Friday, April 30, 2010

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Kopic's Doctor Who & Torchwood News

Doctor Who: Podshock Live Show Reviewing 'Flesh and Stone' Scheduled

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 04:53 PM PDT

Doctor Who: Podshock will be once again be taking to the net this Sunday (2 May 2010) for a live-over-the-net show reviewing the fifth episode of the new series, Flesh and Stone

Doctor Who: Podshock Live Show Reviewing Flesh and Stone

He's back… and it's about time! We return with our live-over-the-net review series this time talking about the 5th episode of the new series starring Matt Smith as the Doctor premiering on BBC One this Saturday (coming to BBC America on May 15th). We will be reviewing Flesh and Stone

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Hungry for Silurians?

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:51 PM PDT

Episode eight, The Hungry Earth is still a good few weeks away but we've got some more details and a couple of pics.

As we reported earlier in the week, the The Hungry Earth features the return of classic series monsters the Silurians, after a 26 year gap! It is the first in a two-part story written by Chris Chibnall (who wrote Series 3 episode, 42). Part two now has the confirmed title, Cold Blood.

Here's the preview from the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine (out now).

Over in the tiny, remote hamlet of Cwmtaf, human science is again being bold, pushing the boundaries and asking for trouble. The Discovery Drilling Project – or as the technically minded Doctor calls it, "a Big Mining Thing"- has burrowed 21km into the Earth, deeper than ever before.

However, as Discovery boss Nasreen Choudry and her project manger/unrequited love, Tony Mack celebrate, an ancient race launch pre-emptive strikes, from way further beneath their feet than 21km. People, alive and dead, start to vanish. The Doctor, Amy and Rory face the ultimate uprising…

Flesh and Stone Episode Preview

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 08:12 AM PDT

Waiting to see what happens in the next episode of Doctor Who? James Whittington brings you an exclusive spoiler-free preview of Flesh and Stone!

"Look everywhere else, but not their eyes"

After last week's episode I'm sure you'll all agree that the new cast and crew had all gelled and that Doctor Who was once again the must see TV it always strived to be. Surely Steven Moffat couldn't pull off a spectacular double and present the finest two-part adventure since his own The Silent Child/The Doctor Dances, could he?

We left the Doctor, Amy, River Song and various members of a depleted army surrounded by an army of Weeping Angels. The Doctor must escape through this forest of stone and help everyone to safety.

OK, lets not try and spoil things too much but they do sort of escape only to be stuck once more. Here Matt once again turns into "chatty Doctor" with some nice Pertwee-esque chin rubbing going on. The Weeping Angels are more aggressive and more threatening than before. Remember these are living things, "They need to breath" notes River, making them even more anxious and angry. And angry they are, no more are they silent assassins, they are manipulative (remember "Angel" Bob?) and Amy seems to be at the core of their plan.

Weeping Angels in Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone

With so much to take in within the first 12 minutes or so, the story pounds along and builds with an ever increasing sense of claustrophobia. The Doctor and Amy's relationship grows and matures with a wonderful and emotional scene between the two nearly half way through. Instead of slowing the narrative it adds to it, defining each character with so much emotion it makes you ache for them and their situation.

Flesh and Stone answers many questions such as the relationship between River and Father Octavian, the crack seen across time and why Amy didn't recognise the Daleks. This plotline of Amy's lack of alien invasion recall is a real turning point which is combined with one of the most tense and thought provoking moments of the series so far.

The last 15 minutes of the episode will have you at the edge of your seat, close to the TV set shouting and urging our heroes on. Memorable moments that are injected with small but wonderful levels of humour and heart. Look out for specific clues to the future of the Eleventh Doctor, some subtle hints which are far more interesting than the Bad Wolf arc from 2005.

The payoff is not what you'd be expecting and the closing moments are Doctor Who at its most mature, it's most accessible and possibly at its finest. I cannot emphasise how important this episode is.

Don't miss this episode. Don't miss a moment. Don't even blink…

Doctor Who Magazine #421 released today

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 07:20 AM PDT

DWM #421 was published across the UK today, and inside there are previews of The Vampires of Venice, Amy’s Choice and the Silurians two-parter, the titles of which are revealed inside as The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood! Meanwhile, in Steven Moffat’s latest Production Notes, the showrunner reveals what happened when Matt Smith and Karen Gillan embarked on the UK [...]

