Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

City of the Daleks Preview

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 03:15 PM PDT

Here's a great preview of Doctor Who: The Adventure Games from video game show Playr. This clip features lots of previously unseen gameplay footage.

Doctor Who Tour

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 12:22 PM PDT

Brit Movie ToursA Doctor Who Tour is being launched this summer by Brit Movie Tours.

The independent London based company already runs tours based around other TV and film locations, including subjects such as Harry Potter, Notting Hill and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

The 10 hour Doctor Who tour departs from London's Earls Court and travels to Cardiff, to take in such locations as Amy Pond's home village, Rose Tyler's department store, the church attacked by the Reapers and the entrance to the Torchwood Hub. The trip includes a visit to the Cardiff Doctor Who Exhibition. Classic and new series episodes will be shown on the bus during the journey.

The tour runs fortnightly from Thursday 10th June until 28th October 2010 and costs £75.

Flesh and Stone Trailer

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 08:31 AM PDT

Here's the "next time" trailer for Flesh and Stone, the concluding part of the current Doctor Who adventure that sees our favourite Time Lord teaming up with River Song to defeat an army of Weeping Angels!

Starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond and guesting Alex Kingston as River Song, Flesh and Stone is the second part of the story begun in The Time of Angels, and is written by showrunner Steven Moffat.

You can catch Flesh and Stone this Saturday, 1st May at 6.25-7.10pm on BBC ONE or via the simulcast on the BBC HD channel, available through Freesat, Sky and Virgin Media.

Competition Winner!

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 08:22 AM PDT

Doctor Who books with Eleventh Doctor and Amy

Our recent competition to win the three new Doctor Who books featuring the Eleventh Doctor and Amy had a fantastic reception, with over 500 entries!

Apollo 23 by Justin Richards, Night of the Humans by David Llewelyn and The Forgotten Army by David Minchin were released last week, and are the first trio of books to feature the new TARDIS team.

We're delighted to be able to announce our lucky winner tonight – but first, let's remind ourselves of the question:

In which village did the Doctor meet Amy Pond?

a) Leadworth

b) Causton

c) Midsomer

The answer of course, was the village of Leadworth, and unsurprisingly we had hundreds of correct answers (although we're hoping James in Edinburgh was joking when he entered "Midsomer" as the answer…)

So, congratulations go to Kathy Woodcock who wins herself a copy of Apollo 23, The Forgotten Army and Night of the Humans – they're in the post!

We would like to thank each and every one of our entrants for their support, and remind them that while they were unsuccessful this time, we'll be running another giveaway very soon. Meanwhile, you can buy all three books from Amazon.

kathy woodcockKathe

Gallery of Flesh and Stone preview stills

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 06:35 AM PDT

Here’s a gallery of tantalizing preview stills taken from this week’s highly-anticipated episode, Flesh and Stone, part two of the Weeping Angels story! The episode airs on Saturday at 6:25PM on BBC One and the HD channel. With the Doctor and his friends trapped among an army of the Weeping Angels, they must make their way through the wreckage of a [...]

Matt Smith And His Kind

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 05:08 AM PDT

Produced with the assistance of Northern Ireland Screen, Christopher and His Kind stars Matt Smith putting the sonic screwdriver aside to star as writer Christopher Isherwood.

Doctor Who star Matt SmithA 90-minute film chronicling the formative years of one of the 20th century's most celebrated writers, Christopher and His Kind is based on the 1976 memoir of the same name.

Announcing a raft of new drama commissions (which include a film about the early years of Morecambe and Wise), BBC Two Controller Janice Hadlow said:

…the recently announced Christopher And His Kind, with Matt Smith playing writer Christopher Isherwood, [is] the kind of impactful, ambitious and intelligent dramas I want at the heart of BBC Two.

Portraying the writer's escape from the repressive English society and his suffocating relationship with his mother (Lindsay Duncan, The Waters of Mars) for the decadent – and politically unstable – world of Thirties Berlin, the drama is written by acclaimed playwright Kevin Elyot (My Night With Reg), directed by Geoffrey Sax (Doctor Who, Tipping The Velvet) and with Eleanor Moranas BBC executive producer, through Piers Wenger, Head of Drama, BBC Wales.

Given the subject matter, the chances are that this film – expected to be broadcast later this year – won't be wholly suitable for children.

