Monday, March 15, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

See Doctor Who: Podshock Live at I-CON 29

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 03:42 PM PDT

Doctor Who:Podshock at I-CON 29Join Doctor Who: Podshock live at I-CON 29 on Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 2pm (EDT) in Stony Brook, NY.

Doctor Who: Podshock returns to the annual New York science fiction, fact, and fantasy convention this spring for another live show. I-CON is back at the SUNY Stony Brook University again this year with invited Sarah Douglas, Ronald D. MooreCharisma CarpenterTony Todd and more.

Ken Deep and Louis Trapani will be there in person and James Naughton via the net in the UK recording an upcoming episode of Doctor Who: Podshock at the convention (location: Harriman 112). Possible guests TBA.

For details and a complete list of I-CON 29 guests, visit their website at

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Desperate Housewives Spoilers: Gaby & Angie revisit their pasts in NY; Preston ... -

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 10:07 AM PDT

Desperate Housewives Spoilers: Gaby & Angie revisit their pasts in NY; Preston ...
As I reported a few weeks ago, look for Torchwood's John Barrowman to make his first appearance next Sunday night as Angie's former boyfriend Patrick Logan. ...

and more »

Full Circle Writer Returns!

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 09:15 AM PDT

A marshman from the Doctor Who classic FulL Circle, 1980After being seemingly lost to the world of Doctor Who after the broadcast of Full Circle in 1980, Andrew Smith is apparently making a return to the Whoniverse, thanks to a commission to write for the Companion Chronicles range from Big Finish.

Set for release in October, Invasion of E-Space will be performed by Lalla Ward as the second incarnation of Time Lady Romana, and take place in the era of the Fourth Doctor, Romana, Adric and K9. Fans of classic Doctor Who will recall that the character remained in E-Space at the end of Warrior's Gate - and that Smith's sole TV episode Full Circle also took place in the exo universe.

"When they approached me to ask if I would be interested, I let it slip out of my mind until David got back in touch with me to ask if I would do a Companion Chronicle.

"It's been a lot of fun, and it's brought a lot of memories flooding back, about the effort involved in writing."

Smith has in fact not being hiding since writing Full Circle - rather than writing, he instead embarked on a career in the Metropolitan Police force!

"It was nice to come back to professional writing again - it was fun because I was going to have a week off and do the bulk of the work then, but I remembered just how hard it was writing something like that -and it reminded me I'm not a morning person!"

Despite some poor visual effects work, Full Circle was a fascinating story, and we expect Invasion of E-Space to be similarly inventive!

The Greatest Dr?!

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 09:02 AM PDT

A bizarre poll has made headline news on Doctor Who sites across the web this weekend - as if there wasn't enough to talk about!

Surveying 1,000 adults, online market research site somehow concluded that the Doctor - a time travelling alien with a will of iron, a sonic screwdriver, lots of friends and a knack for science - was the most popular doctor on television.

Despite the more than slightly obvious fact that the Doctor isn't actually a doctor.

A OnePoll spokesman said:

"Doctor Who is a national treasure who has been on our screens for almost half a century now.

"David Tennant reinvigorated this fictional character and the show has seen huge success since."

Straight behind the Doctor was Christopher Lloyd's eccentric Dr Emmett Brown the Back To The Future movies, while third was Neighbours' Dr Karl Kennedy. Fascinatingly, American pediatrician Dr Spock appeared 5th in the poll, despite rarely appearing on TV in the UK since the 1970s…

Like I said, bizarre.

BBC America's Survivors: Anya gets an episode, finally - Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 08:01 AM PDT

BBC America's Survivors: Anya gets an episode, finally
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
Abby talks her round in an inspiring speech, during which we learn that Anya was actually Jenny Collins (Martha Jones! aka Freema Agyeman) former lover. ...

and more »

Karen Gillan - Panic Moon

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 07:53 AM PDT

Karen Gillan. Nice

Seemingly getting more attention on Kasterborous than many of our wives this week, new Doctor Who co-star Karen Gillan appears in the Observer today, apparently explaining what it's like to be envied.

Described by journalist Euan Ferguson as "truly and annoyingly, a lucky, pretty, talented, happy, smart, leggy, ordinary, honest, laughing girl, from a very loving family," Gillan - who will play plucky Amy Pond to Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor from Easter Weekend - reveals that when attending her second audition she had to tell the BBC receptionist that it was for a show called Panic Moon, so secretive was the casting.

The eagle-eyed among you will notice that "panic moon" is an anagram for "companion."

Interestingly, there isn't an awful lot from Fergusonin this interview - a paragraph of introduction and two fat passages of quotes.