Doctor Who - less interesting than politics?

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:52 AM PDT

A report released by the polling organisation YouGov on their website claims that their survey group has found the recent leaders' television debates in the UK general election campaign to have been the most interesting things broadcast on television over the past two weeks - and specifically highlights that they are regarded as having been "more interesting" than Doctor Who!

The debates, between the leaders of the UK's three main political parties, have been shown on ITV1 and Sky News, with a final debate to be shown on BBC One later this evening. They are the first of their kind ever to have been held during a UK general election campaign. 29% of those asked by YouGov declared that they found the confrontations between Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown and David Cameron (pictured left to right) to have been the most interesting programmes of the past fortnight. That compares to 17% saying Doctor Who was the most interesting, but this still places the Time Lord comfortably ahead of ITV1's ratings heavyweight Britain's Got Talent, which only 10% regarded as the most interesting programme.

Green Party Uses Daleks in Election Ad (UPDATED)

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 05:00 AM PDT

A few weeks ago, the Radio Times published a new version of its 2005 "Vote Dalek" cover, this time using the new coloured Daleks to riff on the three main parties in the upcoming UK general election (red for Labour, blue for the Conservatives, and yellow for the Liberal Democrats). Now the Green Party has presented their own Dalek-themed comment on their official YouTube page.

It is unknown whether the Greens have the permission of Terry Nation's estate for this use of the Daleks; however, given the estate's past objections to humorous uses of the Daleks, it is unlikely. The BBC, who share the copyright for the Dalek image, do not allow the use of their copyrights for party political purposes.

UPDATE: The video has been removed from YouTube. For the benefit of those who did not see it while it was up, it depicted a screen divided into four quadrants; three quadrants contained a coloured Dalek (red, blue, or yellow), and the fourth contained a green rabbit. The tune of the Sesame Street song "One of These Things Is Not Like The Others" played in the background. After the tune had finished, the rabbit shot and destroyed the Daleks with red laser beams from its eyes.

It is likely that the video was removed due to copyright complaints.

Amy's Choice - Press Details

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 04:26 AM PDT

The BBC Press Office has released details for the seventh episode of the new series, Amy's Choice.

The Simon Nye story is scheduled for Saturday 15th May. It stars Audrey Ardington as Mrs Poggit, Toby Jones as the Dream Lord and Joan Linder as Mrs Hammill.
It's been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Doctor, and when he lands in her garden again, on the eve of the birth of her first child, she finds herself facing a heartbreaking choice – one that will change her life for ever.

Doctor Who Adventures - 164

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 04:08 AM PDT

Doctor Who AdventuresThis week's Doctor Who Adventures looks back at The Time of Angels and the chilling return of the Weeping Angels to Doctor Who.

There's a chance to test your knowledge of the Doctor's oldest and deadliest enemies in this week's Dalek quiz and the magazine also goes behind the scenes to find out how the Who team made River Song fall through space.

All this, plus:
• Weeping Angel mask!
• Win the chance to be editor of Doctor Who Adventures for a day
• A sneak peak at episode five, Flesh and Stone
• Subscription offer

Doctor Who Magazine - 421

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:57 AM PDT

Doctor Who Magazine 419There are Vampires, Silurians and life-changing choices to be made, in this month's Doctor Who Magazine.

Four forthcoming episodes are previewed, The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice, The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood and there are interviews with writers Toby Whithouse, Simon Nye, Chris Chibnall and Steven Moffat, and never-before-seen photos!

Talking about the new-look reptile people of The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, Chris Chibnall reveals,
These new creatures don't negate the original Silurians, they're a different exploration of the same idea. They're close cousins. And once you see Neve McIntosh (who plays Silurians Alaya and Restac) and Matt Smith acting their socks off together, I'm hoping you'll feel the idea paid off.