Karen Gillan to appear on The Graham Norton Show

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 03:53 AM PDT

Karen Gillan will be a guest on The Graham Norton Show next week. In the aftermath of the recent controversy, sparked by Norton’s ill-timed appearance in the Over the Rainbow banner during the closing moments of The Time of Angels, the actress will be chatting to the host about the current series, in which she is starring as Amy [...]

BARB release final ratings for Victory of the Daleks

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 03:01 AM PDT

BARB have today released the final viewing figures for Series 5 Episode 3, Victory of the Daleks, revealing that the episode was watched by an official audience of 7.82million on BBC One. An additional 0.381million tuned in on the BBC HD channel, however as the episode wasn’t simultaneously broadcast on both channels, the figures aren’t being added together. It was [...]

The Finished Product

Posted: 27 Apr 2010 01:30 AM PDT

Eight years after the last issue, the third edition of The Finished Product fanzine, looking behind the scenes of the Big Finish audio adventures, is available from fan Kenny Smith.

It's concentrating on the first series of Eighth Doctor/Lucie adventures, with all-new exclusive interviews with actors, writers and the production team, as well as plenty of behind the scenes details.

It's 44 packed pages, with over 25,000 words, in the classic A5 black and white fanzine form.

The fanzine costs £2.50 per copy UK, including first class postage, and £3.50 overseas.

For ordering details, send an email to:

Victory of the Daleks - Final Ratings

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 11:47 PM PDT

Victory of the DalekFinal figures for Victory of the Daleks published today by BARB show the story was watched by 7.82 million viewers.

The total is over 1.5 million higher than the initial overnight reported figure.

The programme was the fourth highest on BBC One and the eleventh highest on all British television for the week. An additional 0.381 million watched on BBC HD, however as this weeks episode was not simulcast with the BBC One showing, the figures are not added onto the final total. Even if they were the programme would still be eleventh in the chart.

This is the first time the programme has dropped out of the top ten since the series four story, Silence in the Library, which was 27th. Since then the number of iPlayer requests for the programme have dramatically increased.

The BBC Three Sunday repeat did not appear in the top ten for the week for that channel.

Mara DVD Boxset

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 09:37 PM PDT

Classic Doctor Who serials Kinda and Snakedance are set to be released in a DVD boxset, reveals 2entertain's Twitter feed.

Starring Peter Davison as the Doctor, with Janet Fielding as Tegan, Sarah Sutton and Nyssa and (in Kinda only) Matthew Waterhouse as Adric, Kinda (1982) and Snakedance (1983) pits the travellers – and particularly Tegan – against the will of the malevolent Mara, a psychovore that manifests physically as a giant snake.

The following video reveals that the Mara Tales boxset will be made released in 2011…

There is no confirmation as yet on whether the dated giant snake will be replaced with a CGI version; however it is unlikely that this will be possible.

(You can also view this clip on

Phil Ford promises fans will be ‘blown away’ by games

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 09:29 PM PDT

LastBroadcast have released an interview with Phil Ford - co-writer of the forthcoming Adventure Games – who exclusively discusses what we can expect from the first instalment, City of the Daleks! “It looks fabulous and I think people are going to be blown away by it,” he reveals. “It opens in a London of 1963 that’s in ruins, and [...]

BBC issue formal apology for banner ‘mistake’

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 09:21 PM PDT

The BBC have today issued a formal response in which they apologise for the animated Graham Norton banner for Over the Rainbow, which appeared at the bottom of the screen during the closing moments of The Time of Angels on BBC One on Saturday. The corporation have admitted that “the Over the Rainbow trail in Doctor Who [...]

Mara Tales

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 08:41 PM PDT

2entertain have announced on their offical Twitter feed that the two stories Kinda and Snakedance are to be released during 2011, in a boxed set entitled Mara Tales. The company have released a Next Time Trailer for the set, which also features a glimpse of new CGI for the Mara's manifestation as a snake.

The trailer will appear on a future, currently unspecified Doctor Who release.

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 196

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 08:16 PM PDT

"Doctor, can you sonic me?"

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 196
Running Time: 1:02:13

Doctor Who: The Time of Angels reviewed live over the net with live feedback (part 1 of 2). (If you haven't seen The Time of Angels yet, wait until you have before listening).

Hosted by Louis Trapani, James Naughton, Ken Deep, & Dave Cooper.