Hardly surprising - he was probably wondering how he came to be interviewing such an utterly beautiful, charming, talented and intelligent young woman.


Tate 'targeted By Hate Mail' - Gaea Times (blog)

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 06:04 AM PDT

Tate 'targeted By Hate Mail'
Gaea Times (blog)
By WENN Police in the UK are investigating claims comic actress CATHERINE TATE has been receiving sinister letters alleging she is having an affair. ...

and more »

Hadoke on UNIT Dating

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 04:35 AM PDT

Doctor Who superfan Toby Hadoke on fitness and UNIT datingStar and writer of Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf, Toby Hadoke, has spoken to My Big Fat Geek Running recently, discussing both his favourite TV show and the subject of keeping fit.

Of course, information about how Hadoke's apparently physically fit spouse is vital on a blog like My Big Fat Geek Running - and it's rgeat to hear that he's cutting down on cheese and peanuts, has a heavy bag and occasionally runs to the door to pickup DVDs from

But we really want to know about his thoughts on how the Brigadier retired from UNIT in 1977 when most UNIT stories in classic Doctor Who are supposedly set in the 1980s…

He was working under cover in 1977 as there was a spate of intriguing grown-up schoolboys being admitted to posh educational establishments my a mysterious solicitor. After his encounter with himself, he lost his memory and forgot about his mission. UNIT didn't notice because there was an extremely long rugby match on the telly which distracted everyone.

The ending to this rather spiffing explanation is best left to the originaing website - head on over to My Big Fat Geek Running to read it…

BBC America's Survivors: Anya gets an episode, finally - Houston Chronicle (blog)

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 04:11 AM PDT

Houston Chronicle (blog)

BBC America's Survivors: Anya gets an episode, finally
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Abby talks her round in an inspiring speech, during which we learn that Anya was actually Jenny Collins (Martha Jones! aka Freema Agyeman) former lover. ...

Johnny Depp inspired by Rab C Nesbitt accent - Deadline Press & Picture Agency

Posted: 14 Mar 2010 03:27 AM PDT

Johnny Depp inspired by Rab C Nesbitt accent
Deadline Press & Picture Agency
Rab C Nesbitt, which was first aired in 1988, has attracted many high profile Scots actors, including David Tennant, who played a transsexual barmaid, ...

Dr Who complains of 'ageist attitudes' on Earth - NewsBiscuit (satire)

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 11:22 PM PST

Dr Who complains of 'ageist attitudes' on Earth
NewsBiscuit (satire)
He may yet have the last laugh however. 'The next time the Cybermen turn up I might just pretend I was too busy on Facebook or texting to save the day.'

Speculation over Corrie comeback for Bet - What's On TV

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:56 PM PST

What's On TV

Speculation over Corrie comeback for Bet
What's On TV
However she has recently hinted at a return to the show, and it's thought Collinson - who famously axed Freema Agyeman as Doctor Who's assistant in 2007 ...

and more »

Start date and time revealed?

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:55 PM PST

The BBC Programme Information site is saying the new series will begin on Saturday 3rd April at 6.25pm.
The Doctor has regenerated into a brand new man, but danger strikes before he can even recover. With the TARDIS wrecked, and the sonic screwdriver destroyed, the new Doctor has just 20 minutes to save the whole world - and only Amy Pond to help him.
The date and time have not been confirmed by the BBC Press Office and are subject to change. The series is referred to as Series Five on the website and the duration of the episode is noted as 60 minutes.

Face (of) the future? I’ll get my coat!

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:21 PM PST

Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor

As the dawn of a new era of Doctor Who creeps upon us, dip your toe in the Doctor Who fan pool and you can feel the slight turbulence in the waters. It's almost a tradition to find fans getting apprehensive or pessimistic as a new dawn rises for the Doctor.

So what of the speculation as to this new young eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith? In some respects we are in a unique situation. With five years under its belt since its return, the New Series has its own established fanbase, just as the "classic" series has – however these fanbases don't naturally sit in harmony, and I don't mean in regards to the usual gnashing of teeth towards each other – what I mean is they are actually born from very different perspectives.

Now classic fans were brought up on a Doctor who was more an archetype for an eccentric Grandfather or maybe an oddball uncle. Hartnell, Troughton and Pertwee were older, mature types. They weren't dashing, they weren't generally what one would call sexy - and they certainly never got involved in any will-they-or-won't-they romances. For the newer fans, we have a Doctor Who that is brash, flirty and full of sexual chemistry. With Tennant being this generation's Tom Baker, the tenth Doctor has become the epitome of what is to be expected of the eleventh.

