Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

iView To Get New Doctor Who Before TV - Lifehacker Australia

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 02:10 PM PST

iView To Get New Doctor Who Before TV
Lifehacker Australia
Matt Smith's first outing as the Doctor will be available on iView from midnight Friday April 16, but won't show up on our screens until 7:30pm on Sunday ...

and more »

Peter Davison Video Message to Gallifrey 21!

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 12:58 PM PST

I havent found a thread for this yet so I hope its okay to post.

Unfortunately Peter Davison could not make Gallifrey 21 but he did send in this very funny video message for all in attendance. Watch and Enjoy!

Doctor Wii?

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 12:41 PM PST

According to the Sun, BBC Worldwide has inked a reportedly £10 million contract with Nintendo to develop a Doctor Who game for the Wii and DS consoles.

The game, still in the early stages, is said to feature Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor as well as key adversaries such as the Daleks, the Cybermen and the Silurians.

A BBC insider reportedly told the Sun, "This has been in the pipeline for years. We're delighted to have finally nailed down a deal. We went with Nintendo as they have huge appeal for families and Doctor Who is very much a family brand. The Wii console is key for us as it's something families play together."

The Sun quotes David Tennant as saying that the element that kept this from getting off the ground before now was how developers treated the character of the Doctor. "The video game was quite actively developed, but it's difficult to nail as the Doctor doesn't blow things up. He's not Batman, who goes around smacking people in the head."

The insider added: "BBC Worldwide, which licenses BBC shows, has been trying to find some way of doing it. But you can't have Doctor Who blowing things to bits with a laser gun. That would massively change the nature of the show."

According to the Sun, the plan is to have the game in shops in time for the 2010 Christmas season.

Read the full article here.

Andrew Smith Returns to Doctor Who

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 12:03 PM PST

According to an interview that appeared in today's Rutherglen Reformer, Andrew Smith, author of the 1980 Doctor Who serial Full Circle, has been commissioned for a new script by Big Finish.

Smith wrote Full Circle at the age of 18. The story involved the Fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 entering the universe of E-Space. The story is notorious for introducing the character of Adric.

The new script, entitled Invasion of E-Space, has been written for the Companions Chronicles line with Lalla Ward as Romana telling the story, which features the Fourth Doctor and Adric.

Big Finish Producer David Richardson said: "I met Andrew at a convention in Glasgow last year. I was a fan of Full Circle, which was such a clever and inventive script, so I was delighted when he said he might be interesting in writing for Big Finish. It was an instant yes from me - and over the subsequent weeks we set about formulating ideas for a Companion Chronicle featuring the Fourth Doctor, Romana and Adric."

Andrew told the Reformer: "I wanted the dialogue to sound naturalistic, as if it's being spoken, not read off the page. You want it to sound like a normal conversation, not an unrealistic description of green and verdant hills, or whatever. I've done the first draft, and this is with (script editor) Jac Rayner now, while David at Big Finish is reading it. They will come back with notes and I'll do the next draft in the next two or three weeks."

To read the full interview, visit the Rutherglen Reformer website.

Doctor Wii - The Sun

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 11:32 AM PST

The Sun

Doctor Wii
The Sun
Former Doctor David Tennant said the game had struggled to get off the ground as some developers had wanted the Time Lord to beat up his enemies and blow ...

and more »

New Doctor Who assistant: Matt Smith is "completely incredible" -

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 09:55 AM PST

New Doctor Who assistant: Matt Smith is "completely incredible"
The BBC show returns at Easter with Smith taking over from David Tennant as the Time Lord and Gillan starring as his companion Amy Pond. ...

and more »

(Christopher Eccleston) - Anglophenia

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 09:27 AM PST


(Christopher Eccleston)
In 2005, Christopher played the Ninth Doctor in Russell T. Davies' revival of TV classic Doctor Who. Starring alongside Billie Piper as Rose, he took on new ...