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River Song’s Radio Times

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 07:55 PM PDT

This weeks Radio Times features an interview with actress Alex Kingston about her return to Doctor Who in the episodes The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone…

Alex Kingston last appeared as the beguiling River Song in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead in 2008 – in which she perished to save David Tennant's Doctor. Kingston reprises her role alongside Matt Smith's time traveller in a battle against the Weeping Angels, last seen in Blink in 2007.

Alex Kingston interviewed about Doctor Who in new Radio TimesIn this current two-parter (The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone) River is decidedly not dead. She's a younger version of the one who previously met, and admitted to having intimate knowledge of, the Doctor. Time travel can be confusing, but it does give the Surrey-born actress something of a unique perspective on the whole Doctor Who phenomenon, having played opposite both Tennant and Smith.

When she first took on the part, she spoke of the Doctor being her lover but now she's not so sure. "I was absolutely certain. That's what I'd assumed. But when I was reading The Time of Angels, I suddenly thought, "My God, she's his mother!' "While Kingston, 47, and Tennant, 39, couldn't have pulled that off, Smith is 20 years her junior. So is that how she's playing it this time? A mother/son relationship?

"Well, no, the flirtation between them still indicates they have a much more intimate relationship further down the line – and I sort of hope it is that. I hope they're married," she laughs, "Otherwise, if she's his mother, the flirtation isn't quite appropriate!"

The new Radio Times is out now.

(Thanks to Neelam)

Is This the End?

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 06:53 PM PDT

The BBC have issued a formal response to the interruption that took place in the closing minutes of the Doctor Who episode The Time of Angels on Saturday, 24th April.

Doctor Who versus Graham NortonIt seems that the broadcaster has finally recognised (3 days later) that this sort of trail is unacceptable. However the statement falls short of an apology.


Many viewers were unhappy that an on-screen banner for Over the Rainbow appeared during the climax to the Doctor Who episode on 24 April.

The BBC's response

The Over the Rainbow trail in Doctor Who should not have played out on Saturday and we apologise to all Doctor Who fans whose enjoyment of the show was disrupted. We recognise the strength of feeling that has been expressed and are taking steps to ensure that this mistake will not happen again.

Beyond the several thousand complaints lodged formally, the Newsround website was also soliciting comments from younger readers. Interesting to see that on the whole they were pretty annoyed by the animated Graham Norton during the super speech by the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith).
Mark from London said:

"I thought it ruined it because it was coming to the big part and then a cartoon popped up and it ruined the whole thing!"

Hopefully, the BBC's response represents the end of this issue, not to mention the end of in programme promotions (IPPs).

Radio Times Kingston Interview

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 05:32 PM PDT

Radio TimesThis weeks Radio times contains an interview with actress Alex Kingston about returning to the role of River Song.

Kingston last appeared in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead in 2008 – in which she perished to save David Tennant's Doctor. Kingston reprises her role alongside Matt Smith's time traveller in a battle against the Weeping Angels, last seen in Blink in 2007.

In this current two-parter River is a younger version of the one who previously met, and admitted to having intimate knowledge of, the Doctor. Time travel can be confusing, but it does give the Surrey-born actress something of a unique perspective on the whole Doctor Who phenomenon, having played opposite both Tennant and Smith.

When she first took on the part, she spoke of the Doctor being her lover but now she's not so sure. "I was absolutely certain. That's what I'd assumed. But when I was reading The Time of Angels, I suddenly thought, "My God, she's his mother!' "While Kingston, 47, and Tennant, 39, couldn't have pulled that off, Smith is 20 years her junior. So is that how she's playing it this time? A mother/son relationship?

"Well, no, the flirtation between them still indicates they have a much more intimate relationship further down the line – and I sort of hope it is that. I hope they're married," she laughs, "Otherwise, if she's his mother, the flirtation isn't quite appropriate!"

Happy Birthday, Russell T Davies!

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 10:00 AM PDT

Please join us as we send out best birthday wishes to Russell T Davies, who turns 47 today! We hope he has a fantastic day, and you can post your own birthday messages to the former Doctor Who showrunner in a comment on this post!

Interactive Doctor Who locations map online

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 09:33 AM PDT

The BBC Wales Arts website has unveiled a new interactive locations map, which allows fans to explore some of the locations that have featured in both classic and new Doctor Who episodes! For each location, there are cast and crew quotations, behind-the-scenes video and image galleries, historical background and information about how they were used in the series.