Also in the magazine
  • Head writer Steven Moffat gets his head flushed down the loo and tells what else happened when Matt Smith and Karen Gillan went back to school with the Doctor Who team, in Production Notes!
  • It's the most incredible ship in the entire universe – the Doctor's trusty TARDIS! Join the Watcher as he leads you through his indispensible in-depth guide to the Time Lord's astonishing time and space machine.
  • They're bigger than before. And they've had a paint job! Writer Mark Gatiss, actors Nick Briggs and Barnaby Edwards and designer Ed Thomas explain just how and why the brand new Daleks have come about.
  • The Eleventh Doctor and Amy visit a jungle planet that's full of scary surprises, as they make their DWM comic strip debut in Supernature, written by Jonathan Morris with art by Mike Collins.
  • Just who is the smart, sexy and teasingly enigmatic River Song? DWM catches up with the actress who plays her, Alex Kingston, and finds out exactly what she knows about the secrets of her elusive character.
  • DWM meets the Terrence Hardiman, who chats candidly about his sinister role in The Beast Below – and what it's like to be best known for terrifying children!
  • Just how is a Doctor Who script translated from script to screen? DWM finds out just how it done as it talks to Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Caitlin Blackwood and Steven Moffat about bringing The Eleventh Hour to life.
Out now.

Neil Gaiman completes Series 6 script draft

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:41 AM PDT

Neil Gaiman has revealed that he has now completed the draft script for his upcoming Doctor Who episode, which will hit our screens next year as part of the sixth series, Matt Smith’s second as the Doctor. The acclaimed sci-fi and fantasy writer, behind such novels as Stardust and Coraline, and co-writer of the 2007 hit movie Beowulf, broke the news to [...]

Flesh and Stone homepage update, video introduction

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:27 AM PDT

The official Doctor Who website has today been updated with a new homepage and introductory video ahead of the transmission of this Saturday’s episode, Flesh and Stone! The concluding instalment of the Weeping Angels story sees the Doctor and his friends trapped among an army of the terrifying statues, and they must make their way through the wreckage of [...]

Plot details for Amy’s Choice

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 03:16 AM PDT

The BBC Press Office has today released the plot details for Episode 7, Amy’s Choice, which will air on BBC One and BBC HD on Saturday 15th May, at the provisional time of 6:30PM. The episode is penned by Simon Nye, who is best known for writing the BBC comedy Men Behaving Badly. It’s been five years since [...]

Doctor Who Adventures 164

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 02:30 AM PDT

Doctor Who Adventures 164DON'T BLINK! This week Doctor Who Adventures looks back at The Time of Angels and the chilling return of the Weeping Angels to Doctor Who.

There's a chance to test your knowledge of the Doctor's oldest and deadliest enemies in this week's Dalek quiz.

We also go behind the scenes to find out how the Who team made River Song fall through space.

All this, plus:

* FREE Weeping Angel mask!
* Win the chance to be editor of Doctor Who Adventures for a day
* A sneak peak at episode five, Flesh and Stone
* Subscription offer – subscribe today and get your first four issues for £1, then 25% off of a year's subscription

Issue 164 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out on Thursday 29 April, price £2.10

Amy’s Spoiler

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:30 AM PDT

Pictures of companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) combined with an interview with writer Simon Nye in the latest Doctor Who Magazine have revealed an interesting development in the episode Amy's Choice, which is broadcast on Saturday, 15th May.

We'll not divulge in plain view – if you want Doctor Who spoilers, you can follow the following instructions:

According to Doctor Who Magazine, the story takes place five years in the furture, in both the TARDIS and in Leadworth – simoultaneously!

Meanwhile, photos in The Mirror reveal Karen Gillan sat on a swing with a "baby bump".A source said:

"Viewers will have to wait and see how the pregnancy came about, but as always with Doctor Who, things are not always as they appear."

How much of this is fact and how much is speculation at this point is, unfortunately a matter of conjecture.

You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?

Amy’s Choice

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:20 AM PDT

The official synopsis and pics for episode seven, Amy's Choice, have been released.

It's been five years since Amy Pond last travelled with the Doctor, and when he lands in her garden again, on the eve of the birth of her first child, she finds herself facing a heartbreaking choice – one that will change her life for ever.

So the question is why does Amy leave the Doctor in the first place and what is this 'heartbreaking choice'?

Nice hair Rory!

Do not underestimate the power of pensioners!

Get off my land!

Amy's Choice will air on Saturday 15th of May at 6.30pm (time subject to change).

5.5: Flesh And Stone - DWO Review (Spoiler Free)

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 12:12 AM PDT

5.5: Flesh And Stone - DWO Review (Spoiler Free)
News Dated: 29/4/2010

Below is the DWO (Spoiler Free) review for 5.5: Flesh And Stone:

Having been left hanging, on what, for some of us, could have been the longest week in our lives, we finally get to see the resolution to last week's truly breathtaking episode.