Matt Smith's Doctor: "A Bit Like Tom Baker Minus the Scarf" - Anglophenia

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 09:27 AM PST


Matt Smith's Doctor: "A Bit Like Tom Baker Minus the Scarf"
This new TARDIS - not an obligatory accessory for each new Doctor, but required by the damage done to it in [David] Tennant's last episode - is big. ...

and more »

The Eleventh Hour screening at WonderCon!

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 09:17 AM PST

US fans will no doubt be counting down the days left until BBC America’s Series 5 premiere on April 17th, however today it was confirmed that there’ll be an exclusive screening of episode one, The Eleventh Hour, two weeks earlier for lucky attendees of WonderCon 2010! The screening will take place at the event on Saturday 3rd April. [...]

11th Hour Facts

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 09:02 AM PST

The Eleventh DoctorWe know very little about The Eleventh Hour, the first episode in the adventures of the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond - and with Doctor Who's return just a few weeks away, this is pretty unusual.

Why? Well even 5 years ago we knew that the Autons were returning to Doctor Who in Rose. As far as 2010 goes, the name of the new alien threat has only just been made available, and as far as we know, the Atraxi haven't even been seen yet.

However, facts are leaking out - there is some background information to the story in the recent Telegraph feature, such as Steven Moffat describing the story's setting (the fictional English village of Leadworth) as '…basically Trumpton.'

It is here that the TARDIS crashlands in the 60 minute episode - and with the Doctor yet to complete his regeneration, he's effectively running on empty.

'I thought it would be fun if, while he was still regenerating, he had to run around and save the world,' Moffat says. 'He's barely out of the box when he realises: I haven't changed my shirt yet and I've got 20 minutes to save the world.

'It's like trying to save the world with flu. And he does it with two minutes to spare.'

You'll be pleased to know that Doctor Who probably returns on Saturday, 3rd April.

Doctor Who preview at WonderCon

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:54 AM PST

Attendees will be able to see a special preview showing of the new series opener The Eleventh Hour at WonderCon, an event taking place at the Moscone Center South in San Francisco over the 2nd-4th April. WonderCon is an event operated by the company that puts on the annual large-scale media event in San Diego, California, Comic Con International, which BBC America exhibits at annually.
BBC America Presents the U.S. Premiere Screening of the new Doctor Who only at WonderCon!

On April 17 a new era of the BAFTA-winning series, Doctor Who, premieres on BBC AMERICA. From new lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat, the series follows the adventures of The Doctor, the mysterious traveler who, with his human companions, journeys throughout all of time and space, facing a variety of foes and righting wrongs. This latest series sees Matt Smith's debut as the new, Eleventh incarnation of the famous Time Lord alongside a new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).

Doctor Who is television's longest running science fiction series. Here's your chance to see the very first episode weeks before it premieres! Doctor Who premieres Saturday, April 17, 9:00 PM ET/PT on BBC AMERICA.
The episode will be shown twice on Saturday 3rd (the same day as the series is expected to start in the United Kingdom), at 6:30pm and 7:45pm.

For full details of the convention see the WonderCon website.

Fan of the Month Reminder

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:43 AM PST

Don’t forget that we’re still looking for a visitor to be named as our Fan of the Month for March 2010, so, if you think you’ve got what it takes, head over to our mini-section, here, to check out the latest batch of interview questions! If you’ll be entering, please try and do so by 11:59PM (GMT) on Monday 28th March [...]

BBC America April 2010 Highlights - Daemon's TV (blog)

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:37 AM PST

Daemon's TV (blog)

BBC America April 2010 Highlights
Daemon's TV (blog)
Matt Smith debuts as the new, Eleventh incarnation of the famous Time Lord alongside a new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan). ...

and more »

Doctor Who - Long Delay Before an Animated 10th Doctor Takes Us to Dreamland -

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:36 AM PST

Doctor Who - Long Delay Before an Animated 10th Doctor Takes Us to Dreamland
At the end of January it was announced that the second animated adventure of David Tennant's 10th Doctor would be coming to DVD in North America on May 4th, ...

