer

Doctor Who Magazine - 421

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:57 AM PDT

Doctor Who Magazine 419There are Vampires, Silurians and life-changing choices to be made, in this month's Doctor Who Magazine.

Four forthcoming episodes are previewed, The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood and there are interviews with writers Toby Whithouse, Simon Nye, Chris Chibnall and Steven Moffat, and never-before-seen photos!

Talking about the new-look reptile people of The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, Chris Chibnall reveals,
These new creatures don't negate the original Silurians, they're a different exploration of the same idea. They're close cousins. And once you see Neve McIntosh (who plays Silurians Alaya and Restac) and Matt Smith acting their socks off together, I'm hoping you'll feel the idea paid off.

Also in the magazine
  • Head writer Steven Moffat gets his head flushed down the loo and tells what else happened when Matt Smith and Karen Gillan went back to school with the Doctor Who team, in Production Notes!
  • It's the most incredible ship in the entire universe – the Doctor's trusty TARDIS! Join the Watcher as he leads you through his indispensible in-depth guide to the Time Lord's astonishing time and space machine.
  • They're bigger than before. And they've had a paint job! Writer Mark Gatiss, actors Nick Briggs and Barnaby Edwards and designer Ed Thomas explain just how and why the brand new Daleks have come about.
  • The Eleventh Doctor and Amy visit a jungle planet that's full of scary surprises, as they make their DWM comic strip debut in Supernature, written by Jonathan Morris with art by Mike Collins.
  • Just who is the smart, sexy and teasingly enigmatic River Song? DWM catches up with the actress who plays her, Alex Kingston, and finds out exactly what she knows about the secrets of her elusive character.
  • DWM meets the Terrence Hardiman, who chats candidly about his sinister role in The Beast Below – and what it's like to be best known for terrifying children!
  • Just how is a Doctor Who script translated from script to screen? DWM finds out just how it done as it talks to Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Caitlin Blackwood and Steven Moffat about bringing The Eleventh Hour to life.
Out now.

Amy’s Choice

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:20 AM PDT

The official synopsis and pics for episode seven, Amy's Choice, have been released.

It's been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Doctor, and when he lands in her garden again, on the eve of the birth of her first child, she finds herself facing a heartbreaking choice – one that will change her life for ever.

So the question is why does Amy leave the Doctor in the first place and what is this 'heartbreaking choice'?

Nice hair Rory!

Do not underestimate the power of pensioners!

Get off my land!

Amy's Choice will air on Saturday 15th of May at 6.30pm (time subject to change).

5.5: Flesh And Stone - DWO Review (Spoiler Free)

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:12 AM PDT

5.5: Flesh And Stone - DWO Review (Spoiler Free)
News Dated: 29/4/2010

Below is the DWO (Spoiler Free) review for 5.5: Flesh And Stone:

Having been left hanging, on what, for some of us, could have been the longest week in our lives, we finally get to see the resolution to last week's truly breathtaking episode.

Picking up right where things left off, we're given a gravity defying resolution to the cliffhanger - but don't expect the pace to drop, as the threat of the Weeping Angels, is something that is driven through every iota of this episode.

Flesh And Stone feels like a mini Doctor Who movie, akin to the Alien franchise. We travel from the maze of the dead caves to the Byzantium and through a forest...every step of the way being hunted down by the stone menace.

At times the dialogue is a bit too fast with a lot of talking going on for large portions of the story, but with only 45 minutes to resolve things, this can just about be forgiven.

Don't go into this episode expecting it to blow the previous one out of the water - that isn't the intention here. The Time of Angels is still the strongest story to date, and its success is necessary for the events in Flesh And Stone to take things in a different direction and tone.

For those of you who have been following the breadcrumb trail of the 'crack in the wall' theme, get ready for a few answers...but don't get too comfy yet...we're given a few more questions that need answering before the story is through.

Why did The Doctor shoot a gun? What was River Song's crime, and will she survive? Why must Amy keep her eyes closed, and what does she feel she needs to tell The Doctor? Well...?...We don't want to spoil you, but rest assured, you do get answers to all the above!

  Comment on this review on the DWO Blog.
5.5: Flesh And Stone, airs on Saturday 1st May, at 6:25pm on BBC One.

[Source: DWO]

Eleventh Heaven

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 11:15 PM PDT

Matt Smith is currently on set recording The Sarah Jane Adventures, ladies and gentlemen! Yes, the actor - who's role in the series was announced a couple of weeks ago - has returned from touring the US (which was elongated due to the Icelandic Volcanic Ash incident making it impossible for him and co-star Karen Gillan to return home) and was seen with Lis at a quarry location yesterday. Exciting times!*

Here's some ever so slight SPOILERS with regards to the story - highlight to reveal:

+ Apparently it's the third adventure; so episodes 5&6.
+ No Luke, nor K9.
+ Hell, no Amy Pond (reason unknown).

And some speculation I've heard and ideas that were thrown about, but are by no means confirmed:

+ We see a new variation on the Eleventh Doctor's costume.
+ Jo Grant has a child (or grandchild) with them.
+ Jo's been keeping a careful eye on the Doctor's adventures ever since she left him...
+ A return of Eldrad? See 1976's The Hand of Fear...

The episodes are due to air at the end of October or early November.

More news at it comes in!


Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of SFX Magazine - issue 196. Aside from having the ever gorgeous Karen Gillan on the cover, it also features an article on fan's wishlist for the forthcoming series 4&5 of the SJA.

Should be an interesting read!

* Reports indicate filming took place at Cemex in Taffs Well.

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 197

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 10:27 PM PDT

"Yes. You're right. I am definitely Mr. Grumpy-Face today."

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 197
Running Time: 1:06:43

Doctor Who: The Time of Angels reviewed live over the net with live feedback (part 2 of 2). (If you haven't seen The Time of Angels yet, wait until you have before listening).

Hosted by Louis Trapani, James Naughton, Ken Deep, & Dave Cooper.

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Benny Live On Stage

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 07:13 PM PDT

Doctor Who: Podshock Recording Live at The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who Event in May

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:32 PM PDT

As previously reported, there are several New York events (and one in London) relating to the release of the book, The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who
(available now on Amazon US) (see Two of Four NY Events Scheduled for the Book, The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who) we are now excited to announce another at 7pm on Thursday, the 20th of May at The Way Station. We are especially excited about this particular event because Doctor Who: Podshock will be joining editor/contributors Anthony S Burdge, Jessica Burke, Kristine Larsen along with fact checker/contributor Barnaby Edwards (of DWNY, Who York, and who maintains a blog here with us), and contributor Melody Green.

Ken Deep and Louis Trapani of Doctor Who: Podshock will be recording live at the event for an upcoming episode. While The Way Station will have Sonic Screwdriver drink specials and will be showing Doctor Who on their wide screen TVs. Did we also mention they have a full size TARDIS there?

You can hear Anthony S Burdge report on the recent East Village Cinema event with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Steven Moffat attending recently on Doctor Who: Podshock 192 and Doctor Who: Podshock 193 as well as with Jessica Burke on our recent live shows reviewing new episodes of Doctor Who.

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