Picking up right where things left off, we're given a gravity defying resolution to the cliffhanger - but don't expect the pace to drop, as the threat of the Weeping Angels, is something that is driven through every iota of this episode.

Flesh And Stone feels like a mini Doctor Who movie, akin to the Alien franchise. We travel from the maze of the dead caves to the Byzantium and through a forest...every step of the way being hunted down by the stone menace.

At times the dialogue is a bit too fast with a lot of talking going on for large portions of the story, but with only 45 minutes to resolve things, this can just about be forgiven.

Don't go into this episode expecting it to blow the previous one out of the water - that isn't the intention here. The Time of Angels is still the strongest story to date, and its success is necessary for the events in Flesh And Stone to take things in a different direction and tone.

For those of you who have been following the breadcrumb trail of the 'crack in the wall' theme, get ready for a few answers...but don't get too comfy yet...we're given a few more questions that need answering before the story is through.

Why did The Doctor shoot a gun? What was River Song's crime, and will she survive? Why must Amy keep her eyes closed, and what does she feel she needs to tell The Doctor? Well...?...We don't want to spoil you, but rest assured, you do get answers to all the above!

  Comment on this review on the DWO Blog.
5.5: Flesh And Stone, airs on Saturday 1st May, at 6:25pm on BBC One.

[Source: DWO]

Eleventh Heaven

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 11:15 PM PDT

Matt Smith is currently on set recording The Sarah Jane Adventures, ladies and gentlemen! Yes, the actor - who's role in the series was announced a couple of weeks ago - has returned from touring the US (which was elongated due to the Icelandic Volcanic Ash incident making it impossible for him and co-star Karen Gillan to return home) and was seen with Lis at a quarry location yesterday. Exciting times!*

Here's some ever so slight SPOILERS with regards to the story - highlight to reveal:

+ Apparently it's the third adventure; so episodes 5&6.
+ No Luke, nor K9.
+ Hell, no Amy Pond (reason unknown).

And some speculation I've heard and ideas that were thrown about, but are by no means confirmed:

+ We see a new variation on the Eleventh Doctor's costume.
+ Jo Grant has a child (or grandchild) with them.
+ Jo's been keeping a careful eye on the Doctor's adventures ever since she left him...
+ A return of Eldrad? See 1976's The Hand of Fear...

The episodes are due to air at the end of October or early November.

More news at it comes in!


Don't forget to pick up the latest issue of SFX Magazine - issue 196. Aside from having the ever gorgeous Karen Gillan on the cover, it also features an article on fan's wishlist for the forthcoming series 4&5 of the SJA.

Should be an interesting read!

* Reports indicate filming took place at Cemex in Taffs Well.

Who’s Theme?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 10:59 PM PDT

Apparently, over 70 Doctor Who fans have complained to the BBC concerning the recent change to the series iconic theme tune.

Doctor Who - theme tune warsDespite the show being about change, featuring a new TARDIS exterior, interior, companion and even a new face for the Time Lord, it seems that the new Doctor Who theme tune arrangement was just a step too far when it was seen at the start of The Eleventh Hour in early April.

The BBC responded quite reasonably.

"It is important for the regeneration of the show to keep revisiting the score while always retaining the haunting and ground-breaking essence of the original.

"The arranger has made alterations to the music four times since 2005, so change is nothing new."

With Steven Moffat heralding a new era of Doctor Who with Matt Smith as the Doctor and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, it was almost obvious that the theme tune would also change.

Given that the tune has had so many different styles since being originally composed by Ron Grainer and arranged by Delia Derbyshire in 1963, it seems bizarre that anyone should complain!

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 197

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 10:27 PM PDT

"Yes. You're right. I am definitely Mr. Grumpy-Face today."

Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 197
Running Time: 1:06:43

Doctor Who: The Time of Angels reviewed live over the net with live feedback (part 2 of 2). (If you haven't seen The Time of Angels yet, wait until you have before listening).

Hosted by Louis Trapani, James Naughton, Ken Deep, & Dave Cooper.

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New images from Amy’s Choice

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 08:49 PM PDT

The BBC have today released the first batch of images from Episode 7, Amy’s Choice, which is written by Simon Nye and will air on May 15th! Not much is known about the episode at present (the official synopsis will be released by the BBC Press Office later today), but from what we have already picked [...]