Who is the Eleventh Doctor?

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 08:25 AM PST

Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor - but who is the Eleventh Doctor?We all know by now that Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor (and if you don't, you've had one hell of a holiday) - but who is the Eleventh Doctor?

Doctor Who returns early in April 2010 with a new production team, new TARDIS exterior and interior design and a new companion - but most important is the Doctor himself, who we've so far only seen in brief trailer clips. Other than Matt Smith's remarkable voice, we know very little.

A recent article in the Telegraph compares Smith's Eleventh Doctor two a few of his predecessors, based set visits by the reporter concerned.

"Less prickly than Eccleston and without the slapstick of Tennant, he brings an air of muddled intensity that's a bit reminiscent of, say, Tom Baker (though without the stripy scarf)."

New Executive Producer (foxy) Beth Willis meanwhile believes that Matt Smith a whole new quality to the Doctor.

'You will be sitting there watching the rushes and Matt will do something and you'll think, "Ooh, I haven't seen the Doctor do that before" – and that is really exciting. It would be dreadful if he was going on and trying to do an impression of David.'

We'll leave the last word on this matter to the Doctor himself - Matt Smith, who doesn't dwell on the differences.

'If you analyse it in that way, it ceases to be spontaneous and momentary,' he says. 'Ask me in nine months' time, when it's on TV.'

Doctor Who US Premiere At Wonder Con - Screen Rant

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 07:45 AM PST

Screen Rant

Doctor Who US Premiere At Wonder Con
Screen Rant
... on BBC One for the UK and April 17th on BBC America in the US. Want to talk Doctor Who, Weeping Angels or Matt Smith? Hit me up on Twitter @anthonyocasio.

and more »

Filming starts on Sherlock - ATV News (blog)

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 07:37 AM PST

Filming starts on Sherlock
ATV News (blog)
Mark Gatiss The drama is co-created by the amazing partnership of Steven Moffat (Doctor Who, Coupling) and Mark Gatiss (The League Of Gentlemen, Doctor Who, ...

and more »

Two of a Kind

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 07:11 AM PST

The Doctor and Amy - two of a kind?Amy Pond and the Eleventh Doctor are "two of a kind" says new companion actress Karen Gillan - the new stars of Doctor Who are both playing "lost" characters she told the Telegraph in a great feature that appears on the website of the popular daily paper today.

Interviewed during the shooting of first episode The Eleventh Hour in October (season 31 has been filmed out of sequence), Gillan feels that Amy and Matt Smith's Doctor are a pair of outsiders who come together for adventure…

'They're two of a kind. They're both a bit lost,' she says. 'Because Amy has no parents, she's this Scottish girl in an English village. So they're both lost souls that have found each other. And they both have a sense of adventure about them, and I think that's what the Doctor loves about Amy.

She has that spirit in her, and that fire. She keeps him on his toes.'

Whatever the reason for their bond, we're sure to find out through the course of the series. The article features other information about The Eleventh Hour, stuff you might known (such as the destruction of the sonic screwdriver) as well as stuff you might not (the name of the alien menace in the first episode (the Atraxi, "an orbiting crowd of thuggish galactic policemen.")

Matt Smith - interviewed in February - seems very happy with the result of The Eleventh Hour.

'I think episode one has a lovely fairytale quality to it, which is a credit to Steven. I think it's quite filmic, actually, and has a great story,' he says. And then, almost in a whisper, he adds, 'It's a good start for us.'

New TARDIS Interior News

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 05:55 AM PST

TARDIS interior?Other than this image, news of the new TARDIS interior has been vague - but a superb article in the Telegraph today reveals a few secrets about Season 31 (or Series 5, 1 or fnarg) of Doctor Who in 2010 - including a description of the new interior of the TARDIS!