For me, this is what's so fascinating about the reactions to Matt Smith. Yes, there are some classic fans who feel he's too young; that the Doctor should be that older archetype and this new series is "giving in" to this new demographic, an audience brought up on a more youthful Doctor. This doesn't mean that Mr Smith has a safe seat with the new audiences either who I've seen cited over and over as being "fugly" (a hybrid word for f**king ugly). For some in the new generation, good looks are now expected from their Doctor.

Matt Smith is not considered to be conventionally attractiveSo what about his clothes? The Eleventh Doctor's tweed & bow tie outfit have, to no one's surprise, been equally contentious. On the whole, his outfit seems to please older fans, being a quirky academic brand of outfit that befits the more classic eccentricities - though again, to a new generation brought up on leather jackets and trendy suits, their credible hero suddenly looks a bit like their Math's teacher.

So who is right?

Is Matt Smith's attire a return to how Doctor Who "should" be? Are producers out of touch with what the new target audience are wanting? Is the youngest Doctor ever taking Doctor Who too far from its origins? Should the Doctor be more conventionally attractive, appealing to some of the new fans who now look for an attractive role model? Be they new fans, or old fans, concerns abound.

Perhaps the single factor that ties together many old fans and new fans is the fear of change. It's funny that a show that is all about change - be it regenerations, new companions, or altering time, that so many fans of all generations react so badly to anything different. Doctor Who has never been about retaining any identity, but changing to another. Constantly.

I'll leave you with the words of Russell T Davies in an interview with Doctor Who Magazine in regards to fan fears about casting – in this case, Catherine Tate.

"As though by casting Catherine we were destroying the show… As if we didn't know what we were doing! After four years! All of us – Julie, Phil, David – all of us – were utterly confident of what a fine actress Catherine is and how brilliant she would be!"

My point? Uncertain about Matt's performance? His look? His clothes? New fans and old - have faith in the professionals. Believe it or not, they tend to know what they're doing.

Time Leech in Second Life!

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:06 PM PST

The Time Leech in Second Life

As we approach the release of parts two and three of The Time Leech, Doctor Who fans in Second Life have had the opportunity to enjoy the comic strip in serial form this week.

Featuring the Tenth Doctor and a new companion, Ruth, The Time Leech (Hey Nonny, Where's My iPod?) is the first installment of a time and space-spanning adventure written by Kasterborous' own Christian Cawley, based on a plot by Christian and Brian Terranova.

Artwork in the first part is by Kasterborous competition winner Justin Abbot, while Colin Brockhurst provided the letters. Former DWM editor John Freeman provided consultation.

Kasterborous readers can view part one of The Time Leech on the comic strip's dedicated page, with parts two and three coming soon!

(Image courtesy of Loredo Lowtide)

Series 5 launch details and Episode One synopsis!

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 09:04 PM PST

At long last, BBC Programmes has today been updated with the official transmission details and synopsis for episode one of the forthcoming series, The Eleventh Hour! While it’s been regarded as common knowledge for a while, we now have confirmation that Series 5 will begin its run from Saturday 3rd April! And the opening episode, by Steven [...]

Writer reveals the Scots roots behind Hollywood spectacular - Scottish Daily Record

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 08:59 PM PST

Writer reveals the Scots roots behind Hollywood spectacular
Scottish Daily Record
And the audio books have been voiced by former Doctor Who, David Tennant. The author lives in London with her husband Simon Cowell - yes he does get ...

and more »

Tate 'targeted by poison pen note' - Congleton Guardian

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 08:34 PM PST

Tate 'targeted by poison pen note'
Congleton Guardian
Police are investigating claims that comedian Catherine Tate was targeted by a poison pen letter writer. The 41-year-old star - best known for her "Am I ...

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Tate targeted By Hate Mail -

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 07:38 PM PST

Tate targeted By Hate Mail
Police in the UK are investigating claims comic actress Catherine Tate has been receiving sinister letters alleging she is having an affair. ...

and more »


Posted: 13 Mar 2010 05:51 PM PST

California Chronicle
And the audio books have been voiced by former Doctor Who, David Tennant. The author lives in London with her husband Simon Cowell - yes he does get ...

and more »

Love not in the stars for Dr Who - WalesOnline

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 04:32 PM PST

Love not in the stars for Dr Who
NEW Doctor Who Matt Smith must be from another planet – the star claims he doesn't fancy leggy assistant Karen Gillan. Despite having all the time in the ...

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Dream 'Doctor Who' spinoffs - Digital Spy

Posted: 13 Mar 2010 04:11 PM PST

Digital Spy

Dream 'Doctor Who' spinoffs
Digital Spy
But if Russell T Davies had followed his original plans, Rose would have returned in a 90 minute special in 2007 that would have centred on her attempts to ...

and more »

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