New Nick Briggs interview from DigitalSpy

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 07:08 PM PDT

DigitalSpy have released a new interview with Nick Briggs, best known throughout the Whoniverse for being the voice of the Daleks! During the interview, the actor comments on the newly designed Daleks, Sarah Jane, his involvement in the rest of the series and the forthcoming Adventure Games.

Yee Jee Tso and Daphne Ashbrook on DWP 187

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:44 PM PDT

Yee Jee Tso and Daphne Ashbrook on DWP 187

A moment of levity during the live recording of Doctor Who: Podshock 187 at Gallifrey 21 in Los Angeles, CA. (L-R) Ken Deep, two special surprise guests; Yee Jee Tso (Chang Lee in the 1996 TV movie), and Daphne Ashbrook (Dr. Grace Holloway in the 1996 TV movie), Louis Trapani, and James Naughton.

Photo by Eric Escamilla @Bullitt33

Yee Jee Tso Special Surprise Guest

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:27 PM PDT

Yee Jee Tso Special Surprise Guest

That's not The Master in a hoodie, it's Yee Jee Tso (Chang Lee in the 1996 TV movie), special surprise guest for the live recording of Doctor Who: Podshock 187 at Gallifrey 21 in Los Angeles, CA.

Photo by Rachel McCauley @Rachel_McCauley

Yee Jee Tso Bonces On Stage

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 03:21 PM PDT

Yee Jee Tso Bonces On Stage

Yee Jee Tso (Chang Lee in the 1996 TV movie) bounces on stage for the live recording of Doctor Who: Podshock 187 at Gallifrey 21 in Los Angeles, CA.

Photo by Rachel McCauley @Rachel_McCauley

BBC apologises for advert intrusion

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 02:19 AM PDT

Norton PromoAfter reports of thousands of complaints about the trailer featuring an animated Graham Norton promoting Over The Rainbow during the closing moments of Doctor Who last night, the BBC have apologised for the occurrence.

In an article on the BBC News site:
The BBC often promotes programmes in this way but the corporation has acknowledged that in this case the scheduling was inappropriate.

A BBC spokesman said: "We apologise for the timing of Saturday night's trail."

The BBC received over 3000 complaints about the incident.

A time of Angelic Viewing Figures

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 11:44 PM PDT

The Overnight Viewing figures are out for the Time of Angels.  6.8 Million watched and that's a combined BBC 1 and BBC HD number as the episode was simulcast.  it also managed to grab 36% of the viewing Audience.  As it looks there seems to be a steady number of viewers now, and the full figures will be known in 10n days.

Doctor Cracks It? (Update)

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 10:56 PM PDT

After a few weeks of obvious visual cues, there were no mysterious cracks in time to be seen in The Time of Angels (not that we've spotted after a couple of viewings). But the 'next time' trailer certainly hints we're going to get a fairly big development in Flesh and Stone next weekend.

Dialogue from the trailer -

Amy: "That's like the crack from my bedroom wall when I was a little girl".
Doctor: "That's extremely, very not good!"

Although The Doctor had his suspicions at the end of Victory the Daleks, at least he will finally realise that something much bigger is going on that connects back to the crack in Amy's room.

We didn't expect any significant progression in the story arc this early, so it will be interesting to see where Steven Moffat goes with this. And as if the episode wasn't exciting enough!

Update: Digital Spy have reported "The crack. We finally learn what it is and what it wants."

Time of Angels - Audience Figures

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 09:04 PM PDT

Time of AngelsThe Time of Angels was watched by 6.8 million viewers according to unofficial overnight figures.

BBC One had 6.5 million watching with an additional 0.3 million watching on BBC HD. The total share was 36.7%. Doctor Who was again the second most watched programme of the day with Britain's Got Talent getting 10.5 million. Third placed was Casualty with 5.5 million watching.

The cartoon Graham Norton didn't prevent over two million leaving BBC One once Doctor Who finished. The average audience for BBC One between 7.00-7.05 was 7.01 million and the average between 7.05-7.10 was 4.81 million.

Overall Doctor Who currently stands at twelfth for the week with a final top ten place almost certain.

On Multi-Channel Television, Doctor Who Confidential received 0.57 million viewers on BBC Three, with an additional 57,000 watching on BBC HD.

Big Finish at Invasion 2010

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 08:53 PM PDT

There will be lots of Big Finish guests at next week's Invasion Convention, on Saturday May 1. Appearing on the BF table will be:

Nicholas Briggs - Executive Producer of the Audio Adventures of Doctor Who, and Voice of the Daleks and Cybermen, plus star and producer of Sherlock Holmes. Nick will be signing copies of Holmes and the Ripper.