Viewers and the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) won't get to see the repaired TARDIS interior until late in episode one, The Eleventh Hour - but it is apparently three times the size of the previous interior, and was made necessary by the destruction of the previous interior.

Remarkably, the interior has multiple levels - an upstairs, a middle (main) section with a transparent plastic floor and even a downstairs, fully equipped with a swing, which was glimpsed in the New Year's Day trailer on the BBC website.

Polished copper apparently adorns the walls, which the central column features a blown glass decoration and seating is in the shape of old car seats.

There's even a nod to the past - the Eighth Doctor's TARDIS, to be precise, with an old TV screen on an extendable trellis, with a 1980s computer keyboard and the curious addition of a trumpet speaker!

Of course these are just words - we won't see the full glory of the TARDIS interior just yet, but in the meantime, we can let our imaginations run wild!

John Barrowman admits to grey hair - PressPuppy (satire) (blog)

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 04:46 AM PST

PressPuppy (satire) (blog)

John Barrowman admits to grey hair
PressPuppy (satire) (blog)
The 42 year old admits he has been tinting his hair brown over the last few years to cover the grey, but recently let his natural colour grow through and ...

and more »

Author sure that fans ‘won’t be disappointed’

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 04:26 AM PST

Justin Richards, the writer of various Doctor Who novels and reference books, including The Clockwise Man (2005), Aliens and Enemies (2006) and Martha in the Mirror (2008), has revealed that he has high hopes for the forthcoming series. He isn’t worried about fans being let down by the changes, as he explains to The Coventry Telegraph: “I’ve [...]


Posted: 11 Mar 2010 04:20 AM PST

The Futon Critic
... and soon wrote for shows including the comedy Armstrong and Miller, Big Train featuring Simon Pegg and Catherine Tate and the long running Dead Ringers. ...

and more »

4 new pictures from The Eleventh Hour!

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 04:09 AM PST

The BBC have today released 4 new high-res pictures from episode one of the forthcoming series, The Eleventh Hour! The images were first revealed inside issue #194 of SFX Magazine, out yesterday, and include two episode stills – one of the Doctor, Rory and Amy and one of the Doctor - as well as two on-set photos! You can check them out below: Series 5 [...]

The Grand Moff Speaks

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 03:58 AM PST

Steven Moffat - Doctor Who Executive Producer and lead writerDigital Spy have been granted time with The Grand Moff himself recently, and in a feature they call Wholapalooza (…) they feature this week a snippet of their interview with the Doctor Who chief writer himself, Steven Moffat.

Kicking off with the first appearance of Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor, Digital Spy quiz the Executive Producer on how long it took to write.

Matt's first scene? you mean the one that appeared in The End of Time? oh I think it took me about ten minutes if that…!

Russell [T Davies] sent me the rest of the script…I just added on some fun banter for Matt!

A lesser man might have said "I'll write it". Russell said "no, you must write it"

Moffat was also asked if he "obsessed" over writing those few lines - chances are he probably felt at the time that he did, but things have since changed…

There are plenty of things for me to obsess over in Doctor Who, plenty more difficult things to worry about, trust me!

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides -

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 03:35 AM PST

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides
Dalek said its refining contribution margin was $4.9 million in the fourth quarter 2009, versus $15.9 million in the fourth quarter 2008. ...

and more »

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides - Mississippi Press

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 03:31 AM PST

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides
Mississippi Press
Dalek said its refining contribution margin was $4.9 million in the fourth quarter 2009, versus $15.9 million in the fourth quarter 2008. ...

and more »

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides - Patriot-News

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 03:30 AM PST

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides
Dalek said its refining contribution margin was $4.9 million in the fourth quarter 2009, versus $15.9 million in the fourth quarter 2008. ...

and more »

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides - Plain Dealer

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 03:27 AM PST

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides
Plain Dealer
Dalek said its refining contribution margin was $4.9 million in the fourth quarter 2009, versus $15.9 million in the fourth quarter 2008. ...