Schedule of Doom

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 08:28 PM PDT

As if the BBC using the licence fee to provide free promotion to Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber and his latest musical wasn't bad enough, Doctor Who continues its journey through the Saturday evening schedules next week to accomodate Over the Rainbow.

The BBC reschedule Doctor WhoThreatened by the ITV juggernaut, Over the Rainbow producers have apparently pleaded with the BBC not to be aired opposite Britain's Got Talent with the result that the Doctor Who episode Vampires of Venice will air at 6pm – the earliest timeslot since the late 1970s.

Featuring vampires, the sixth episode of Doctor Who starring Matt Smith seems likely to be pretty scary – are the BBC really treating the audience in the right manner by airing this type of content at such an early time?

Does the BBC still consider Doctor Who as its flagship show for Saturday nights follwoing the departure of Russell T Davies? Or is this a measured response based on the threat from the equally vacuous Britain's Got Talent in a fight which Doctor Who can easily win thanks to its viewers readily and regularly watching via iPlayer, SKY+ or other on demand methods?

(Via SFX)

Benny Live On Stage

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 07:13 PM PDT

X Factor Star In Sarah Jane

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 07:05 PM PDT

Lucie Jones to appear in Sarah Jane AdventuresAs revealed a few weeks ago, The Sarah Jane Adventures has recently entered production and along with some interesting guest stars, former X Factor contestant Lucie Jones is set to appear.

Despite being a potential winner, 19 year old Lucie Jones was voted out in the fifth week of Simon Cowell's pension talent contest but revealed herself to be a rarely talented singer and performer.

Speaking to free paper Metro, Jones revealed that she has a small role in an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures:

"It's a tiny cameo but apparently it's quite funny."

Unfortunately that's all we've got for now – expect to see more coverage of this story closer to transmission…

Doctor Who Tour

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 05:37 PM PDT

BritMovieTours is a company that offers tours of locations used in popular British franchises, from the Harry Potter series to James Bond – and now they're offering a Doctor Who Tour!

For £75 (£62 for kids) the tour begins beside the police box in Earls Court Underground station (Earls Court Road Exit), the Doctor Who tour takes in many of the key locations used since filming began in and around Cardiff in 2005, as well as visiting the Doctor Who exhibition in Cardiff.

The Doctor Who tour takes fans to Leadworth, home of Amy PondTour highlights include

* Find the entrance to the Hub used by Captain Jack in Torchwood
* Come face to face with Daleks, Cybermen, Sontaran and see costumes worn by Martha Jones, Captain Jack and Donna Noble and the Doctor himself at the Doctor Who exhibition
* See the department store that Rose Tyler worked at
* Avoid the reapers as we visit the church where the Doctor and Rose seek safety
* Visit the village featured as the home of Amy Pond in The Eleventh Hour, and take part in re-enacting one of those scenes
* Watch new and old episodes of Doctor Who featuring William Hartnell, Tom Baker, David Tennant and Matt Smith as we travel between London and Cardiff
* Visit the church where Donna Noble is about to get married in The Runaway Bride
* See the actual graffiti that warned Rose Tyler about Bad Wolf

Meanwhile you can plan your own outings and even an entire tour of Doctor Who locations in Wales thanks to this great Doctor Who in Wales interactive map feature on the BBC website.

Doctor Who: Podshock Recording Live at The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who Event in May

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:32 PM PDT

As previously reported, there are several New York events (and one in London) relating to the release of the book, The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who
(available now on Amazon US) (see Two of Four NY Events Scheduled for the Book, The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who) we are now excited to announce another at 7pm on Thursday, the 20th of May at The Way Station. We are especially excited about this particular event because Doctor Who: Podshock will be joining editor/contributors Anthony S Burdge, Jessica Burke, Kristine Larsen along with fact checker/contributor Barnaby Edwards (of DWNY, Who York, and who maintains a blog here with us), and contributor Melody Green.

Ken Deep and Louis Trapani of Doctor Who: Podshock will be recording live at the event for an upcoming episode. While The Way Station will have Sonic Screwdriver drink specials and will be showing Doctor Who on their wide screen TVs. Did we also mention they have a full size TARDIS there?

You can hear Anthony S Burdge report on the recent East Village Cinema event with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Steven Moffat attending recently on Doctor Who: Podshock 192 and Doctor Who: Podshock 193 as well as with Jessica Burke on our recent live shows reviewing new episodes of Doctor Who.

read more

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