Robert Shearman - writer of many Big Finish plays and author of Love Songs for the Shy and Cynical. Rob will be signing copies of his book.

Lisa Bowerman - star of Bernice Summerfield, and director of many of our audio productions

David Richardson - producer of The Lost Stories, The Companion Chronicles and Jago and Litefoot, and line producer of the Doctor Who range.

Marc Platt - the writer of the TV story Ghost Light, Marc has written many of our Doctor Who plays, including this month's Lost Story Point of Entry

As well as selling all the latest titles, we'll have some exclusive convention-only bargains. See this link for more details of the event.

Join Us for the Gallifreyan Embassy & Doctor Who: Podshock May 2010 Second Life Meet Up

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 05:11 PM PDT

It's our spring Second Life meet up and what better way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Gallifreyan Embassy. Come together with other Doctor Who and Torchwood fans no matter where you are geographically located, all you need is broadband internet and a computer capable of running the free Second Life software.

Second Life Meet Up May 2010

Our seasonal meet ups are a fun and fantastic way to connect with other fans without even leaving the comfort of your own home. Each meet up has been grown larger and larger.

All we ask of you is to be mindful of others who may not have seen the current episode of Doctor Who that will go out on that Saturday or the two episodes prior (most countries outside of the UK are two weeks behind).

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Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius on BBC7 and BBC iPlayer

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 04:24 PM PDT

Doctor Who on BBC 7Doctor Who: Podshock Correspondent Dave Cooper @daveac had tweeted he was listening to episode 7 of "Doctor Who and The Brain of Morbius" on BBC7 radio on Saturday. 

Episode 7, Dave? What of the episodes 1-6? Not a post here about it, Dave? Oh well. 

This episode went out on BBC7 on Friday, 23rd April 2010 at 9:30am BST. It is available to listen to via the BBC iPlayer (without location restrictions) for the week (6 days left at the time of this posting).

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The Return of Norton

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 02:08 PM PDT

Norton PromoGraham Norton's second appearance in Doctor Who has provoked a storm of complaints, with many viewers upset at the appearance of a cartoon version of the Irish comic over the cliffhanger of the BBC One showing of The Time of Angels.

The appearance seems to be a bid by the BBC to prevent viewers leaving the channel once Doctor Who has aired. Last week nearly two million viewers left BBC One at the end of Victory of The Daleks. The appearance came at the climax of the episode, covering part of Matt Smith's face. Once the credits were rolling another promo for the Dorothy programme was broadcast.

A number of comments on Twitter have complained about the intrusion with critic Charlie Brooker tweeting "Why don't the BBC just wipe s*** all over the screen during the final scene of Dr. Who next week? I hope Moffat is bellowing down a phone to someone right now." Simon Pegg, who starred in The Long Game added "Congrats to the BBC for ruining the climax to Doctor Who with a cartoon Graham Norton telling about another xxxxxx talent show."

Graham Norton first made an appearance in the first showing of Rose, when crossed wires resulted in a audio feed of his BBC Three programme being transmitted across the first episode of the relaunched Doctor Who series.

Anyone with strong feelings on the appearance can make a complaint via the BBC website.

Don’t make us angry…

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 12:00 PM PDT


...Please tell us what you think of this week’s episode of Doctor Who. And check out this week’s TARDIS File

This Week In Doctor Who B - April 24, 2010

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 08:09 AM PDT

This Week In Doctor Who B PBS, Sarah Jane, K-9 April 24, 2010 by Benjamin F. Elliott Note - KUHT Houston has scheduled some of the 2008-2009 Doctor Who

Graham Norton Invades Who (Update)

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 07:42 AM PDT

Please don't do this again BBC! It kind of kills the tension when an animated Graham Norton suddenly pops-up during a crucial scene, and then starts prancing around on the screen. Obviously Norton wasn't content with ruining the opening scenes of Rose back in 2005! We'd advise anyone who saw this on broadcast take a couple of moments to send a complaint to the BBC here.

Update: The BBC have issued an apology after receiving thousands of complaints. A BBC spokesman said: "We apologise for the timing of Saturday night's trail."

Torchwood This Week - April 24, 2010

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 07:40 AM PDT

Torchwood This Week April 24, 2010 - Volume 4, Number 11 by Benjamin F. Elliott Corrections and updates are welcome at , TWIDW

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