and more »

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides -

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 03:26 AM PST

Refiner Delek posts 4Q loss as demand slides
Dalek said its refining contribution margin was $4.9 million in the fourth quarter 2009, versus $15.9 million in the fourth quarter 2008. ...

and more »

John Barrowman's hair 'completely white' -

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 02:55 AM PST

John Barrowman's hair 'completely white'
By Staff Writer, • March 11, 2010 - 16:52 The Torchwood star, 42, said he had been dying his hair for years and that his civil partner Scott ...

and more »

Face facts… wide boys just cant be trusted - Scotsman

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 02:51 AM PST

Face facts… wide boys just cant be trusted
David Tennant: the long-faced actor should inspire trust. Simon Cowell: would you trust this wide-faced individual? Picture: PA Psychologists at the ...

and more »

Barrowman: 'My hair is completely white' - Wonderwall

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 02:50 AM PST

Barrowman: 'My hair is completely white'
Actor John Barrowman makes regular trips to the salon to dye his hair - because his locks are now "completely white". The 42 year old admits he has been ...

and more »


Posted: 11 Mar 2010 02:12 AM PST

Actor JOHN BARROWMAN makes regular trips to the salon to dye his hair - because his locks are now "completely white". The 42 year old admits he has been ...

and more »

Doctor Who Adventures 157

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 01:48 AM PST

Doctor Who Adventures 157This weeks Doctor Who Adventures asks remember River Song, the Tenth Doctor's mysterious friend? Alex Kingston, who plays her, tells the magazine all about it.

This week's story guide is about the animated episode of Doctor Who, Dreamland. Find out what happens and who's who, in the adventure that sees the Doctor discover aliens at a secret military base.

Brand X Files: Meet the world's richest man. 'Twilight: Eclipse' trailer ... - Los Angeles Times

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 01:38 AM PST

Brand X Files: Meet the world's richest man. 'Twilight: Eclipse' trailer ...
Los Angeles Times
(Huffington Post) "My hair is completely white" reveals "Torchwood" action hero John Barrowman: Popular actor admits to dyeing his hair and using Botox to ...

Doctor Who star Matt Smith on sonic screwdrivers, Steven Moffat and following ... -

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 01:25 AM PST

Doctor Who star Matt Smith on sonic screwdrivers, Steven Moffat and following ...
For this new run, which starts on BBC One on Easter weekend, these three have taken over from the almost legendary team of Russell T Davies and Julie ...

and more »

New Matt Smith interview in The Telegraph

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 01:07 AM PST

The Telegraph website has today published a great new interview with Matt Smith which was conducted over a period of 6 months. In it, the Eleventh Doctor actor comments on everything from the high stakes surrounding the forthcoming series to his brand new sonic screwdriver, and you can read the feature here. We’ve decided not to post any quotes as the majority of [...]

Matt Smith: 'I helped dress my Doctor' - Digital Spy

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 01:04 AM PST

Digital Spy

Matt Smith: 'I helped dress my Doctor'
Digital Spy
The 27-year-old actor, who will take over the lead role on the upcoming fifth series of Doctor Who, told SFX that he is pleased ...

and more »

John Barrowman: 'I need to dye my hair' - Digital Spy

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 12:10 AM PST

Digital Spy

John Barrowman: 'I need to dye my hair'
Digital Spy
The Doctor Who and Torchwood actor revealed that he is trying to hold back the years following advice from his partner Scott Gill. ...

and more »

An Actor's Enigmatic Hints That He's Christopher Nolan's Riddler. And A ... - io9

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 12:07 AM PST

An Actor's Enigmatic Hints That He's Christopher Nolan's Riddler. And A ...
[IGN] New co-star Karen Gillan says Amy is "sassy" and meets the Doctor in an incredibly interesting way that may determine their relationship throughout ...

and more »

John Barrowmans Adoption Plan -

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 11:08 PM PST

John Barrowmans Adoption Plan
The TV star says he and his partner Scott Gill would love to have children as he thinks they have a lot to offer a child. He said: "I'm always bringing it ...

and more »

Doctor Who Adventures 157

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 10:46 PM PST

Doctor Who Adventures 157RIVER RETURNS!

Remember River Song, the Tenth Doctor's mysterious friend? She's coming back! Alex Kingston, who plays her, tells Doctor Who Adventures all about it.

This week's story guide is about the animated episode of Doctor Who, Dreamland. Find you what happens and who's who, in the adventure that sees the Doctor discover aliens at a secret military base.

All this, and…

· FREE Doctor Who stickers

· Sontaran quiz

· The new series countdown begins!

· Subscription offer – subscribe today and save over 40%

Issue 157 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out Thursday 11 March, price £2.10

(Click image for large version)

Dr Who's new girl – in Gucci! - Highland News

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 10:12 PM PST

Dr Who's new girl – in Gucci!
Highland News
DOCTOR Who's new companion Karen Gillan has swapped Tardis time-travel for a starring role in a top fashion magazine this week. Set to play Amy Pond in the ...

The Rise of Facebook Gaming -

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 10:09 PM PST

The Rise of Facebook Gaming
Davis, with an Anglophile's dream of a British accent (think Doctor Who's David Tennant, except Davis's accent is real), is putting Facebook in context. ...

and more »

Doctor Who girl 'completely nervous' about series debut - Radio 1

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 09:56 PM PST

Radio 1

Doctor Who girl 'completely nervous' about series debut
Radio 1
Doctor number eleven - Matt Smith - will also be introduced when the show returns at Easter. Gillan said her on-screen partner would win over fans and ...

and more »

No Beatles outside Europe

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 09:41 PM PST

It has been revealed that the short clip of The Beatles, featured in episode one of The Chase, will only be included on the Region 2 DVD's and will be removed from the masters of the discs produced for regions outside Europe.

The short clip of the group playing Ticket to Ride, was taken from the BBC's Top of the Pops programme, and features as part of the sequence where the TARDIS crew look at various events from history on the Time-Space Visualiser.

The music is covered by a blanket agreement for use in the UK but this does not apply to the rest of the world. It may have been possible for the same masters to have been used for the international copies, as there is nothing in the BBC paperwork to indicate that the clip of the Beatles exists in the story. However the distributors have received so many queries about the inclusion of the clip that it became impossible to ignore its presence, so it has been removed from the edit.

In other DVD news, online retailers in the States are reporting the Region 1 DVD release of the animated story Dreamland, has been pushed back to October.

Baseball Capsules: Hunter says black Latino players are 'impostors' - Brownsville Herald

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 09:23 PM PST

Baseball Capsules: Hunter says black Latino players are 'impostors'
Brownsville Herald
Lawyers for the Yankees slugger are setting up an interview as part of an investigation into a Canadian doctor who is the focus of a cross-border drug ...

and more »

Writer Justin knows all the secrets of Matt Smith's Doctor Who - Coventry Telegraph (blog)

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 08:54 PM PST

Coventry Telegraph (blog)

Writer Justin knows all the secrets of Matt Smith's Doctor Who
Coventry Telegraph (blog)
He was also asked by Russell T Davies to change the name of a device - and book - he'd called the Genesis Casket, because Russell liked it so much he wanted ...

John Barrowman's adoption plan -

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 07:51 PM PST

John Barrowman's adoption plan
The Torchwood actor also admitted to regularly dyeing his hair in a bid to cover up his "white" locks. The 42-year-old star told Attitude magazine: "My ...

and more »

First Look: Barrowman on 'Housewives' - Digital Spy

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 07:47 PM PST

Digital Spy

First Look: Barrowman on 'Housewives'
Digital Spy
The Torchwood frontman began filming last week and now, hot off the press, we have the first look at him in action! Scroll down to see: "I'll just take a ...

and more »

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